
Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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S*0935 (Rat #0200, Act #0131 of 1991) General Bill, By Senate Banking and Insurance
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 38-57-45 so as to provide requirements for solicitation material by insurance agencies, insurers, and health maintenance organizations; to amend the 1976 Code by adding Section 38-71-325 so as to provide for additional requirements for the approval of individual major medical expense coverage policies; to amend the 1976 Code by adding Section 38-71-650 so as to grant to any person purchasing an individual accident, health, or accident and health insurance policy after July 1, 1991, the right to transfer to any other individual policy of equal or lesser benefits offered for sale by the insurer at the time the transfer is sought, with waiting periods and preexisting condition periods to be served after the transfer; to amend Article 5, Chapter 71, Title 38, relating to group accident and health insurance by adding Subarticle 3, so as to provide for certain mechanisms whereby health insurance coverage is made available to small employers; to amend Section 38-71-730, as amended, relating to requirements for group accident, group health, and group accident and health insurance policies, so as to reduce the size of the groups for which individual evidence of insurability may not be required, to further provide for this group coverage, and to require an insurer under certain conditions to give credit for the satisfaction of a preexisting condition period if a covered person moves from one insured group to another; to amend Section 38-71-760, relating to standards for group accident and health insurance coverage, so as to reduce the required size of certain groups to which various discontinuance and replacement provisions apply, and to establish when a replacement carrier becomes a succeeding carrier; and to amend Section 38-71-770, as amended, relating to mandatory continuation and conversion privileges for accident and health insurance policies, so as to establish the standard by which a group policy becomes a successor policy.-amended title
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A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 38-57-45 so as to provide requirements for solicitation material by insurance agencies, insurers, and health maintenance organizations; to amend the 1976 Code by adding Section 38-71-325 so as to provide for additional requirements for the approval of individual major medical expense coverage policies; to amend the 1976 Code by adding Section 38-71-650 so as to grant to any person purchasing an individual accident, health, or accident and health insurance policy after July 1, 1991, the right to transfer to any other individual policy of equal or lesser benefits offered for sale by the insurer at the time the transfer is sought, with waiting periods and preexisting condition periods to be served after the transfer; to amend Article 5, Chapter 71, Title 38, relating to group accident and health insurance by adding Subarticle 3, so as to provide for certain mechanisms whereby health insurance coverage is made available to small employers; to amend Section 38-71-730, as amended, relating to requirements for group accident, group health, and group accident and health insurance policies, so as to reduce the size of the groups for which individual evidence of insurability may not be required, to further provide for this group coverage, and to require an insurer under certain conditions to give credit for the satisfaction of a preexisting condition period if a covered person moves from one insured group to another; to amend Section 38-71-760, relating to standards for group accident and health insurance coverage, so as to reduce the required size of certain groups to which various discontinuance and replacement provisions apply, and to establish when a replacement carrier becomes a succeeding carrier; and to amend Section 38-71-770, as amended, relating to mandatory continuation and conversion privileges for accident and health insurance policies, so as to establish the standard by which a group policy becomes a successor policy.-amended title
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04/25/91 | Senate | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference SJ-15 |
04/26/91 | Senate | Amended SJ-7 |
04/26/91 | Senate | Read second time SJ-7 |
04/29/91 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-13 |
04/30/91 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-20 |
04/30/91 | House | Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-20 |
05/08/91 | House | Recalled from Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-32 |
05/16/91 | House | Amended HJ-14 |
05/16/91 | House | Read second time HJ-25 |
05/16/91 | House | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day HJ-26 |
05/17/91 | House | Read third time and returned to Senate with amendments HJ-63 |
05/21/91 | Senate | Concurred in House amendment and enrolled SJ-119 |
05/27/91 | Senate | Ratification rescinded SJ-32 |
05/30/91 | Senate | Request House to rescind ratification SJ-37 |
06/05/91 | House | Point of order- Rescind. rat. can only be done by adoption of Conc.Res. HJ-3 |
06/05/91 | Senate | Concurrent Res. introduced to rescind ratification |
06/05/91 | House | Concurrent Res. (S.1034) to rescind ratification table HJ-36 |
06/06/91 | Ratified R 200 | |
06/12/91 | Signed By Governor | |
06/12/91 | Act No. 131 | |
06/12/91 | See act for exception to or explanation of effective date | |
07/18/91 | Copies available |