South Carolina Legislature

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 51 - Parks, Recreation and Tourism


Hunting Island, Beaufort County

SECTION 51-7-10.Development and regulation of Hunting Island.

The Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism may develop Hunting Island, in Beaufort County, as a pleasure and health resort primarily for the benefit of the citizens of this State. It may divide said island into areas and zones and may establish public camping sites, playgrounds and recreation centers. It shall have complete authority to regulate and prescribe the uses to which the island and its respective zones and areas may be put.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-241; 1952 Code Section 51-241; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785.

SECTION 51-7-30.Streets and roads; water supply system.

The department may construct and maintain streets and roads throughout the island. It also may construct and operate a water supply system within the island.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-243; 1952 Code Section 51-243; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785; 2021 Act No. 73 (H.3545), Section 1, eff May 17, 2021.

Effect of Amendment

2021 Act No. 73, Section 1, rewrote the section.

SECTION 51-7-40.Recreation centers; camping areas.

The Department may set aside such portion of the island as it deems proper for recreation centers, may establish camping areas and may provide suitable facilities for the proper development of those areas. Reasonable rates and charges may be made for the services and facilities afforded.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-244; 1952 Code Section 51-244; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785.

SECTION 51-7-50.Issuance of revenue obligations.

In order to obtain funds to construct streets and roads on said island, to construct a water supply system, to lay out and subdivide the island, to develop it for the purposes herein set forth and to provide any service or facilities herein authorized, the Department may from time to time issue and sell bonds or notes, payable from the revenues to be derived from the operation of the projects which it is authorized to undertake or operate, secured in the manner herein provided for. Such bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the Department.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-245; 1952 Code Section 51-245; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785.

SECTION 51-7-60.Terms of revenue obligations.

Any such obligations may be issued in one or more series, may bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, not exceeding forty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or rates, not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semiannually, be in such denominations and in such form, be executed in such manner and be payable in such medium of payment at such place or places as such resolution may provide.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-246; 1952 Code Section 51-246; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785.

SECTION 51-7-70.Payment of revenue obligations.

In order to secure the payment of any obligations issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and such interest as may accrue thereon, the department may:

(1) Pledge all or any part of its revenues derived from the operation of said island or any facility or service furnished by it on said island; and

(2) Enter into any covenant and do any and all acts and things necessary or desirable to secure its obligations or which, in the discretion of the department, tend to make the obligations more marketable, notwithstanding that such covenant may restrict or interfere with the exercise of the powers herein granted, it being the intention hereof to give to the department power to do all things in the issuance of bonds for their security that a private business corporation could do under the general laws of this State.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-247; 1952 Code Section 51-247; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785; 2021 Act No. 73 (H.3545), Section 2, eff May 17, 2021.

Effect of Amendment

2021 Act No. 73, Section 2, deleted (2) to (4), which related to certain actions the department might have undertaken to secure payment of obligations, redesignated (5) as (2), and made nonsubstantive changes throughout.

SECTION 51-7-80.Holders of revenue obligations; additional rights.

In addition to all other rights and remedies, any holders of the revenue bonds of the Department, including their trustee or trustees, may by mandamus or other suit, action or proceeding require the Department to fix and collect such rates, charges and rentals as will be sufficient to carry out any agreement concerning, or pledge of, the revenues produced by any service or facility furnished by the Department.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-248; 1952 Code Section 51-248; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785.

SECTION 51-7-90.Revenue obligations exempt from taxes.

The bonds and interest coupons issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be exempt from all taxes levied by the State or any municipal corporation therein.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-249; 1952 Code Section 51-249; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785.

SECTION 51-7-100.Revenue obligations are not debts of State.

No bond, note, coupon or other obligation issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall ever constitute a debt of the State within the meaning of any State constitutional or statutory provision and each bond shall recite on its face that it is payable solely from the revenues pledged to the payment thereof and that it does not constitute a debt of the State.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-250; 1952 Code Section 51-250; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785.

SECTION 51-7-110.Rates, charges, and rentals; use of surplus.

In establishing and maintaining the rates, charges, and rentals authorized by the provisions of this chapter, the Department shall give due consideration to the debt service requirements of the bonds or obligations of the Department for the payment of which such rates, charges, and rentals are pledged and, in addition, it shall give due heed to the cost of operating and developing said island and the various facilities and services maintained thereon. It shall likewise give due consideration to depreciation and the cost of replacements and the cost of additional improvements and facilities. Any surplus in revenues that may be derived after deducting debt service charges, cost of operation and maintenance and cost of additional improvements and facilities and such further sums as prudent management requires to be set aside for depreciation and replacements shall be paid one half to the county of Beaufort in accordance with existing statutes and one half to the State Treasurer. The State Treasurer shall credit such moneys received by him to the park fund already provided for the use of the Department in the furtherance of the State park program.

HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 51-251; 1952 Code Section 51-251; 1942 Code Section 3284-5; 1940 (41) 1785.

Legislative Services Agency
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