
Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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H*4792 Concurrent Resolution, By Cobb-Hunter
A Concurrent Resolution to honor the working men and women who have died on the job by declaring April 28, 1996, "Workers Memorial Day".
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A Concurrent Resolution to honor the working men and women who have died on the job by declaring April 28, 1996, "Workers Memorial Day".
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03/21/96 | House | Introduced HJ-5 |
03/21/96 | House | Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-5 |
04/03/96 | House | Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-4 |
04/03/96 | House | Adopted, sent to Senate HJ-5 |
04/04/96 | Senate | Introduced SJ-17 |
04/04/96 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Invitations SJ-17 |
04/17/96 | Senate | Polled favorable from Invitations SJ-17 |
04/23/96 | Senate | Adopted, returned to House with concurrence SJ-58 |