Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H 4204 Concurrent Resolution, By D.M. Beasley and R.N. McLellan
A Concurrent Resolution to request the South Carolina Attorney General, together with the circuit solicitors, to assume the responsibility for enforcing the bingo laws of this State, and to request the Attorney General by January 1, 1989, to recommend to the General Assembly any changes he considers necessary in the bingo laws of this State.
A Concurrent Resolution to request the South Carolina Attorney General, together with the circuit solicitors, to assume the responsibility for enforcing the bingo laws of this State, and to request the Attorney General by January 1, 1989, to recommend to the General Assembly any changes he considers necessary in the bingo laws of this State.
04/21/88 | House | Introduced HJ-3133 |
04/21/88 | House | Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-3134 |