
Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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S*0707 (Rat #0179, Act #0113 of 1991) General Bill, By Senate Banking and Insurance
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 38-73-1425 so as to provide for the final rate or premium charge for a private passenger automobile insurance risk ceded to the Reinsurance Facility; to amend Section 38-73-455, relating to automobile insurance rates, so as to limit the prohibition on member companies of an affiliated group of automobile insurers in utilizing different filed rates; to amend Section 38-77-280, as amended, relating to automobile collision and comprehensive coverage, so as to authorize the refusal to write certain coverage; and to amend Section 38-77-950, as amended, relating to use of the Reinsurance Facility by an insurer, so as to require notice to policyholders of certain risks ceded to the Facility.
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A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 38-73-1425 so as to provide for the final rate or premium charge for a private passenger automobile insurance risk ceded to the Reinsurance Facility; to amend Section 38-73-455, relating to automobile insurance rates, so as to limit the prohibition on member companies of an affiliated group of automobile insurers in utilizing different filed rates; to amend Section 38-77-280, as amended, relating to automobile collision and comprehensive coverage, so as to authorize the refusal to write certain coverage; and to amend Section 38-77-950, as amended, relating to use of the Reinsurance Facility by an insurer, so as to require notice to policyholders of certain risks ceded to the Facility.
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02/26/91 | Senate | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference SJ-6 |
03/28/91 | Senate | Read second time SJ-15 |
03/28/91 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-15 |
04/03/91 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-14 |
04/04/91 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-7 |
04/04/91 | House | Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-7 |
05/01/91 | House | Committee report: Favorable Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-8 |
05/09/91 | House | Debate adjourned until Wednesday, May 15, 1991 HJ-5 |
05/15/91 | House | Amended HJ-21 |
05/15/91 | House | Objection by Rep. Gentry & Beatty HJ-23 |
05/15/91 | House | Read second time HJ-23 |
05/16/91 | House | Objection by Rep. Kempe HJ-5 |
05/16/91 | House | Reconsider vote whereby read second time HJ-6 |
05/16/91 | House | Objection by Rep. Rogers & White HJ-13 |
05/16/91 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. White HJ-13 |
05/16/91 | House | Objection by Rep. D. Martin & Keyserling HJ-13 |
05/22/91 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Gentry, Rogers & Keyserlin HJ-140 |
05/22/91 | House | Objection by Rep. Whipper HJ-158 |
05/22/91 | House | Amendment reconsidered and tabled HJ-158 |
05/22/91 | House | Objection by Rep. J. Brown & Scott HJ-158 |
05/23/91 | House | Special order, set for Thursday, May 23, 1991 at 10:30 a.m. (Under H 4023) HJ-26 |
05/23/91 | House | Read second time HJ-27 |
05/28/91 | House | Read third time and enrolled HJ-25 |
05/30/91 | Ratified R 179 | |
06/05/91 | Signed By Governor | |
06/05/91 | Effective date 10/01/91 | |
06/05/91 | Act No. 113 | |
06/05/91 | See act for exception to or explanation of effective date | |
07/18/91 | Copies available |