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Tuesday, July 17, 2012
South Carolina General Assembly
119th Session, 2011-2012
Journal of the House of Representatives

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
(Statewide Session)

Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter

The House assembled at 1:00 p.m.
Deliberations were opened with prayer by Rev. Charles E. Seastrunk, Jr., as follows:

Our thought for today is from Jeremiah 29:12: "Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you."
Let us pray. Almighty God, fill these Representatives with Your spirit and send them forth to accomplish the mission You have called them to perform. Give them wisdom in making the decisions before them. Open our eyes that we may see You dwelling among us to lead, guide, and bless us. Look in favor upon our leaders of Nation and State. Guide them into all truth and wisdom. Protect our defenders of freedom, at home and abroad, as they protect us. Heal the wounds, those seen and those hidden, of our brave warriors. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

Pursuant to Rule 6.3, the House of Representatives was led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America by the SPEAKER.

After corrections to the Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, June 28, the SPEAKER ordered it confirmed.


Rep. KING moved that when the House adjourns, it adjourn in memory of Hubert Wright of York County, which was agreed to.


The SPEAKER ordered the following Veto printed in the Journal:

July 5, 2012
The Honorable Robert W. Harrell, Jr.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Statehouse, Second Floor
Columbia, South Carolina 29201

Dear Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives,

I am vetoing and returning without my approval, certain line items in R. 330, H.4813, the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 General Appropriations Act.

First, I believe that we should acknowledge this year's progress - passing tax cuts for small business income, reforming the long-term sustainability of our pension system, and continuing to expand school choice in this State. These things will result in a more sustainable government and increased educational opportunities that send the message that South Carolina is open for business.

Despite that progress, the upcoming fiscal year will be full of unique challenges, and I repeat the need to live within our means. While tax revenues are up, hundreds of millions of new tax revenues do not reflect our true economic health as a state or a nation. Much of this money is one-time surpluses and will not be available again. More of the money is the result of cautious optimism - the people of our State are confident in our economic prospects though they have not yet all materialized.

To this end, I applaud the General Assembly for using most one-time money to fully-fund reserves, but new recurring revenue should have been allocated more in accordance with the uncertainty we face. Recent rulings by the Supreme Court of the United States will radically change our healthcare system and skew the cost of employment nationwide. Now is not the time to return to our old ways of constituent-driven earmarks.

One of the benefits that came out of the tight financial times South Carolina has seen the last few years has been the elimination of the pork projects and special interest payouts that for too long were hallmarks of our political system. Many of you showed political courage in stepping away from the parochial ways of our past and truly fighting to protect the taxpayers of our state as a whole. In reviewing this budget, one of the largest disappointments has been the return of this nefarious process. Included in what follows is a list of those projects - and an opportunity to confirm to the people of South Carolina that our government does not believe in, and will not accept, pork barrel spending.

What follows in this veto message is not an exhaustive list of those areas of the budget with excessive growth. Rather, this message contains items where growth is too high, and I was afforded the opportunity to veto a line that would nullify objectionable growth. The structure of our General Appropriations Act does not lend itself to a reasonable debate - we may disagree over relatively small portions of many lines. My veto pen is a blunt tool, and I only have the option of vetoing entire lines and potentially destroying entire programs where only part is undesirable. The current process lacks the transparency that would allow a project by project debate between the executive and legislative branches; this is unfair to the taxpayer.

Ultimately, budgets are about our priorities and our commitment to being responsible with taxpayer dollars. Where I proposed increases in mental health and law enforcement, the General Assembly went a step further and provided growth above what I believe was responsible. Other sections, particularly in provisos and one-time money, return the state to the old-fashioned earmarks of the past. If you look to the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Executive Budget, you see government funded over $100 million in tax relief, a commitment to infrastructure, and a tremendous amount of revenues still unspent. These vetoes get us closer to that track.

Part IA - Funding
Focusing on the Core Functions of Government

Those who see more government as the solution to all of our problems are constantly advocating for new or expanded programs to cure various perceived social ills. Although often arising from good intentions, the expansion of the state into new areas of our lives has a price - not just the obvious financial cost to the taxpayer, but also a price in terms of a loss of focus and direction. Staying focused on the core functions of government requires discipline and can mean saying "No" to some popular programs, but it is essential if we are to give our essential programs the attention and the resources that they require.

Veto 1   Part IA, Page 120; Section 30 - Arts Commission, Total Funds Available: $3,446,946 Total Funds; $1,937,598 General Funds

Supporting the arts and supporting the Arts Commission are not the same thing. The Arts Commission's administrative costs are significant - in fact, a full 30 percent of the funds allocated to the Arts Commission in Part IA are dedicated to administration, personnel, and operating expenses. Who would donate to a charity that spent that much money on overhead? Instead of taking a command-and-control approach to promoting the arts, we would be better off returning these funds to the public, to let them decide for themselves what artistic endeavors deserve financial support.

Veto 2   Part IA, Page 26; Section 6, Commission on Higher Education, III. Other Agencies and Entities, Special Items - EPSCOR: $161,314 Total/General Funds

The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is a federally-supported program designed to stimulate research in universities. Last year, the General Assembly sustained my veto of a significant portion of the state's support for this program. Despite this veto, our colleges and universities have continued to innovate and attract sponsored research opportunities. The evidence shows that this program is unnecessary.
Veto 3     Part IA, Page 145; Section 38, Sea Grant Consortium - Total Funds Available: $6,048,009 Total Funds; $428,223 General Funds

Similar in a sense to EPSCoR, a primary function of the Sea Grant Consortium is to help South Carolina's colleges and universities pursue research funds - especially federal grants. Instead of supporting a separate infrastructure and a dedicated state agency for this purpose, participating institutions could develop an agreement among themselves, through which they could negotiate their respective financial contributions without the state's direct involvement. Since the current model funds the Sea Grant Consortium independently from its member institutions, those institutions have no incentive to control the cost of operating the Consortium.

Shutting Down Programs That Don't Work

In many ways, governing is about experimentation. We devise programs in an attempt to address various problems we confront as a society - to combat crime, to teach our children, and to improve public health. Unfortunately, there will be times when we determine that these programs aren't working. When that happens, we have an obligation to try to improve them, and if necessary, to eliminate them.
Veto 4   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Writing Improvement Network: $182,761 Total Funds
Veto 5   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - S.C. Geographic Alliance - USC: $155,869 Total Funds

In preparing the educational funding proposals contained within the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Executive Budget, I paid particular attention both to Superintendent Zais' recommendations and also the rankings issued by the Education Oversight Committee. By both sets of standards, these two programs are not making the grade. The EOC awarded both of these initiatives a score of only 1.8 out of a possible 5.0; out of the dozens of educational programs evaluated by the EOC, only two scored worse. Similarly, in his budget request, Superintendent Zais recommended that funding for both of these programs be eliminated. I agree with the assessments offered by South Carolina's educational experts: our instructional dollars can be better spent.
Veto 6   Part IA, Page 87; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, II. Programs and Services, F. Health Care Standards, 2. Facility and Service Development - Total Facility & Service Development: $727,189 Total Funds; $411,317 General Funds

I believe in the virtues of free markets and open competition, and for that reason, I am vetoing the Certificate of Need program as I did last year. Bureaucracy should not be telling us which community has or does not have sufficient need for a hospital or a particular piece of complex medical equipment. Through this process, the Department of Health and Environmental Control is essentially responsible for guarding the gates for a cartel of healthcare facilities that have received their CONs and now have a vested interest in denying them to other prospective healthcare providers. Let's shut down this program and let resources flow more freely and efficiently through our healthcare system, instead of letting the central government planners decide for us.

Adopting Responsible Budgeting Practices

We all come to Columbia with a set of priorities and certain goals that we wish to accomplish during our tenure in office. It is no surprise, then, that as we prepare each year's budget, there is enormous pressure to spend every dollar - both recurring and non-recurring. When these funds are slated for allocation to popular programs, such as education, it is all the more difficult to vote "No."

Last year, there were lines in the budget that I was forced to veto, not because I oppose education, but because I support responsible budget practices. This means that I cannot endorse the use of non-recurring revenues to finance recurring expenses.
Veto 7   Part IA, Page 7; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, C. Teacher Quality, 2. Retention and Reward, Special Items - Teacher Salary Support State Share Non[-recurring]: $10,070,600 Total Funds

The use of one-time money to assist school districts in paying the costs of teacher salaries is not a responsible or sustainable practice. On another line, this budget contains $38.6 million in new, recurring support for teacher salaries; I have approved that line. Using an additional $10 million in one-time money for the same purpose, however, is the equivalent of making a promise about next year's budget that we can't be certain we'll be able to keep.

Controlling Spending Growth

Some veto decisions are relatively easy to make - cutting wasteful spending, eliminating an earmark, or striking down a proviso that imposes an unfunded mandate on an agency. Others are more difficult to resolve, such as when funding for a legitimate program has been increased beyond a reasonable level. The veto pen is a blunt tool - I can accept the amount passed by the General Assembly or I can eliminate it entirely, but I have no ability to provide for funding at any amount in between. Faced with this "all or nothing" choice, I have vetoed the following budget lines.
Veto 8   Part IA, Page 9; Section 1, Department of Education, XIII. Governor's School Science & Math, Personal Service - Classified Positions: $1,173,826 Total/General Funds

From all sources, the Governor's School for Science & Mathematics is appropriated $8.4 million, which is more than $3 million higher than the previous year's appropriation. All told, the General Assembly's budget would increase state support for GSSM by more than 50 percent on an annual basis. I consider this increase excessive and believe that we can support the GSSM in a more fiscally responsible manner. At less than $1.2 million, this veto leaves over half of the total increases intact, providing the school with a healthy increase to support the further development of its programs.
Veto 9   Part IA, Page 96; Section 23, Department of Mental Health, IV. Non-recurring Appropriations - Deferred Maintenance: $1,000,000 Total Funds; $1,000,000 General Funds

The Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Executive Budget recommended and the General Assembly approved an additional $16 million for the Department of Mental Health plus amendments to Proviso 80A.27 (Sale of Surplus Real Property) to allow DMH to retain the proceeds of the sale of the Bull Street property and apply it towards the department's deferred maintenance needs. Those proceeds should total roughly $15 million for deferred maintenance. Given the major investment that this budget has already made in DMH, I am vetoing the additional $1 million in funding for deferred maintenance.
Veto 10   Part IA, Page 224; Section 70A, Legislative Department - The Senate, I. Administration, Special Items - Joint Citizens & Legislative Committee on Children: $300,000 Total Funds; $50,000 General Funds

Last year, this Committee did not receive dedicated support from the General Fund. I respect the Committee's work but am wary of creating a new General Fund budget line for this program. This budget provides millions of dollars worth of increases for the General Assembly's own appropriations including its legislative service agencies. Given that very significant growth, I feel that if the Legislature values the Joint Committee's work, then it should be able to find the required funds internally instead of asking the taxpayers to support another appropriations line.
Veto 11   Part IA, Page 230; Section 70F, Education Oversight Committee, I. Administration - Other Operating Expenses: $703,088 Total Funds; $200,000 General Funds

Given its role, the Education Oversight Committee has historically received support, not from the General Fund but, through EIA. This budget contains generous increases in state support for education including through EIA. If the EOC needs an additional $200,000 to support its operations, then the General Assembly should have provided those funds through the traditional funding source, instead of giving the EOC a foothold in the General Fund.

