South Carolina Legislature

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 61 - Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages


Disbursement of Revenue for Programs for Alcoholics, Drug Abusers, and Drug Addicts

SECTION 61-12-10.Disbursement regulated.

Revenue allocated to counties for educational purposes relating to the use of alcoholic liquors and the rehabilitation of alcoholics, drug abusers, and drug addicts pursuant to Section 6-27-40 and Section 12-33-245 must be regulated and disbursed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1; 1999 Act No. 100, Part II, Section 10.

SECTION 61-12-20.Designation of agency or organization; development of county plan.

Before the use of the revenue described in Section 61-12-10, the governing body of each county must:

(a) designate a single existing county agency or organization, either public or private, as the sole agency in the county for alcohol and drug abuse planning for programs funded by the revenue described in Section 61-12-10 or create a new agency for that purpose;

(b) develop a county plan in accordance with the state plan for alcohol abuse and alcoholism and the state plan for drug abuse required by Public Laws 91-616 and 92-255 for the prevention and control of alcohol and drug abuse and obtain written approval of the plan by the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services. Written approval must be given by the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services if the plan is reasonable. If approval is denied, the county may appeal to the Governor. The appeal must state fully the reasons why it is made. If the Governor considers the nonapproval of the plan by the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services to be unreasonable, he must communicate his reasons to the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services and require it to reexamine the plan in light of his objections. Following the reexamination, no further appeal may be taken.

HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1; 1999 Act No. 100, Part II, Section 10.

SECTION 61-12-30.Citizen participation and consumer input.

The single county agency, as provided for in Section 61-12-20, must provide for citizen participation and consumer input in the development and implementation of the county alcohol and drug abuse plan through an existing board or advisory committee or, where none exists or where citizen participation is nonexistent, through the establishment of a county advisory committee, which must consult with and advise the single county agency in the development and implementation of the county plan.

HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1.

SECTION 61-12-40.Expenditure of revenue funds.

Revenue funds received in accordance with this chapter must be expended only for activities and services which are called for in, and are consistent with, the recommendations of the approved county alcohol and drug abuse plan.

HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1.

SECTION 61-12-50.Administration and accounting.

Each county governing body must:

(a) establish methods of administration necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the programs and services or projects, including the provision of annual reports of progress toward implementing county plans to the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services;

(b) provide for accounting procedures necessary to assure proper disbursement of and accounting for the funds, including an annual audit of fiscal records, a copy of which must be furnished to the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services.

HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1.

SECTION 61-12-60.Construction.

The provisions of this chapter must not be construed as prohibiting two or more counties from joining together in plans, programs, and projects or in designating a single agency to administer multicounty plans required by item (b) of Section 61-12-20.

HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1.

SECTION 61-12-70.Funds supplemental to federal, state, or local funding.

Funds disbursed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter must be used only to supplement and increase the level of federal, state, local, and other funding that in the absence of these funds would be made available, and must in no event be used to supplant federal, state, local, and other funds.

HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 1; 1999 Act No. 100, Part II, Section 10.

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