
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H*5157 Resolution, By W.D. Keyserling and Richardson
A House Resolution to commend Governor Campbell, Senator Thurmond, and Senator Hollings for taking a strong stance against South Carolina becoming the world's nuclear dumping ground and to express its extreme disappointment and dismay that the President of the United States and the United States Department of Energy have adopted a policy of sending international nuclear waste to the Savannah River site, rather than a site that is superior in terms of equity, fairness, and environmental risk.
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A House Resolution to commend Governor Campbell, Senator Thurmond, and Senator Hollings for taking a strong stance against South Carolina becoming the world's nuclear dumping ground and to express its extreme disappointment and dismay that the President of the United States and the United States Department of Energy have adopted a policy of sending international nuclear waste to the Savannah River site, rather than a site that is superior in terms of equity, fairness, and environmental risk.
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04/26/94 | House | Introduced and adopted HJ-24 |