As noted earlier, I value the EOC's assessments and rankings, and weighed them when preparing my Executive Budget. At the same time, K-12 education is unlike many other core programs in that it can draw from a significant, dedicated funding source. We should continue to fund EOC exclusively through EIA and leave General Fund resources available for all the other programs that have no dedicated pool upon which to rely.
Veto 12   Part IA, Page 160; Section 44, Judicial Department, V. Administration, C. Information Technology - Other Operating Expenses: $2,800,000 Total Funds; $1,500,000 General Funds

Earlier this year, the General Assembly passed legislation allowing the Judicial Department to establish electronic filing fees at a level that would cover the cost of providing the underlying services. I believe that this new unrestricted funding source should have the effect of reducing the Judicial Department's needs for additional funding to support its technological needs.

Part IB - Temporary Provisions
Housekeeping Items

Veto 13   Part IB, Page 468; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.7 - SR: E-Verify

This proviso states calls for each "state entity" to certify its participation in the E-Verify program before it may receive ARRA funds. These funds have been allocated, rendering this proviso obsolete.
Veto 14   Part IB, Page 333; Section 19, Educational Television Commission, Proviso 19.2 - ETV: Digital Satellite

When it submitted its annual budget request to the Office of State Budget last fall, the Educational Television Commission asked that this proviso be deleted, stating "it is no longer needed as the digital satellite system is no longer operational." Furthermore, the Video Resources Oversight Council established by this proviso "has not met in several years." It's time to get this proviso off the books.
Veto 15   Part IB, Page 343; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Proviso 22.22 - Allocation Patient Days

This proviso conflicts with H.5028, which passed unanimously in both the House and the Senate and was signed by me on May 14, 2012. The Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Health and Environmental Control, and South Carolina Health Care Association have all requested that this proviso be vetoed.
Good Government
Veto 16     Part IB, Page 465; Section 89, General Provisions, Proviso 89.130 - GP: Open Market for Bus Contract Vendors

Although couched in language that suggests it invites competition, this proviso is actually - as explained by Superintendent Zais in his letter requesting a veto - one legislator's attempt to circumvent the state's procurement procedures. This proviso would allow companies that failed to win contracts through competitive bidding to make direct sales pitches to individual bus shops - instead of working through the Department of Education's procurement office.

Accordingly, companies who routinely lose bids would not have to improve pricing, bids, or the quality of their services to get a second chance to win state contracts. Sustaining this veto will help maintain the integrity of our procurement process.
Veto 17   Part IB, Page 301; Section 1, Department of Education, Proviso 1.92 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop

This new proviso would force the SC Department of Education to fund two specific bus maintenance facilities in Lee and Kershaw Counties at precisely the same level of support they received in the prior year - no more, no less. This is an unwarranted intrusion into the department's provision of student transportation services, which can only serve to increase overall costs and reduce system efficiency. Superintendent Zais opposes this proviso; I agree with his assessment.
Veto 18   Part IB, Page 321; Section 1A, Department of Education, Education Improvement Act, Proviso 1A.64 - SDE-EIA: Education Oversight Committee Innovation Initiative

I have cited the Education Oversight Committee's rankings several times in expressing my opposition to specific line items in this budget. Although I appreciate EOC's work, this new proviso would expand the Committee's mandate significantly beyond that which is provided for by law, by tasking it with designing and implementing new programs autonomously. This proviso thoroughly undermines the authority of Superintendent Zais and his agency and blurs EOC's role that is currently and clearly defined as a respected and impartial evaluator. Meaningful programmatic changes should be driven through the appropriate executive agency.
Veto 19   Part IB, Page 361; Section 31, State Museum Commission, Proviso 31.10 00 MUSM: State Museum Admissions Tax

This new proviso would capture $50,000 in admissions tax revenue and divert it to the State Museum to support its operations. I oppose this measure because if the State Museum needs more money, then the appropriate course of action would be to seek funding on the appropriate Part IA line. This type of backdoor attempt to bring money into the State Museum is inappropriate. Fortunately, there is a solution. Folding the State Museum into the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism would allow both agencies to reduce their overhead costs, further undermining the argument for a proviso such as this.
Veto 20   Part IB, Page 398; Section 67, Department of Employment and Workforce, Proviso 67.9 - DEW: Benefit Amount

This proviso attempts to ease the unemployment tax burden of a claimant's most recent employer by spreading the responsibility for the employee's benefits over his last four employers. Unfortunately, however, there are insufficient guidelines to reasonably limit the liability of past employers. Moreover, the proviso completely fails to account for work done outside of the state.

Based on the limited amount of data available to the Department of Employment and Workforce and this proviso's poorly vetted guidelines, the agency cannot possibly implement this policy change in the manner in which it was intended. This would result in an unfair tax shift to companies who would otherwise not be responsible for a claimant's benefits.
Veto 21   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 52, Arts Commission - Grants: $500,000

Supporting the arts and supporting the Arts Commission are not the same thing. The Arts Commission's administrative costs are significant - in fact, a full 30 percent of the funds allocated to the Arts Commission in Part IA are dedicated to administration, personnel, or operating expenses. Who would donate to a charity that spent that much money on overhead? Instead of taking a command-and-control approach to promoting the arts, we would be better off returning these funds to the public, to let them decide for themselves what artistic endeavors deserve financial support.
Veto 22   Part IB, Page 347; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Proviso 22.46 - Vital Records

This new proviso is an unfunded mandate that requires the Department of Health and Environmental Control to provide vital records services in each county that received them as of the beginning of 2012. The department would be needlessly forced to cannibalize other more critical programs in order to comply with this directive, even though vital records remain available online and in dozens of offices across the state.
Veto 23   Part IB, Page 365; Section 37, Department of Natural Resources, Proviso 37.10 - DNR: Lake Paul Wallace Authority

This proviso conflicts with Act 229 of 2012, which is also related to the Lake Paul A. Wallace Authority, and which took effect July 1, 2012.
Veto 24   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 13(c), Department of Public Safety - Capitol Complex Garage Security Equipment: $75,000

This earmark for Capitol Complex Security was not requested by Department of Public Safety Director Smith, the individual responsible for securing the Capitol Complex. I have confirmed with Director Smith that if up to $75,000 is required to secure the Capitol Complex garage, he will be able to absorb the cost within his agency's budget. Additional funds are not required.
Veto 25   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 25, Department of Motor Vehicles - Programming & Training/Implementation of S.1031: $88,550

The Department of Motor Vehicles collects sufficient funds on an annual basis to pay for its operation and program development. Many of DMV's excess funds are statutorily directed to the General Fund. I have confirmed with Director Shwedo that he will be able to implement S.1031, known as the "Demolishers' Bill" and which passed this year, without these additional funds.
Local Earmarks
Veto 26   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 48(c), Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism - Irmo Veterans Park: $30,000
Veto 27   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 48(d), Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism - Patriot Park Environmental Pavilion: $100,000
Veto 28   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 48(b), Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism - Southeastern Wildlife Exposition Regional Marketing and Advertising: $200,000

As passed by the General Assembly, the Statewide Revenue proviso contained one-time money for four items through the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism. One of these items - which I also included in my Executive Budget - was $250,000 to replace the Kings Mountain Bridge because the current bridge is no longer safe.

The three items identified below were not requested by the department and did not appear in my Executive Budget. They are earmarks for specific projects or events that will benefit very specific communities or organizations, and which do not rise to a level of statewide significance such that they would merit funding through this proviso. Please join me in rejecting this kind of earmarking by sustaining my veto of these items.
Veto 29   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 34, Department of Transportation - SMART Ride - Camden: $60,000

There is no reason why the SMART Ride program for Camden merits greater consideration than its companion in Newberry. These funds were not included in the Executive Budget and were not sought by the Department of Transportation. This is an old-fashioned earmark.
Veto 30   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 32, Department of Public Safety - Andrews Public Safety Building (1 to 1 Match): $100,000

In the Executive Budget, I proposed funding for more troopers so that we could improve highway safety. I was disappointed that this request was not honored in this budget and was even more frustrated when I saw this line. The Department of Public Safety did not request these funds and was unaware of this project when it appeared in the budget. We have better uses for this money - like improving highway safety - than to pay for this earmark.
Veto 31   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 30, State Museum - North Myrtle Beach Historical Museum: $300,000
Veto 32   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 29(a), Department of Archives and History - City of Charleston African American Historic Sites Preservation: $200,000
Veto 33   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 29(b), Department of Archives and History - City of Hilton Head - Mitchelville Capital Land Purchase: $200,000

When pork projects in the budget are discussed, the legendary examples of Green Bean Museums and Balloon Festivals are what we hear to exemplify local earmarks and waste. After several years of economic downturn, which led to better prioritization, one good year has ushered in the return of these pork projects. We need to send a clear message now that we have learned from our past of pork barrel spending. We will not return to those old practices.
Veto 34   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 47(d), Department of Natural Resources - DNR: Darlington County Watershed Project
Veto 35   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 47(e), Department of Natural Resources - DNR: Lake Wallace Special Purpose District

The Department of Natural Resources received one-time funding for two water basin studies through this proviso. I approved both of those items because they are important to the department's efforts to update the state water plan. Although embedded within the same section of this proviso, I have vetoed the Darlington County Watershed Project and the Lake Wallace Special Purpose District lines because they are not tied to revising the state water plan, but are actually local earmarks.
Earmarks for Housing and Family Issues
Veto 36   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 31, Prosecution Coordination Commission - Center for Fathers and Families: $200,000
Veto 37   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 41, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs - Charles Lea Center (1 to 1 Match): $250,000
Veto 38   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 45, Housing Finance and Development Authority - Marion County Habitat for Humanity Pilot Project (1 to 1 Match): $250,000

These three items are additional earmarks that relate to various housing and social issues. While I do not attempt to question the merits of each organization or the quality of their missions, there are just as many service organizations as worthy who seek private sector support to maintain their operations.
Earmarks for Social Service Providers
Veto 39   Part IB, Page 357; Section 26, Department of Social Services, Proviso 26.24 - DSS: Women in Unity
Veto 40   Part IB, Page 357; Section 26, Department of Social Services, Proviso 26.25 - DSS: Tri-City Outreach
Veto 41   Part IB, Page 357; Section 26, Department of Social Services, Proviso 26.26 - DSS: Callen-Lacey Center for Children
Veto 42   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 44(a), Department of Social Services - United Center for Community Care: $75,000
Veto 43   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 44(b), Department of Social Services - Community Outreach Center Incorporated After School Program: $25,000

Five separate provisos in the Department of Social Services' budget lines serve as earmarks for handpicked service providers. Handing taxpayer dollars directly to these organizations without a competitive procurement process is not an appropriate or responsible use of these funds. Director Koller has made tremendous progress at DSS in the past 18 months, and she has done so without requesting new General Fund support for the upcoming year. I ask that you not carve these earmarks out of DSS' operating budget.
Higher Education Earmarks
Veto 44   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 39(e), State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education - SC Skills USA: $200,000

The Technical College System did not request funding for this program. This line was inserted in the budget as a pass-through to SC Skills USA, which is the state affiliate of a national nonprofit that conducts competitions for high school students enrolled in technical or skilled service programs. This is not an essential program and certainly not an appropriate way to seek funding for an initiative.
Veto 45   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20, Non-Recurring Revenue, Item 36(a), Commission on Higher Education - University Center of Greenville Technology Upgrade: $100,000

The University Center of Greenville is governed by a consortium of public and private colleges and universities that are working together to expand access to higher education for students in the Upstate. I respect this goal, but note that these institutions already receive state support through direct appropriations, the Education Lottery, the Higher Education Tuition Grants program, or various other sources. Furthermore, the University Center is already collecting nearly $1.1 million worth of direct subsidies through this budget.

