
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H*5164 Concurrent Resolution, By Alexander
A Concurrent Resolution to recognize the week of May 1-7, 1994, as "Association Week", as proclaimed by the Governor, honoring the nonprofit national, regional, state, and local trade associations, professional societies, and community service organizations in South Carolina.
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A Concurrent Resolution to recognize the week of May 1-7, 1994, as "Association Week", as proclaimed by the Governor, honoring the nonprofit national, regional, state, and local trade associations, professional societies, and community service organizations in South Carolina.
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04/27/94 | House | Introduced, adopted, sent to Senate HJ-13 |
04/27/94 | Senate | Introduced SJ-7 |
04/27/94 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Invitations SJ-7 |
05/03/94 | Senate | Polled out of committee Invitations SJ-18 |
05/03/94 | Senate | Favorable SJ-18 |
05/04/94 | Senate | Adopted, returned to House with concurrence SJ-25 |