South Carolina Legislature


Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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S*0509 Concurrent Resolution, By Wilson, M.T. Rose and Thomas
    A Concurrent Resolution memorializing the Congress of the United States to increase the federal income tax exemption for dependent children to five thousand dollars by 1995 with an immediate increase to three thousand dollars and to allow a federal income tax credit of one thousand dollars for each child under five years of age in low-income, working families in which at least one parent is employed.
03/14/89Senate Introduced SJ-5
03/14/89Senate Referred to Committee on Medical Affairs SJ-5
04/20/89Senate Committee report: Favorable Medical Affairs SJ-13
04/25/89Senate Adopted SJ-48
04/25/89Senate Sent to the House SJ-48
04/26/89House Introduced HJ-8
04/26/89House Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-8
02/01/90House Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-33
02/07/90House Adopted HJ-36
02/07/90House Returned to Senate with concurrence HJ-37

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