I am vetoing this additional $100,000 because it is unreasonable to expect taxpayers across the rest of the state to shoulder an additional burden on behalf of the relatively small number of students who attend courses through this Center. If this facility truly needs another $100,000 to improve its technology, then the participating institutions should make the required contributions.
Veto 46   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 37(a), Clemson University PSA - Advanced Plant Technology Lab: $4,000,000.
Veto 47   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 37(b), Clemson University PSA - Operating: $100,000.
Veto 48   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 49, University of Charleston - Interactive Digital Technology Pilot Project (1 to 1 Match): $2,000,000.

I approved millions for deferred maintenance for our institutions of higher education through the Capital Reserve Fund. These allocations were consistently in excess of what these colleges and universities would have received had they been given the 2.3 percent increase in their operating budgets that I proposed in my Executive Budget, based upon the Higher Education Price Index. I should also note that I approved major projects for both of the universities identified below: $3 million for Clemson's Grid Simulator Project and $1.9 million for the reconstruction of the College of Charleston's Science Center. Funding these additional projects this year would be an excessive imposition on South Carolina's taxpayers.
Veto 49     Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 36(b), Commission on Higher Education - SC Manufacturers Extension Partnership: $200,000

I have approved the $682,049 provided for the SC Manufacturers Extension Partnership in Part IA of the Department of Commerce's budget this year. This is the same amount that was appropriated for this program in the prior fiscal year. I have vetoed this second line for SCMEP because it would increase the cost of the program by $200,000.
Healthcare Earmarks
Veto 50   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(a), Department of Health and Environmental Control - ADAP Prevention: $200,000
Veto 51   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(b), Department of Health and Environmental Control - SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: $453,680
Veto 52   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(c), Department of Health and Environmental Control - Kidney Disease Early Evacuation and Risk Assessment Education: $100,000
Veto 53   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(d), Department of Health and Environmental Control - Hemophilia - SC Bleeding Disorders Premium Assistance Program: $100,000
Veto 54   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(e), Department of Health and Environmental Control - S.C. Office of Rural Health - Benefit Bank: $500,000
Veto 55   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(f), Department of Health and Environmental Control - James R. Clark Memorial Sickle Cell Foundation: $100,000

I am vetoing each of the earmarks in Section 90 of the Department of Health and Environmental Control's budget. Each of these lines attempts to serve a portion of our population for which we extend our sympathy and encouragement, but nevertheless, it is only a small portion of South Carolina's chronically ill or abused. Overall, these special add-on lines distract from the agency's broader mission of protecting South Carolina's public health. Each new special interest that wins an earmark takes more of DHEC's attention away from its overall mission.
Veto 56   Part IB, Page 344; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Proviso 22.26 - Head Lice

This proviso carves $200,000 out of the rest of the Department of Health and Environmental Control's budget in order to fund a statewide head lice program. These resources are insufficient to capably manage such an initiative; instead, this proviso has the effect of undermining the agency's more critical programs.
Technology Upgrades

The Center for Digital Government is a respected national organization associated with the publishers of Government Technology magazine; they publish the biennial Digital States Survey, which grades the states based upon their governance, practices, and accomplishments in the IT arena. In the most recent survey, South Carolina tied with two other states for last place.

The vision and leadership provided by a Department of Administration would have gone a long way towards improving our IT capabilities and oversight. In the meantime, several agencies sought significant levels of funding for IT equipment through this year's budget.
Veto 57   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 21, Secretary of State - Information Technology Upgrade: $500,000

Between the increases provided in Part IA and the revision to Proviso 74.1, the Secretary of State's office will receive an additional $298,000 in the upcoming year. In the Executive Budget, I recommended that this agency receive $250,000 in one-time funds for its technology needs, based upon my review of the application development projects the office intended to undertake with these new funds. Given the significant new resources that will now be at the Secretary of State's disposal, coupled with the fact that this one-time money is twice what I recommended, I have vetoed this line because I believe the agency can complete the necessary work with the resources at hand.
Veto 58   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 20(a), Department of Natural Resources - Replacement of IT Equipment and Maintenance: $1,260,505

This is the precise amount that the Department of Natural Resources sought in one-time funding when it submitted its annual request to the Office of State Budget last fall. My staff subsequently met with DNR leadership and reviewed a more detailed itemization of this request. As a result, I supported only $195,000 in one-time funding for DNR's IT needs in my Executive Budget to cover desktop computing equipment and the associated licenses that would be required. DNR proposed to use the remainder of the funds to deploy its own new servers, network infrastructure, and disaster recovery plan in isolation, instead of in collaboration with the Division of State Information Technology's government-wide solutions, as would be more consistent with generally-recognized best practices. When we fail to take advantage of opportunities to take an enterprise-wide approach to IT problems, as a comparably-sized private sector organization would, we achieve poorer outcomes and waste taxpayer dollars along the way.
Veto 59   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 23, Commission on Indigent Defense - Information Technology Upgrade: $101,000

This budget increases state support for the Commission on Indigent Defense by about 75 percent. While I recognize that much of this new money will be allocated to legal defense, certainly, the Commission should be able to find enough to cover its most pressing IT needs.
Veto 60   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 15(b), John de la Howe School - Information Technology Upgrade: $200,014

I approved the $400,000 in Section 90 for seven cottages with significant deferred maintenance needs. The General Assembly's revisions to Proviso 5.4 (JDLHS: Capacity) are a clear expression of the Legislature's concerns with the enrollment levels at this facility. I share these concerns and believe we must first address these fundamental issues before undertaking a significant investment in the school's technology upgrades.
Excessive Growth
Veto 61   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.29B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 57, Budget and Control Board - Rural Infrastructure Fund: $3,000,000

According to the Office of State Budget, the Rural Infrastructure Fund has $20 million unspent in the bank already. It is unnecessary and excessive to devote an additional $3 million to the Fund.
Veto 62   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 26, Vocational Rehabilitation - Restoration of Vocational Rehabilitation Program - State Matching Funds: $1,000,000

In the Executive Budget, I recommended $2.5 million in additional General Fund support for the Vocational Rehabilitation Department. This represents an increase of more than 30 percent against the prior year. I have vetoed this particular line because it would add an additional $1 million in new spending, and also because it would use one-time money to pay for what would become recurring expenses.
Veto 63   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 16, Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School - Window Replacement: $750,000

I have vetoed this item because $750,000 is an enormous amount of money, given the number of students who attend this school. Fortunately, there is another path to completing these energy-efficient improvements without making a major cash investment.

Through performance contracting, the school can finance the replacement of these windows using a portion of the energy savings to be realized. This would be a win for the school, the environment, and the taxpayer.
Veto 64   Part IB, Page 470; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 8(b), Legislative Audit Council - Peer Review Audit - Government Auditing Standards: $15,000

Part IA of this budget provides the Legislative Audit Council with $125,000 in new recurring funds. Even though this is more than I requested in the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Executive Budget, I have not vetoed any of those additional resources. I should also note that I approved $45,000 for the LAC's technology needs in the Capital Reserve bill.

Given the amount of new money the LAC will receive this year - including through the Capital Reserve Fund - and in light of the fact that Government Auditing Standards only require that a peer review audit be performed every three years, I believe that the LAC can and should be able to fund its Fiscal Year 2012-13 audit through the $160,000 in new money it will receive this year without this additional $15,000.
Veto 65   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 46(a), Department of Agriculture - Marketing and Branding: $500,000

This budget provides $700,000 more for the Department of Agriculture in Part IA than I recommended in the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Executive Budget - $500,000 for Marketing and Branding and $200,000 for Laboratory Services. I have accepted those increases, but I am vetoing the additional $500,000 for Marketing and Branding that appears in Section 90. While I applaud Commissioner Weathers' achievements in making South Carolina produce world-renowned, this one-time money would be an unsustainable spike in resources. I believe Commissioner Weathers can continue to his successes within the means provided in his recurring budget.
Veto 66   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Item 46(c), Department of Agriculture - Market Operations: $600,000

When the Farmer's Market moved to Lexington County, we were told that the project would be financially self-sufficient. It is clear that this is not going to be the case. I have approved the $400,000 requested for signage, fencing, and other infrastructure associated with the completion of the initial stage of this project, in part because the Department of Agriculture has provided assurances that by securing the perimeter of the facility, we would be able to dismiss some part-time security staff, thereby reducing the site's operating deficit. I cannot, however, approve an additional $600,000 merely to plug the anticipated deficit for the rest of the year.
Veto 67   Part IB, Page 470; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.19 - SR: National Mortgage Settlement

Since taking office, my top priority has been more jobs for South Carolina - which is why I've worked hard for tax cuts, tort reform, and other policies that are improving our business climate every day. Certainly tools such as the Closing Fund are useful for financing the infrastructure that helps us to attract and retain businesses, but at the same time, I consider it inappropriate to raid the proceeds of the national mortgage settlement in order to generate more resources for the Closing Fund.

Even without this proviso, the Closing Fund will receive $15 million this year -- $5 million more than last year. And there are other weapons in our economic development arsenal, as well. For instance, the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority currently has $38 million at its disposal.

You have my commitment that we will continue to fight to bring jobs and businesses to South Carolina. We just don't need to do it like this.
Veto 68   Part IB, Page 331; Section 15, University of South Carolina, Proviso 15.3 - USC: School Improvement Council
Veto 69   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 28, Department of Education - SC School Improvement Council: $35,000

In preparing the educational funding proposals contained within my Executive Budget, I paid particular attention to rankings issued by the Education Oversight Committee. By EOC's standards, the above two programs in reference to the School Improvement Council do not make the grade. I agree with the assessments offered by South Carolina's educational experts: our instructional dollars can be better spent.
Veto 70   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 14, Department of Education, Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities - Administration Building Construction: $1,250,000

I vetoed a personnel line for the Governor's School for Science & Math in Part IA, because I believed that it was excessive to increase that school's funding by more than 50% this year as this budget allows. Growth for the Governor's School for the Arts & Humanities is more restrained in this budget but is still present in the EIA's "Partnerships" lines. For the number of students who attend this school, I consider $1.25 million for the construction of a new Administration Building to be excessive and unnecessary.
Veto 71   Part IB, Page 407; Section 70, Legislative Department, Proviso 70.32 - LEG: EOC Efficiency Review
Veto 72   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 56, Education Oversight Committee - School District Efficiency Review Pilot Program

Proviso 70.32 tasks the Education Oversight Committee with responsibility for initiating an efficiency pilot program with as many as three school districts. Since the EOC lacks the resources to manage this program, this proviso is powered by a separate $300,000 allocation in Section 90.

An efficiency program such as this is plainly beyond the scope of the EOC's mission. The fact that an outside consultant would need to be paid to administer this program makes the initiative's connection to the EOC all the more tenuous.

Superintendent Zais opposes this proviso in part because it usurps his agency's authority. If the General Assembly wishes to fund a K-12 efficiency program, it should reside with the Department of Education.

