
Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H 4981 General Bill, By Davenport
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 8 to Title 6 so as to provide for the registration of municipal and county building codes enforcement officers by setting forth definitions, duties of the Building Codes Council, requirements of registration, practice, and renewal, and remedies and penalties for violations; and to amend Chapter 9, Title 6, as amended, relating to building codes, so as to revise the authorization for and scope of municipal and county building codes, regulations, and regional agreements, provide exceptions, provide for the appointment of a municipal and county building official and establishment of a building inspection program, revise the procedures for the adoption of codes and standards, revise the membership and officers of the Council, revise penalties, delete the reference to the adoption of codes before May 1, 1982, and provide for the effect of the provisions on the authority of local building officials, the State Fire Marshal, and the Commissioner of Labor.
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 8 to Title 6 so as to provide for the registration of municipal and county building codes enforcement officers by setting forth definitions, duties of the Building Codes Council, requirements of registration, practice, and renewal, and remedies and penalties for violations; and to amend Chapter 9, Title 6, as amended, relating to building codes, so as to revise the authorization for and scope of municipal and county building codes, regulations, and regional agreements, provide exceptions, provide for the appointment of a municipal and county building official and establishment of a building inspection program, revise the procedures for the adoption of codes and standards, revise the membership and officers of the Council, revise penalties, delete the reference to the adoption of codes before May 1, 1982, and provide for the effect of the provisions on the authority of local building officials, the State Fire Marshal, and the Commissioner of Labor.
04/11/90 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-8 |
04/11/90 | House | Referred to Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-8 |
04/25/90 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-21 |
05/03/90 | House | Objection by Rep. Smith, McAbee, McLeod & Hendricks HJ-17 |
05/10/90 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Smith HJ-30 |
05/30/90 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Hendricks HJ-25 |
06/04/90 | House | Objection by Rep. Kirsh HJ-37 |