South Carolina Legislature


Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H*4606 (Rat #0456, Act #0399 of 1994) General Bill, By Koon, Harrell, D.N. Holt, Richardson and Walker
    A Bill to amend Section 38-43-106, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to continuing education requirements for insurance agents, so as to provide that a maximum of twelve credit hours earned in a twelve-month period may be carried forward to the next biennial continuing insurance education period, as long as the hours carried forward are in excess of the required minimum for a particular reporting period; and to provide that this Act applies to all hours of continuing insurance education taken by an insurance agent who is subject to Section 38-43-106.-amended title
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01/26/94House Introduced and read first time HJ-3
01/26/94House Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-3
03/30/94House Committee report: Favorable with amendment Labor, Commerce and Industry
04/06/94House Amended HJ-50
04/06/94House Read second time HJ-51
04/07/94House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-12
04/12/94Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-15
04/12/94Senate Referred to Committee on Banking and Insurance SJ-15
04/28/94Senate Committee report: Favorable Banking and Insurance SJ-31
05/03/94Senate Read second time SJ-28
05/04/94Senate Read third time and enrolled SJ-21
05/12/94 Ratified R 456
05/17/94 Signed By Governor
06/07/94 Effective date 05/17/94
06/08/94 Act No. 399
06/08/94 Copies available

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