To be clear, voting to override these vetoes is a vote against the Jasper Ocean Terminal. These two provisos will jeopardize the Joint Project Office's efforts to move the JOT development forward, as they give the Savannah River Maritime Commission the authority to undermine the efforts of the JPO and put the project in jeopardy of default. I have repeatedly said that I support the development and expansion of all of our State's ports - Georgetown, Charleston, and Jasper - and will not choose one over the other. All of our ports are valuable assets that we must support. The Jasper Ocean Terminal is a viable and vital economic development project that will be a tremendous benefit to a rural area of the State. To move this project forward requires a vote to sustain these vetoes.
Veto 73   Part IB, Page 402; Section 69, State Ports Authority, Proviso 69.4 - SPA: Joint Project Office Funding Approval

This proviso is unnecessary for two reasons. First, the State Ports Authority ended continued funding to the Joint Project Office in December of 2011 - a decision I did not support. Also, the JPO has voted to suspend spending due to pending litigation. Second, my goals and the tireless efforts of my appointee to the JPO, the only member from the Jasper area, are one in the same - to quickly move the development of the Jasper Ocean Terminal forward. The South Carolina delegation to the JPO should also have this shared goal.
Veto 74   Part IB, Page 402; Section 69, State Ports Authority, Proviso 69.5 - SPA: Dredge Disposal Material

This proviso will put the Jasper Ocean Terminal project in jeopardy of default. The 2008 Intergovernmental Agreement between South Carolina and Georgia declared from the outset that the JOT is a feasible and vital project and both states must takes actions in good faith to further this project. This proviso gives the Savannah River Maritime Commission the discretion to re-evaluate the merits of this project and determine whether it is a "high priority project for the State" - a clear conflict with the Agreement. - a clear conflict with the Agreement.

For these reasons, I am vetoing the aforementioned line-items and provisos in R. 330, H.4813.

My very best,
Nikki R. Haley

Received as information.


The SPEAKER ordered the following Veto printed in the Journal:

July 5, 2012
The Honorable Robert W. Harrell, Jr.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Statehouse, Second Floor
Columbia, South Carolina 29201

Dear Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives,

I am vetoing and returning to you several line items in R. 331, H.4814 (Word version), a Joint Resolution to appropriate monies from the Capital Reserve Fund.

First and foremost, we appreciate members of the General Assembly including the $43.2 million in tax relief - out of $77 million overall - that this Joint Resolution will provide for South Carolina's business owners and employers, something we fought hard for over the course of the session because our people and businesses want and deserve it. As we all know, when businesses have cash flow and profit margins - they tend to hire people and invest back into their enterprise, and into our state. Tax relief is precisely what South Carolina businesses need in this tough - but recovering - economy.

Most of the other items funded through H.4814 relate to our technical colleges and our four-year institutions of learning. In January, I offered an Executive Budget that recommended a 2.3 percent increase for our public colleges and universities, based upon the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI), a respected national measure of the growth in institutions' operating costs. The General Assembly ultimately elected not to increase the primary appropriations for most institutions, but instead, to provide them with allocations from the Capital Reserve Fund to address their deferred maintenance needs.

Since the maintenance backlogs are significant, and the amounts provided through H.4814 are comparable to what each institution would have received under my Executive Budget, I have accepted each deferred maintenance line. However, there are seven items that I am returning without my approval.

Budgets are ultimately statements of our priorities. If these institutions are truly committed to these projects, then I believe that they will find ways to see them through to completion using existing funds or other sources of revenue.
Veto 1     Page 2; Section 1, Item 7, The Citadel - Jenkins Hall Arms Room Upgrade: $200,000 Capital Reserve Funds

The Citadel will receive more than $737,000 under this Joint Resolution in order to address its deferred maintenance needs. This is roughly $542,000 in excess of the increase The Citadel would have received in operating support under my Executive Budget. I have approved each of the deferred maintenance allocations contained within this legislation, but do not support separate and additional funding for this specific project.
Veto 2     Page 2; Section 1, Item 10, Clemson University - Greenwood Genetics Lab: $2,000,000 Capital Reserve Funds

Clemson will receive nearly $1.6 million under this Joint Resolution in order to address its deferred maintenance needs. This is roughly $220,000 in excess of the increase Clemson would have received in operating support under my Executive Budget. I have approved each of the deferred maintenance allocations contained within this legislation, but do not support separate and additional funding for this specific project.
Veto 3     Page 2; Section 1, Item 14, Francis Marion University - Nurse Practitioner Program: $100,000 Capital Reserve Funds

Francis Marion University will receive more than $1.1 million under this Joint Resolution in order to address its deferred maintenance needs. This is more than $900,000 in excess of the increase the University would have received in operating support under my Executive Budget. I have approved each of the deferred maintenance allocations contained within this legislation, but believe that Francis Marion should be able to support the Nurse Practitioner Program with the resources already provided.
Veto 4     Page 2; Section 1, Item 18, University of South Carolina, Columbia Campus - USC Palmetto College: $2,115,000 Capital Reserve Funds

My veto of this item should in no way be construed as a rejection of this initiative. Instead, I have rejected this item because the University of South Carolina (USC) has already received significant support through the Capital Reserve Fund this year, and also because USC is one of only two universities that will receive more funding through Part IA of the budget this year than it did last year. The $2.9 million increase provided in Part IA has been scattered across various lines in such a way that I cannot isolate that growth and strike it with my veto pen. What I can do, however, is veto this item and insist that USC implement the Palmetto College with the funding it has already received.
Veto 5     Page 3; Section 1, Item 27, Winthrop University - Student
Information Technology Infrastructure Update: $500,000 Capital Reserve Funds

Winthrop University will receive nearly $1.4 million under this Joint Resolution in order to address its deferred maintenance needs. This is almost $1.1 million in excess of the increase that the University would have received in operating support under my Executive Budget. I have approved each of the deferred maintenance allocations contained within this legislation, but believe that Winthrop should be able to enhance its technology infrastructure using its available resources.
Veto 6     Page 3; Section 1, Item 29, Medical University of South Carolina - Ashley Tower Renovation - MUSC Hospital Authority: $5,500,000 Capital Reserve Funds

The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) will receive $3.2 million under this Joint Resolution in order to address its deferred maintenance needs. This is more than $2 million in excess of the increase that the University would have received in operating support under my Executive Budget. I have approved each of the deferred maintenance allocations contained within this legislation, but would ask MUSC to renovate Ashley Tower using the resources already at its disposal.
Veto 7     Page 3; Section 1, Item 32, Clemson University-PSA - Power Grid Research: $75,000 Capital Reserve Funds

Despite the name - "Power Grid Research" - this item is not associated with the similarly-named "Grid Simulator Project" that so many of us have supported and which is an important public-private partnership in which Duke Energy, SCANA, and Santee Cooper are all making meaningful financial contributions. In fact, Clemson University did not even request this $75,000 earmark. The taxpayers hardly expect us to send their money to organizations that have not even requested it.

Nikki R. Haley

Received as information.


The roll call of the House of Representatives was taken resulting as follows:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Ballentine             Barfield
Battle                 Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gilliard               Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Horne
Hosey                  Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                Vick
Weeks                  White                  Williams
Willis                 Young


I came in after the roll call and was present for the Session on Tuesday, July 17.

Jackson "Seth" Whipper            Todd Rutherford
James E. Smith, Jr.               William R. "Bill" Whitmire
Peter McCoy, Jr.                  Dwight Loftis
Carl Anderson                     Bruce W. Bannister
Tracy Edge                        H. B. "Chip" Limehouse
Kenneth F. Hodges                 James Harrison
Jerry Govan                       Mike Gambrell
Chris Hart                        Lewis E. Pinson
Leon Howard

Total Present--115


The SPEAKER granted Rep. POPE a leave of absence for the day.


The SPEAKER granted Rep. CROSBY a leave of absence for the day.


The SPEAKER granted Rep. CORBIN a leave of absence for the day due to illness.


The SPEAKER granted Rep. NEILSON a leave of absence for the day due to dental surgery.


Rep. HERBKERSMAN made a statement relative to Rep. BRANTLEY'S service in the House.


Rep. BRANTLEY made a statement relative to his service in the House.


Reps. ALLISON and FORRESTER made a statement relative to Rep. PARKER'S service in the House.


Rep. PARKER made a statement relative to his service in the House.


The Vetoes on the following Act were taken up:



Veto 1   Part IA, Page 120; Section 30 - Arts Commission, Total Funds Available: $3,446,946 Total Funds; $1,937,598 General Funds.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 110; Nays 5

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Rutherford             Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Chumley                Frye                   Nanney
Norman                 Southard


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I voted to override the Governor's Veto No. 1, which gives the lion share of the funding for the Arts Commission. I voted to override, in spite of great concerns I have for the amount of administrative expense that currently exists and the opposition there has been for needed reforms of the agency. I will be signing a request that the Legislative Audit Council conduct an audit of the Arts Commission. Also, I will be less inclined to support the override next year, if the Agency continues to oppose reform legislation.

Rep. Rick Quinn

Rep. Todd Atwater


Veto 2     Part IA, Page 26; Section 6, Commission on Higher Education III - Other Agencies and Entities, Special Items - EPSCOR: $161,314 Total/General Funds.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 70; Nays 45

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Edge                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Pinson                 Pitts
Rutherford             Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Skelton                J. E. Smith
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Henderson
Hixon                  Huggins                Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Patrick
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. BALLENTINE moved to reconsider the vote whereby the veto was sustained on Veto No. 2.

Rep. BALLENTINE moved to table the motion to reconsider.

Rep. OTT demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows:

Yeas 43; Nays 68

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Henderson
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Huggins
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Patrick
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Simrill                G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Edge                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Hiott                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Pinson
Pitts                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Skelton                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Williams


So, the House refused to table the motion to reconsider.

Rep. WHITE moved to adjourn debate on the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 3   Part IA, Page 145; Section 38, Sea Grant Consortium - Total Funds Available: $6,048,009 Total Funds; $428,223 General Funds.

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 102; Nays 10

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Rutherford             Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Toole
Tribble                Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Chumley                Frye                   Hamilton
Merrill                Nanney                 Southard


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 3. If I had been present, I would have voted to override the Governor's Veto.

Rep. Chip Limehouse


Veto 4   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Writing Improvement Network: $182,761 Total Funds.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 93; Nays 22

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Patrick                Pinson                 Pitts
Quinn                  Rutherford             Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Toole                  Tribble
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Ballentine             Bedingfield            Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Lowe
D. C. Moss             Nanney                 Norman
Putnam                 Ryan                   G. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 5   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - S.C. Geographic Alliance - USC: $155,869 Total Funds.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 87; Nays 24

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hart
Hayes                  Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Quinn
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Toole                  Tribble
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Chumley                Cole                   Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Lowe
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Putnam
Ryan                   G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 5. If I had been present, I would have voted to override the Governor's Veto.

Rep. Joe Daning


Veto 6   Part IA, Page 87; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, II. Programs and Services, F. Health Care Standards, 2. Facility and Service Development - Total Facility & Service Development: $727,189 Total Funds; $411,317 General Funds.

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 106; Nays 6

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Loftis
Long                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Rutherford             Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Tribble                Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Chumley                Frye                   Lowe
Norman                 Southard               Toole


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 6, the Certificate of Need Program. If I had been present, I would have voted to override the Governor's Veto.

Rep. H. Boyd Brown


Veto 7   Part IA, Page 7; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, C. Teacher Quality, 2. Retention and Reward, Special Items - Teacher Salary Support State Share Non-recurring: $10,070,600 Total Funds.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.
Rep. ANTHONY spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 113; Nays 1

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Rutherford             Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:



So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 8   Part IA, Page 9; Section 1, Department of Education, XIII. Governor's School Science & Math, Personal Service - Classified Positions: $1,173,826 Total/General Funds.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 109; Nays 3

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Nanney                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Patrick                Pinson                 Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Rutherford
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Norman                 Southard               Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 9   Part IA, Page 96; Section 23, Department of Mental Health, IV. Non-recurring Appropriations - Deferred Maintenance: $1,000,000 Total Funds; $1,000,000 General Funds.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 34; Nays 76

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Bales                  Bowers                 Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Dillard
Gilliard               Hart                   Hayes
Hodges                 Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 Munnerlyn              Ott
Parks                  Sabb                   Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Branham                Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Edge                   Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Funderburk             Gambrell
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Horne                  Huggins
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Nanney                 J. M. Neal             Norman
Owens                  Parker                 Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Spires
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 10   Part IA, Page 224; Section 70A, Legislative Department - The Senate, I. Administration, Special Items - Joint Citizens & Legislative Committee on Children: $300,000 Total Funds; $50,000 General Funds.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 58; Nays 53

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Barfield               Battle                 Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Daning                 Dillard                Erickson
Funderburk             Gilliard               Govan
Hart                   Hayes                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Pinson
Pitts                  Rutherford             Sabb
Sellers                J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Delleney               Edge
Forrester              Frye                   Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hearn
Henderson              Hiott                  Hixon
Huggins                Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sandifer               Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 11   Part IA, Page 230; Section 70F, Education Oversight Committee, I. Administration - Other Operating Expenses: $703,088 Total Funds; $200,000 General Funds.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 80; Nays 34

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Dillard                Edge
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Quinn
Rutherford             Sabb                   Sandifer
Skelton                J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Govan                  Hamilton               Hixon
Long                   Lowe                   McCoy
D. C. Moss             Nanney                 Norman
Putnam                 Ryan                   Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Taylor
Thayer                 Tribble                Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.



