
Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H*4684 (Rat #0419, Act #0628 of 1990) Joint Resolution, By L. Blanding, D. Blackwell, Boan, H. Brown, Elliott, J.W. Johnson, J.R. Klapman, J.G. Mattos, W.S. McCain, McKay, R.N. McLellan, T.F. Rogers, Washington and D.E. Winstead
A Joint Resolution to authorize the State Board of Corrections to sell timber in 1990 in addition to the annual timber sales permitted by law and to provide that the proceeds must be used for the same purposes as other timber sale proceeds are used by the Board.
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A Joint Resolution to authorize the State Board of Corrections to sell timber in 1990 in addition to the annual timber sales permitted by law and to provide that the proceeds must be used for the same purposes as other timber sale proceeds are used by the Board.
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02/20/90 | House | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference HJ-16 |
02/22/90 | House | Read second time HJ-27 |
02/22/90 | House | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day HJ-28 |
02/23/90 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-2 |
02/27/90 | Senate | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference SJ-10 |
02/28/90 | Senate | Read second time SJ-17 |
02/28/90 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-17 |
03/01/90 | Senate | Read third time and enrolled SJ-22 |
03/13/90 | Ratified R 419 | |
03/19/90 | Signed By Governor | |
03/19/90 | Effective date 03/19/90 | |
03/19/90 | Act No. 628 | |
03/27/90 | Copies available |