Veto 12   Part IA, Page 160; Section 44, Judicial Department, V. Administration, C. Information Technology - Other Operating Expenses: $2,800,000 Total Funds; $1,500,000 General Funds.

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 108; Nays 6

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Rutherford             Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Toole
Tribble                Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Chumley                Frye                   Huggins
Norman                 Southard               Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 13   Part IB, Page 468; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.7 - SR: E-Verify.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 2; Nays 105

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  Brantley


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 14   Part IB, Page 333; Section 19, Educational Television Commission, Proviso 19.2 - ETV: Digital Satellite.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 0; Nays 109

Those who voted in the affirmative are:


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 15   Part IB, Page 343; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Proviso 22.22 - Allocation Patient Days.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 0; Nays 105

Those who voted in the affirmative are:


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Allison
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Nanney                 J. M. Neal             Norman
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pinson                 Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber, meeting on constituent business, during the vote on Veto No. 15. The roll call vote was cut short, just as I reentered the Chambers, and my vote didn't register. I would have voted to sustain the Governor's Veto No. 15 to the General Appropriation Bill.

Rep. Tom Young



Veto 16   Part IB, Page 465; Section 89, General Provisions, Proviso 89.130 - GP: Open Market for Bus Contract Vendors.

Rep. HARRISON explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 60; Nays 54

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Battle                 Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Dillard                Edge
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Harrison               Hart
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Parks
Pinson                 Sabb                   Sellers
Skelton                J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Hearn                  Henderson              Hixon
Huggins                Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Nanney
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Patrick                Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 17   Part IB, Page 301; Section 1, Department of Education, Proviso 1.92 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop.

Rep. G. A. BROWN explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 61; Nays 51

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Barfield               Battle                 Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Dillard
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Harrison               Hart
Hayes                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
Munnerlyn              J. M. Neal             Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Pinson                 Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Skelton                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Bedingfield            Bingham
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Hearn                  Henderson              Hiott
Hixon                  Huggins                Loftis
Long                   McCoy                  D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Murphy                 Nanney
Norman                 Patrick                Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Simrill                G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 18   Part IB, Page 321; Section 1A, Department of Education, Education Improvement Act, Proviso 1A.64 - SDE-EIA: Education Oversight Committee Innovation Initiative.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 74; Nays 39

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Daning
Dillard                Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              Merrill
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Quinn
Sabb                   Sandifer               Skelton
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Taylor
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bowers                 G. A. Brown
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Delleney               Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Govan                  Hamilton
Henderson              Hixon                  Long
Lowe                   McCoy                  McLeod
D. C. Moss             Nanney                 Norman
Putnam                 Ryan                   Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 19   Part IB, Page 361; Section 31, State Museum Commission, Proviso 31.10 00 MUSM: State Museum Admissions Tax.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 54; Nays 57

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Ballentine             Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Daning
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Funderburk             Gilliard               Govan
Hart                   Hayes                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Ott                    Parks
Quinn                  Sabb                   Sellers
J. E. Smith            Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Bannister
Bedingfield            Bowen                  G. A. Brown
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Delleney               Forrester              Frye
Gambrell               Hamilton               Harrell
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             Murphy                 Nanney
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Patrick                Pinson                 Pitts
Putnam                 Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 20   Part IB, Page 398; Section 67, Department of Employment and Workforce, Proviso 67.9 - DEW: Benefit Amount.

Rep. J. R. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 32; Nays 75

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allen                  Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Battle                 Brady
Brannon                Brantley               H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Dillard                Gilliard
Hart                   Hayes                  Hodges
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Mack
McEachern              Munnerlyn              Ott
Sabb                   Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Edge                   Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Funderburk             Gambrell
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Horne                  Huggins                Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Patrick                Pinson                 Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 21   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 52, Arts Commission - Grants: $500,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
Rep. BRANNON spoke against the Veto.
Rep. J. E. SMITH spoke against the Veto.
Rep. HORNE spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 89; Nays 25

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Battle                 Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Quinn
Rutherford             Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
J. E. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Tallon                 Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Whitmire
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Barfield               Bedingfield
Chumley                Clemmons               Edge
Frye                   Hamilton               Hixon
Loftis                 Long                   Nanney
Norman                 Putnam                 G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                White


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 22   Part IB, Page 347; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Proviso 22.46 - Vital Records.

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 88; Nays 26

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Parker                 Parks
Pinson                 Pitts                  Rutherford
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Toole
Tribble                Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Bedingfield
Bingham                Chumley                Clemmons
Forrester              Hamilton               Huggins
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 23   Part IB, Page 365; Section 37, Department of Natural Resources, Proviso 37.10 - DNR: Lake Paul Wallace Authority.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 0; Nays 102

Those who voted in the affirmative are:


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Patrick                Pinson                 Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Tribble                Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 24   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 13(c), Department of Public Safety - Capitol Complex Garage Security Equipment: $75,000.

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 0; Nays 111

Those who voted in the affirmative are:


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Tribble                Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 25   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 25, Department of Motor Vehicles - Programming & Training/Implementation of S.1031: $88,550.

Rep. J. R. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 8; Nays 93

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  Brantley               Gilliard
McEachern              McLeod                 Munnerlyn
Sabb                   Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Allison
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Hayes                  Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Howard
Huggins                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Norman                 Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 26   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 48(c), Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism - Irmo Veterans Park: $30,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 36; Nays 74

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Dillard                Gilliard               Govan
Hart                   Hayes                  Hodges
Hosey                  Jefferson              King
Knight                 Mack                   McEachern
Munnerlyn              Ott                    Parker
Parks                  Sabb                   Sellers
J. E. Smith            Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Brady                  G. A. Brown            Chumley
Clemmons               Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Horne
Howard                 Huggins                Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Nanney                 J. M. Neal             Norman
Owens                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sandifer               Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
Weeks                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 27   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 48(d), Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism - Patriot Park Environmental Pavilion: $100,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 43; Nays 68

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Dillard
Gilliard               Govan                  Hart
Hayes                  Hodges                 Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 Munnerlyn
Ott                    Parks                  Patrick
Sabb                   Sellers                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Brady                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Edge                   Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Funderburk             Gambrell
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Horne
Huggins                Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Norman                 Owens
Parker                 Pinson                 Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Sandifer               Simrill                Skelton
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Tribble                White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 28   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 48(b), Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism - Southeastern Wildlife Exposition Regional Marketing and Advertising: $200,000.

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.
Rep. G. R. SMITH spoke in favor of the Veto.
Rep. STAVRINAKIS spoke against the Veto.
Rep. MERRILL spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 89; Nays 23

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Patrick                Pitts
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Bedingfield            Bowers                 Cole
Frye                   Hamilton               Henderson
Hixon                  Huggins                Nanney
Norman                 Putnam                 Quinn
G. R. Smith            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Tribble
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 29   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 34, Department of Transportation - SMART Ride - Camden: $60,000.

Rep. FUNDERBURK explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 0; Nays 109

Those who voted in the affirmative are:


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Norman
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 30   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 32, Department of Public Safety - Andrews Public Safety Building (1 to 1 Match): $100,000.

Rep. ANDERSON explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 45; Nays 67

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Barfield
Battle                 Bowers                 Branham
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Dillard                Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hart
Hayes                  Hodges                 Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 Munnerlyn
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Rutherford
Sabb                   Sandifer               J. E. Smith
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Brannon                Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Edge                   Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Horne                  Huggins
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 Norman
Owens                  Parker                 Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 31   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 30, State Museum - North Myrtle Beach Historical Museum: $300,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 34; Nays 77

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Bales
Battle                 Bowers                 Branham
Brantley               H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Edge                   Gilliard
Govan                  Hart                   Hayes
Hosey                  Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 Munnerlyn              Ott
Parks                  Sabb                   Sellers
J. E. Smith            Vick                   Whipper


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Allison
Anthony                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Brannon                G. A. Brown            Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Huggins                Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Patrick                Pinson                 Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Sandifer               Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Tribble
Weeks                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 32   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 29(a), Department of Archives and History - City of Charleston African American Historic Sites Preservation: $200,000.

Rep. MACK explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 63; Nays 50

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Battle                 Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Daning
Dillard                Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Herbkersman            Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Patrick
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brannon
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Delleney               Edge                   Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Henderson
Hiott                  Hixon                  Huggins
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Parker                 Pinson                 Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 33   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 29(b), Department of Archives and History - City of Hilton Head - Mitchelville Capital Land Purchase: $200,000.

Rep. PATRICK explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 49; Nays 62

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Battle
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Daning                 Dillard
Erickson               Funderburk             Gilliard
Govan                  Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hodges                 Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Ott
Parks                  Patrick                Sabb
Sellers                J. E. Smith            Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Brady                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Delleney               Edge
Forrester              Frye                   Gambrell
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrison
Hearn                  Henderson              Hiott
Hixon                  Horne                  Huggins
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 34   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 47(d), Department of Natural Resources - DNR: Darlington County Watershed Project.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
Rep. LUCAS spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 79; Nays 32

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hayes
Hearn                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pinson                 Quinn
Rutherford             Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Vick                   Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bedingfield            Bingham
Chumley                Cole                   Daning
Forrester              Frye                   Hamilton
Henderson              Huggins                Loftis
Merrill                Nanney                 Norman
Parker                 Pitts                  Putnam
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Weeks                  White
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


The SPEAKER granted Rep. HIOTT a leave of absence for the remainder of the day due to a prior speaking engagement.


Veto 35   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 47(e), Department of Natural Resources - DNR: Lake Wallace Special Purpose District.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
Rep. MUNNERLYN spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 78; Nays 32

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Bannister              Battle
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Quinn
Rutherford             Ryan                   Sabb
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Chumley
Clemmons               Edge                   Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Henderson
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Huggins
Loftis                 Merrill                Nanney
Norman                 Owens                  Putnam
Sandifer               G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 36   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 31, Prosecution Coordination Commission - Center for Fathers and Families: $200,000.

Rep. ANTHONY explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 65; Nays 40

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bowers
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Dillard                Edge                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Hayes                  Hearn
Herbkersman            Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Rutherford             Sabb
Sandifer               J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Chumley                Delleney               Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Hamilton
Harrell                Henderson              Hixon
Huggins                Lucas                  D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Parker                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  White                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 37   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 41, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs - Charles Lea Center (1 to 1 Match): $250,000.

Rep. COLE explained the Veto.
Rep. BRANNON spoke against the Veto.
Rep. PARKER spoke against the Veto.
Rep. STAVRINAKIS spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 105; Nays 0

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Allison
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Nanney                 J. M. Neal             Norman
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Quinn                  Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 38   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 45, Housing Finance and Development Authority - Marion County Habitat for Humanity Pilot Project (1 to 1 Match): $250,000.

Rep. BATTLE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 49; Nays 57

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Barfield               Battle                 Bowers
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Funderburk             Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Hayes
Hearn                  Hodges                 Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
Munnerlyn              J. M. Neal             Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Pinson
Sabb                   J. E. Smith            Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Brady                  Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Gambrell
Hamilton               Harrell                Henderson
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Horne
Huggins                Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Sandifer               Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 39   Part IB, Page 357; Section 26, Department of Social Services, Proviso 26.24 - DSS: Women in Unity.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 70; Nays 34

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Battle                 Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Parker
Parks                  Pinson                 Pitts
Quinn                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Taylor
Vick                   Weeks                  White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Hearn                  Henderson
Huggins                Loftis                 Long
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Nanney                 Norman
Owens                  Patrick                G. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Thayer                 Toole                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


During the vote on Veto No. 39, I inadvertently voted to override, but intended to vote to sustain Veto No. 39.

Rep. Bill Taylor


Veto 40   Part IB, Page 357; Section 26, Department of Social Services, Proviso 26.25 - DSS: Tri-City Outreach.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 52; Nays 52

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
Brantley               R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Daning
Dillard                Edge                   Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Parks
Pitts                  Quinn                  Sabb
J. E. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Vick                   Weeks


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Delleney               Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Harrell
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Huggins                Loftis
Long                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Parker                 Patrick                Pinson
Putnam                 Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 41   Part IB, Page 357; Section 26, Department of Social Services, Proviso 26.26 - DSS: Callen-Lacey Center for Children.

Rep. DANING explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 49; Nays 55

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bowers
Brady                  Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Daning                 Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Harrell
Hart                   Hearn                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Patrick
Sabb                   J. E. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Branham                Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Delleney
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrison
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hixon
Huggins                Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Nanney
Norman                 Ott                    Parker
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 42   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 44(a), Department of Social Services - United Center for Community Care: $75,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 33; Nays 74

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Battle
Bowers                 Brantley               H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Dillard                Gilliard
Govan                  Hart                   Hodges
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 Munnerlyn
Ott                    Sabb                   J. E. Smith
Vick                   Weeks                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allen                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Horne                  Huggins
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Norman                 Owens
Parker                 Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sandifer               Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 43   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 44(b), Department of Social Services - Community Outreach Center Incorporated After School Program: $25,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 37; Nays 72

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Battle
Bowers                 Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Dillard
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hart                   Hodges                 Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 Munnerlyn              Ott
Parks                  Pinson                 Sabb
J. E. Smith            Vick                   Weeks


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Branham                Brannon                Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hixon
Horne                  Huggins                Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Patrick                Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 44   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 39(e), State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education - SC Skills USA: $200,000.

Rep. LOFTIS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 81; Nays 24

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Forrester
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Pinson                 Pitts
Putnam                 Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Skelton
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Thayer                 Vick                   Weeks
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Bedingfield
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Erickson               Frye                   Hamilton
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                Nanney
Norman                 Parker                 Patrick
Quinn                  Tallon                 Taylor
Toole                  Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 45   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20, Non-Recurring Revenue, Item 36(a), Commission on Higher Education - University Center of Greenville Technology Upgrade: $100,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 20; Nays 89

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Anderson               Bales                  Brannon
Brantley               H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Dillard
Hart                   Hosey                  Jefferson
Johnson                Mack                   McEachern
Munnerlyn              Parks                  J. E. Smith
Vick                   Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anthony                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                G. A. Brown            Chumley
Clemmons               Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Howard
Huggins                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Thayer                 Toole
Weeks                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 46   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 37(a), Clemson University PSA - Advanced Plant Technology Lab: $4,000,000.

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 96; Nays 11

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Ballentine             Clemmons               Daning
Frye                   Hamilton               Loftis
Merrill                Nanney                 Norman
Southard               Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 47   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 37(b), Clemson University PSA - Operating: $100,000.

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 89; Nays 14

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Ballentine             Bedingfield            Bingham
Frye                   Hamilton               Huggins
McCoy                  Merrill                Nanney
Norman                 Stringer               Taylor
Thayer                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 47. If I had been present, I would have voted to override the Governor's Veto, because I support Clemson University.

Rep. Carl L. Anderson


Veto 48   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 49, University of Charleston - Interactive Digital Technology Pilot Project (1 to 1 Match): $2,000,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 77; Nays 28

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Ballentine             Barfield               Battle
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                Brantley               H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Herbkersman            Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Bannister
Bedingfield            Bingham                Chumley
Cole                   Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Huggins
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Nanney
Norman                 Parker                 Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 49   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 36(b), Commission on Higher Education - SC Manufacturers Extension Partnership: $200,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
Rep. LOFTIS spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 45; Nays 64

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Battle
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
Brantley               H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Govan                  Hart
Hayes                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Ott                    Parks
Pinson                 Sabb                   Sellers
J. E. Smith            Sottile                Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Brady                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Edge                   Erickson               Forrester
Frye                   Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hixon
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Patrick                Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 50   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(a), Department of Health and Environmental Control - ADAP Prevention: $200,000.

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 88; Nays 22

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sellers                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Vick                   Weeks                  White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Chumley
Delleney               Frye                   Hixon
Huggins                Lucas                  D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Simrill                J. R. Smith            Southard
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 51   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(b), Department of Health and Environmental Control - SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: $453,680.

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.
Rep. BRADY spoke against the Veto.
Rep. H. B. BROWN spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 111; Nays 0

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Nanney                 J. M. Neal             Norman
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I abstained from the vote on Veto No. 51, due to a conflict of interest. My agency, CASA Family Systems, receives funding from DHEC for the provision of rape crisis services.

Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter


Veto 52   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(c), Department of Health and Environmental Control - Kidney Disease Early Evacuation and Risk Assessment Education: $100,000.

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 92; Nays 13

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Long
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Nanney                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Quinn
Ryan                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Bedingfield            Forrester
Hixon                  Huggins                Lowe
Lucas                  Norman                 Putnam
Southard               Tallon                 Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 52. If I had been present, I would have voted to override the Governor's Veto.

Rep. George Hearn


Veto 53   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(d), Department of Health and Environmental Control - Hemophilia - SC Bleeding Disorders Premium Assistance Program: $100,000.

Rep. STRINGER explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 107; Nays 1

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hart
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:



So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 54   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(e), Department of Health and Environmental Control - S.C. Office of Rural Health - Benefit Bank: $500,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 41; Nays 67

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Battle
Bowers                 Branham                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Funderburk             Gilliard
Govan                  Hart                   Hayes
Hodges                 Hosey                  Howard
Johnson                King                   Knight
McEachern              McLeod                 Munnerlyn
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Parks
Quinn                  Sabb                   Sellers
J. E. Smith            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Brady                  Brannon                Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Gambrell
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Horne
Huggins                Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Murphy                 Nanney
Norman                 Parker                 Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Ryan                   Sandifer               Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  White                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 55   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(f), Department of Health and Environmental Control - James R. Clark Memorial Sickle Cell Foundation: $100,000.

Rep. BUTLER GARRICK explained the Veto.
Rep. QUINN spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 107; Nays 0

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Norman                 Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 56   Part IB, Page 344; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Proviso 22.26 - Head Lice.

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 28; Nays 78

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bowers                 Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Gilliard               Govan
Hayes                  Hodges                 Hosey
Howard                 King                   Knight
Loftis                 McEachern              McLeod
Munnerlyn              Ott                    Parks
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Whipper


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Allison
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Branham                Brannon                Butler Garrick
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Daning                 Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hart                   Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Horne                  Huggins
Johnson                Limehouse              Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Parker                 Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Weeks                  White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


The recorded vote on Veto No. 56 did not correctly reflect my intent. I intended to vote to sustain the Governor's Veto, but while voting from a colleague's desk, I inadvertently pressed the wrong vote button on the electronic vote system, and the vote was closed before I could rectify my vote.

Rep. Dwight Loftis


Veto 57   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 21, Secretary of State - Information Technology Upgrade: $500,000.

Rep. PARKER explained the Veto.
Rep. MERRILL spoke in favor of the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 42; Nays 66

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Barfield               Battle
Bowers                 Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Dillard
Gilliard               Govan                  Hart
Hayes                  Hearn                  Herbkersman
Hodges                 Hosey                  Howard
Johnson                King                   Loftis
McEachern              McLeod                 Munnerlyn
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Parker
Parks                  Pinson                 Sabb
Sellers                J. E. Smith            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Allison                Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Branham                Chumley                Clemmons
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Henderson              Hixon
Horne                  Huggins                Knight
Limehouse              Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.



Veto 58   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 20(a), Department of Natural Resources - Replacement of IT Equipment and Maintenance: $1,260,505.

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 93; Nays 16

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Delleney
Dillard                Erickson               Forrester
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Quinn                  Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Chumley                Clemmons
Daning                 Frye                   Huggins
Norman                 Putnam                 Southard
Stringer               Taylor                 Thayer


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 59   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 23, Commission on Indigent Defense - Information Technology Upgrade: $101,000.

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 77; Nays 28

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hearn                  Herbkersman            Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Patrick                Pinson                 Pitts
Quinn                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Bedingfield
Brannon                Chumley                Clemmons
Forrester              Frye                   Hamilton
Henderson              Hixon                  Huggins
Lowe                   Lucas                  D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Putnam
Ryan                   G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Whitmire


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 60   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 15(b), John de la Howe School - Information Technology Upgrade: $200,014.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 82; Nays 24

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Delleney               Dillard                Erickson
Frye                   Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Hearn                  Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Loftis
Long                   Lucas                  McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Forrester
Henderson              Huggins                Limehouse
Lowe                   Norman                 Putnam
Ryan                   Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 61   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.29B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 57, Budget and Control Board - Rural Infrastructure Fund: $3,000,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 70; Nays 37

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Barfield               Battle                 Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Dillard
Erickson               Frye                   Funderburk
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hart
Hayes                  Hearn                  Herbkersman
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Johnson                King
Knight                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McEachern              McLeod
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Pinson
Pitts                  Quinn                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Skelton
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Spires
Stavrinakis            Taylor                 Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Bedingfield            Bingham
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Forrester
Hamilton               Henderson              Hixon
Huggins                Limehouse              Loftis
McCoy                  Merrill                Nanney
Norman                 Owens                  Putnam
Ryan                   Simrill                G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Thayer
Toole                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 62   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 26, Vocational Rehabilitation - Restoration of Vocational Rehabilitation Program - State Matching Funds: $1,000,000.

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 108; Nays 0

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hart
Hayes                  Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Ott                    Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 63   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 16, Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School - Window Replacement: $750,000.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 86; Nays 24

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Frye                   Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hart
Hayes                  Hearn                  Herbkersman
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lucas
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 J. M. Neal             Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Quinn                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Skelton
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Bedingfield            Chumley                Clemmons
Daning                 Forrester              Hamilton
Henderson              Hixon                  Long
Lowe                   McCoy                  Norman
Owens                  Pitts                  Putnam
Ryan                   Simrill                G. M. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Taylor
Thayer                 Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 64   Part IB, Page 470; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 8(b), Legislative Audit Council - Peer Review Audit - Government Auditing Standards: $15,000.

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 78; Nays 32

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hart                   Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Skelton                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Thayer
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Bales                  Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Huggins                Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  D. C. Moss
Nanney                 J. M. Neal             Norman
Pinson                 Putnam                 Quinn
G. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Toole
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 65   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 46(a), Department of Agriculture - Marketing and Branding: $500,000.

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.
Rep. NORMAN spoke in favor of the Veto.
Rep. SIMRILL spoke against the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 93; Nays 17

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Quinn                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Tallon
Taylor                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Daning
Frye                   Hamilton               Huggins
Long                   Nanney                 Norman
Parker                 Pinson                 Putnam
Ryan                   Southard               Stringer
Thayer                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 66   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Item 46(c), Department of Agriculture - Market Operations: $600,000.

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 76; Nays 33

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Chumley
Cobb-Hunter            Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hayes
Hearn                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Quinn
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                J. E. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Huggins                Loftis
Long                   D. C. Moss             Nanney
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Putnam                 Ryan                   G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 66. If I had been present, I would have voted to override the Governor's Veto.

Rep. Bill Clyburn


Veto 67   Part IB, Page 470; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.19 - SR: National Mortgage Settlement.
Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
Rep. SIMRILL spoke against the Veto.
Rep. DILLARD spoke in favor of the Veto.
Rep. WHITE spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 75; Nays 34

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Allison                Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brady
Brannon                H. B. Brown            Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Gambrell
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Nanney                 Norman                 Owens
Parker                 Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sandifer               Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   White
Whitmire               Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Allen                  Anderson
Bales                  Bowers                 Branham
Brantley               R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Dillard
Funderburk             Gilliard               Govan
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
Munnerlyn              J. M. Neal             Ott
Parks                  Rutherford             Sabb
Stavrinakis            Weeks                  Whipper


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.



Veto 68   Part IB, Page 331; Section 15, University of South Carolina, Proviso 15.3 - USC: School Improvement Council.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 93; Nays 12

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Rutherford             Sabb                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Chumley                Forrester
Hamilton               Hixon                  Nanney
Norman                 Ryan                   J. R. Smith
Southard               Taylor                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 69   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 28, Department of Education - SC School Improvement Council: $35,000.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 66; Nays 46

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Ballentine             Barfield
Battle                 Bingham                Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Dillard
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Parker                 Parks
Pinson                 Pitts                  Rutherford
Sabb                   Sellers                J. E. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Bannister              Bedingfield
Bowen                  Chumley                Clemmons
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Hardwick               Henderson
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Huggins
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             Nanney                 Norman
Owens                  Patrick                Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sandifer
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 70   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 14, Department of Education, Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities - Administration Building Construction: $1,250,000.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 97; Nays 8

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Allison
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Forrester
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Quinn                  Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Ballentine             Erickson               Frye
Long                   Norman                 Southard
Taylor                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 71   Part IB, Page 407; Section 70, Legislative Department, Proviso 70.32 - LEG: EOC Efficiency Review.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 76; Nays 33

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Dillard                Erickson
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hayes                  Hearn
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Lowe                   Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Quinn
Sabb                   Sandifer               Skelton
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Forrester              Frye                   Hamilton
Henderson              Hixon                  Huggins
Long                   Lucas                  McCoy
D. C. Moss             Nanney                 Norman
Putnam                 Ryan                   Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 72     Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 56, Education Oversight Committee - School District Efficiency Review Pilot Program.

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 77; Nays 32

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Dillard
Erickson               Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hayes
Hearn                  Herbkersman            Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Lowe                   Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Quinn                  Rutherford
Sabb                   Sandifer               Skelton
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Forrester
Frye                   Hamilton               Henderson
Hixon                  Huggins                Long
McCoy                  D. C. Moss             Nanney
Norman                 Putnam                 Ryan
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 72   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 56, Education Oversight Committee - School District Efficiency Review Pilot Program.
Rep. MERRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 110; Nays 0

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              McLeod                 Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Rutherford             Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I chose to abstain from voting on Vetoes No. 73 and No. 74, due to the potential appearance of a conflict of interest.

Rep. Bill Herbkersman


Veto 74   Part IB, Page 402; Section 69, State Ports Authority, Proviso 69.5 - SPA: Dredge Disposal Material.

Rep. MERRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 110; Nays 1

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Rutherford             Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:



So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I chose to abstain from voting on Vetoes No. 73 and No. 74, due to the potential appearance of a conflict of interest.

Rep. Bill Herbkersman


The Vetoes on the following Joint Resolution were taken up:



Veto 1   Page 2; Section 1, Item 7, The Citadel - Jenkins Hall Arms Room Upgrade: $200,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 104; Nays 3

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Nanney
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ryan                   Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Frye                   Norman                 Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 2   Page 2; Section 1, Item 10, Clemson University - Greenwood Genetics Lab: $2,000,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 89; Nays 10

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Henderson
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Nanney
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parker                 Parks                  Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Sabb
Sandifer               Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Ballentine             Bedingfield            Chumley
Frye                   Norman                 Quinn
Ryan                   Southard               Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 3   Page 2; Section 1, Item 14, Francis Marion University - Nurse Practitioner Program: $100,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 79; Nays 23

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clemmons
Cobb-Hunter            Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Johnson                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Parker
Pinson                 Pitts                  Sabb
Sandifer               Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Stavrinakis            Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Chumley                Cole
Forrester              Frye                   Huggins
Loftis                 Merrill                Nanney
Norman                 Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 4   Page 2; Section 1, Item 18, University of South Carolina, Columbia Campus - USC Palmetto College: $2,115,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 101; Nays 5

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Huggins                Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ryan
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                Skelton                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Young


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Chumley                Frye
Howard                 Norman


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 5   Page 3; Section 1, Item 27, Winthrop University - Student
Information Technology Infrastructure Update: $500,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 82; Nays 25

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Rutherford             Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Chumley
Forrester              Frye                   Hamilton
Loftis                 Merrill                Nanney
Norman                 Parker                 Putnam
Quinn                  G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 6   Page 3; Section 1, Item 29, Medical University of South Carolina - Ashley Tower Renovation - MUSC Hospital Authority: $5,500,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 90; Nays 18

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Harrison               Hayes
Hearn                  Henderson              Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              J. M. Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pinson                 Pitts
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Chumley                Cole
Frye                   Hamilton               Huggins
Loftis                 Nanney                 Norman
Parker                 Putnam                 Quinn
Tallon                 Taylor                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 7   Page 3; Section 1, Item 32, Clemson University-PSA - Power Grid Research: $75,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 4; Nays 99

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  H. B. Brown            McEachern


Those who voted in the negative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Battle                 Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Chumley                Clemmons               Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Frye                   Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hayes                  Hearn
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Nanney                 J. M. Neal
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Weeks                  White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. HORNE spoke in favor of the motion to reconsider.

The question then recurred to the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 2   Part IA, Page 26; Section 6, Commission on Higher Education III - Other Agencies and Entities, Special Items - EPSCOR: $161,314 Total/General Funds.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 80; Nays 29

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pinson
Pitts                  Quinn                  Rutherford
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Skelton                J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Thayer                 Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Chumley
Cole                   Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Henderson              Huggins
Lowe                   Merrill                D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Parker
Putnam                 Ryan                   Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Toole                  Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 10   Part IA, Page 224; Section 70A, Legislative Department - The Senate, I. Administration, Special Items - Joint Citizens & Legislative Committee on Children: $300,000 Total Funds; $50,000 General Funds.

Rep. MERRILL moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto 10 was sustained.

Rep. BRADY spoke in favor of the motion to reconsider.

The question then recurred to the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 10   Part IA, Page 224; Section 70A, Legislative Department - The Senate, I. Administration, Special Items - Joint Citizens & Legislative Committee on Children: $300,000 Total Funds; $50,000 General Funds.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 79; Nays 28

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Battle                 Bowen                  Bowers
Brady                  Branham                Brannon
Brantley               G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown
R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick         Clemmons
Clyburn                Daning                 Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Johnson                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
McLeod                 Merrill                V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              J. M. Neal             Ott
Parker                 Parks                  Patrick
Pinson                 Rutherford             Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Skelton
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Thayer                 Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Chumley                Cole
Delleney               Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Henderson              Huggins
Lowe                   D. C. Moss             Nanney
Norman                 Putnam                 Quinn
Ryan                   Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Toole                  Whitmire


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 61   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.29B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 57, Budget and Control Board - Rural Infrastructure Fund: $3,000,000.

Rep. LIMEHOUSE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 61 was sustained, which was agreed to.


Veto 61   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.29B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 57, Budget and Control Board - Rural Infrastructure Fund: $3,000,000.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 83; Nays 23

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Allen                  Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Barfield               Battle                 Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brannon                Brantley
G. A. Brown            H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown
Butler Garrick         Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Frye
Funderburk             Gambrell               Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Harrell
Harrison               Hayes                  Hearn
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Johnson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
J. M. Neal             Ott                    Parker
Parks                  Pinson                 Pitts
Quinn                  Rutherford             Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Skelton
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bannister
Bedingfield            Cole                   Daning
Erickson               Hamilton               Henderson
Loftis                 Merrill                Nanney
Norman                 Owens                  Patrick
Putnam                 Simrill                G. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Taylor
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 17   Part IB, Page 301; Section 1, Department of Education, Proviso 1.92 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop.

Rep. EDGE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 17 was sustained.

Rep. HAMILTON demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows:

Yeas 67; Nays 30

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allen                  Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Barfield               Battle
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brady
Branham                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Funderburk             Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrison               Hayes                  Hearn
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Johnson
Knight                 Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              McLeod
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              J. M. Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Pinson
Pitts                  Quinn                  Rutherford
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
Skelton                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Bedingfield            Bingham                Brannon
Chumley                Daning                 Frye
Hamilton               Henderson              Hixon
Loftis                 Long                   McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Nanney
Norman                 Owens                  Parker
Putnam                 Ryan                   G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Taylor                 Willis                 Young


So, the motion to reconsider was agreed to.


Veto 17   Part IB, Page 301; Section 1, Department of Education, Proviso 1.92 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 76; Nays 29

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Barfield               Battle                 Bowen
Bowers                 Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrison               Hayes
Hearn                  Herbkersman            Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Jefferson
Johnson                Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              J. M. Neal             Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Pinson                 Pitts                  Quinn
Rutherford             Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                Skelton
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Bedingfield            Bingham
Chumley                Cole                   Daning
Frye                   Hamilton               Henderson
Hixon                  Loftis                 Long
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Nanney                 Norman                 Putnam
Ryan                   G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Willis                 Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 36   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 31, Prosecution Coordination Commission - Center for Fathers and Families: $200,000.

Rep. PITTS moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 36 was sustained, which was agreed to.


Veto 36   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 31, Prosecution Coordination Commission - Center for Fathers and Families: $200,000.

Rep. HEARN spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 78; Nays 29

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Agnew                  Alexander              Allen
Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Battle
Bowen                  Brady                  Branham
Brannon                Brantley               G. A. Brown
H. B. Brown            R. L. Brown            Butler Garrick
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cole
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Funderburk
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Harrison
Hayes                  Hearn                  Herbkersman
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Jefferson              Johnson
Knight                 Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              McLeod                 V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              J. M. Neal             Ott
Owens                  Parker                 Parks
Pinson                 Pitts                  Rutherford
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Skelton                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Thayer                 Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bingham                Bowers                 Chumley
Cobb-Hunter            Forrester              Frye
Hamilton               Henderson              Howard
Huggins                King                   Limehouse
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Nanney
Norman                 Quinn                  Ryan
Simrill                G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Toole                  Young


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. BEDINGFIELD moved that the House recur to the morning hour, which was agreed to.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 5439 (Word version) -- Reps. Owens, Hiott, Skelton, Agnew, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Battle, Bedingfield, Bikas, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Brady, Branham, Brannon, Brantley, G. A. Brown, H. B. Brown, R. L. Brown, Butler Garrick, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, Corbin, Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Edge, Erickson, Forrester, Frye, Funderburk, Gambrell, Gilliard, Govan, Hamilton, Hardwick, Harrell, Harrison, Hart, Hayes, Hearn, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Johnson, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, McLeod, Merrill, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, J. H. Neal, J. M. Neal, Neilson, Norman, Ott, Parker, Parks, Patrick, Pinson, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Rutherford, Ryan, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Tribble, Vick, Weeks, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Young: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO EXPRESS THE SYMPATHY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO THE FAMILY OF SERGEANT FIRST CLASS MATTHEW BRADFORD THOMAS OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL GUARD WHO MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE WHILE HE WAS SERVING A TOUR OF DUTY IN AFGHANISTAN AND TO EXPRESS THE PROFOUND APPRECIATION OF A GRATEFUL STATE AND NATION FOR HIS LIFE, SACRIFICE, AND SERVICE.

Whereas, with deep sympathy and appreciation, the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives honor, on behalf of all South Carolinians, the great sacrifice that the men and women of the United States Armed Forces make for the ideals of liberty and justice so richly enjoyed in this nation; and

Whereas, on June 20, 2012, at the age of 30, Sergeant First Class Matthew Bradford "Brad" Thomas gave his life near a crowded marketplace in Khost, Afghanistan, at the foot of the mountains along the Pakistan border, when a bomber approached Afghan and United States soldiers at their traffic control post and detonated the charge during lunch time; and

Whereas, as a teenager, Brad Thomas earned the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, graduated from Traveler's Rest High School in 1999, and joined the South Carolina National Guard shortly after 9-11. He worked at Charter Media before being deployed; and

Whereas, assigned to the 51st Military Police Battalion's 133rd Military Police Company of the South Carolina National Guard, nicknamed the "Palmetto Regulators" and based in Timmonsville, Sergeant Thomas answered his country's call to deploy with one hundred seventy soldiers of his company to Khost province; and

Whereas, he left behind his loving wife, Jana; his beloved son, Cayden; and his devoted parents, Charles and Marsha Thomas, all of Easley; and

Whereas, there is no greater or braver sacrifice for a man to make for his country than to lay down his life; therefore, the South Carolina House of Representatives is honored to remember the life and sacrifice of a brave son and hero of the Palmetto State, Sergeant First Class Brad Thomas. Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:

That the members of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, by this resolution, express their deepest sympathy to the family of Sergeant First Class Matthew Bradford Thomas of the South Carolina National Guard who made the supreme sacrifice while he was serving a tour of duty in Afghanistan and to express the profound appreciation of a grateful state and nation for his life, sacrifice, and service.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Sergeant First Class Matthew Bradford "Brad" Thomas.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 5440 (Word version) -- Reps. Johnson, G. M. Smith, Weeks, G. A. Brown, J. H. Neal, Funderburk, Lucas, Butler Garrick, Lowe, Agnew, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Battle, Bedingfield, Bikas, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Brady, Branham, Brannon, Brantley, H. B. Brown, R. L. Brown, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, Corbin, Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Edge, Erickson, Forrester, Frye, Gambrell, Gilliard, Govan, Hamilton, Hardwick, Harrell, Harrison, Hart, Hayes, Hearn, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, McLeod, Merrill, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, J. M. Neal, Neilson, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parker, Parks, Patrick, Pinson, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Rutherford, Ryan, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Tribble, Vick, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Young: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE, RECOGNIZE, AND COMMEND JAMES T. DARBY, JR., OF CLARENDON COUNTY, DIRECTOR OF THE SANTEE-LYNCHES REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT, AND TO WISH HIM MUCH SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT IN ALL HIS FUTURE ENDEAVORS.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 30 to 10:

Veto 1   Part IA, Page 120; Section 30 - Arts Commission, Total Funds Available: $3,446,946 Total Funds; $1,937,598 General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 26 to 15:

Veto 2     Part IA, Page 26; Section 6, Commission on Higher Education III - Other Agencies and Entities, Special Items - EPSCOR: $161,314 Total/General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 34 to 7:

Veto 3     Part IA, Page 145; Section 38, Sea Grant Consortium - Total Funds Available: $6,048,009 Total Funds; $428,223 General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 27 to 14:

Veto 4     Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Writing Improvement Network: $182,761 Total Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 30 to 11:

Veto 5     Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - S.C. Geographic Alliance - USC: $155,869 Total Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 36 to 5:

Veto 6     Part IA, Page 87; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, II. Programs and Services, F. Health Care Standards, 2. Facility and Service Development - Total Facility & Service Development: $727,189 Total Funds; $411,317 General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 41 to 2:

Veto 7     Part IA, Page 7; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, C. Teacher Quality, 2. Retention and Reward, Special Items - Teacher Salary Support State Share Non-recurring: $10,070,600 Total Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 33 to 9:

Veto 8     Part IA, Page 9; Section 1, Department of Education, XIII. Governor's School Science & Math, Personal Service - Classified Positions: $1,173,826 Total/General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 27 to 15:

Veto 10   Part IA, Page 224; Section 70A, Legislative Department - The Senate, I. Administration, Special Items - Joint Citizens & Legislative Committee on Children: $300,000 Total Funds; $50,000 General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 29 to 12:

Veto 11   Part IA, Page 230; Section 70F, Education Oversight Committee, I. Administration - Other Operating Expenses: $703,088 Total Funds; $200,000 General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 40 to 2:

Veto 12   Part IA, Page 160; Section 44, Judicial Department, V. Administration, C. Information Technology - Other Operating Expenses: $2,800,000 Total Funds; $1,500,000 General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 24 to 17:

Veto 17   Part IB, Page 301; Section 1, Department of Education, Proviso 1.92 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 29 to 12:

Veto 21   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 52, Arts Commission - Grants: $500,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 31 to 11:

Veto 22   Part IB, Page 347; Section 22, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Proviso 22.46 - Vital Records.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 30 to 12:

Veto 28   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 48(b), Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism - Southeastern Wildlife Exposition Regional Marketing and Advertising: $200,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 31 to 11:

Veto 34   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 47(d), Department of Natural Resources - DNR: Darlington County Watershed Project.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 26 to 15:

Veto 35   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 47(e), Department of Natural Resources - DNR: Lake Wallace Special Purpose District.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 21 to 20:

Veto 37   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 41, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs - Charles Lea Center (1 to 1 Match): $250,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 19 to 21:

Veto 39   Part IB, Page 357; Section 26, Department of Social Services, Proviso 26.24 - DSS: Women in Unity.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 25 to 16:

Veto 36   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 31, Prosecution Coordination Commission - Center for Fathers and Families: $200,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 27 to 14:

Veto 44   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 39(e), State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education - SC Skills USA: $200,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 35 to 6:

Veto 46   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 37(a), Clemson University PSA - Advanced Plant Technology Lab: $4,000,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 35 to 6:

Veto 47   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 37(b), Clemson University PSA - Operating: $100,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 33 to 9:

Veto 50   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(a), Department of Health and Environmental Control - ADAP Prevention: $200,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 39 to 2:

Veto 51   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(b), Department of Health and Environmental Control - SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: $453,680.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 38 to 4:

Veto 52   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(c), Department of Health and Environmental Control - Kidney Disease Early Evacuation and Risk Assessment Education: $100,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 38 to 3:

Veto 53   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(d), Department of Health and Environmental Control - Hemophilia - SC Bleeding Disorders Premium Assistance Program: $100,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 35 to 4:

Veto 55   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 27(f), Department of Health and Environmental Control - James R. Clark Memorial Sickle Cell Foundation: $100,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 38 to 3:

Veto 58   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 20(a), Department of Natural Resources - Replacement of IT Equipment and Maintenance: $1,260,505.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 30 to 11:

Veto 59   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 23, Commission on Indigent Defense - Information Technology Upgrade: $101,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 37 to 5:

Veto 60   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 15(b), John de la Howe School - Information Technology Upgrade: $200,014.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 30 to 12:

Veto 61   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.29B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 57, Budget and Control Board - Rural Infrastructure Fund: $3,000,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 34 to 8:

Veto 62   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 26, Vocational Rehabilitation - Restoration of Vocational Rehabilitation Program - State Matching Funds: $1,000,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 33 to 9:

Veto 63   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 16, Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School - Window Replacement: $750,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 34 to 8:

Veto 64   Part IB, Page 470; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 8(b), Legislative Audit Council - Peer Review Audit - Government Auditing Standards: $15,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 36 to 5:

Veto 65   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 46(a), Department of Agriculture - Marketing and Branding: $500,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 31 to 11:

Veto 66   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Item 46(c), Department of Agriculture - Market Operations: $600,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 27 to 14:

Veto 67   Part IB, Page 470; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.19 - SR: National Mortgage Settlement.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 36 to 6:

Veto 48   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 49, University of Charleston - Interactive Digital Technology Pilot Project (1 to 1 Match): $2,000,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 28 to 12:

Veto 68   Part IB, Page 331; Section 15, University of South Carolina, Proviso 15.3 - USC: School Improvement Council.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 29 to 6:

Veto 70   Part IB, Page 471; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 14, Department of Education, Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities - Administration Building Construction: $1,250,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 30 to 7:

Veto 71   Part IB, Page 407; Section 70, Legislative Department, Proviso 70.32 - LEG: EOC Efficiency Review.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 30 to 7:

Veto 72     Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 56, Education Oversight Committee - School District Efficiency Review Pilot Program.
Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 7 to 29:

Veto 74   Part IB, Page 402; Section 69, State Ports Authority, Proviso 69.5 - SPA: Dredge Disposal Material.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 330, H. 4813 by a vote of 11 to 25:

Veto 73   Part IB, Page 402; Section 69, State Ports Authority, Proviso 69.4 - SPA: Joint Project Office Funding Approval.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 331, H. 4814 (Word version) by a vote of 32 to 4:

Veto 1   Page 2; Section 1, Item 7, The Citadel - Jenkins Hall Arms Room Upgrade: $200,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 331, H. 4814 (Word version) by a vote of 25 to 11:

Veto 2   Page 2; Section 1, Item 10, Clemson University - Greenwood Genetics Lab: $2,000,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 331, H. 4814 (Word version) by a vote of 29 to 7:

Veto 3 Page 2; Section 1, Item 14, Francis Marion University - Nurse Practitioner Program: $100,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 331, H. 4814 (Word version) by a vote of 32 to 4:

Veto 4   Page 2; Section 1, Item 18, University of South Carolina, Columbia Campus - USC Palmetto College: $2,115,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 331, H. 4814 (Word version) by a vote of 30 to 6:

Veto 5   Page 3; Section 1, Item 27, Winthrop University - Student
Information Technology Infrastructure Update: $500,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 331, H. 4814 (Word version) by a vote of 30 to 4:

Veto 6   Page 3; Section 1, Item 29, Medical University of South Carolina - Ashley Tower Renovation - MUSC Hospital Authority: $5,500,000 Capital Reserve Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 331, H. 4814 (Word version), and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 28 to 14:

Veto 2   Part IA, Page 26; Section 6, Commission on Higher Education, III. Other Agencies and Entities, Special Items - EPSCOR: $161,314 Total/General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 4, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 29 to 13:

Veto 4     Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education, XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Writing Improvement Network: $182,761 Total Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 10, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 30 to 12:

Veto 10   Part IA, Page 224; Section 70A, Legislative Department - The Senate, I. Administration, Special Items - Joint Citizens & Legislative Committee on Children: $300,000 Total Funds; $50,000 General Funds.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 36, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 32 to 9:

Veto 36   Part IB, Page 472; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 31, Prosecution Coordination Commission - Center for Fathers and Families: $200,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 44, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 29 to 12:

Veto 44   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 39(e), State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education - SC Skills USA: $200,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 35, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 29 to 11:

Veto 35   Part IB, Page 474; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 47(e), Department of Natural Resources - DNR: Lake Wallace Special Purpose District.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 67, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 28 to 13:

Veto 67   Part IB, Page 470; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.19 - SR: National Mortgage Settlement.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 17, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 28 to 10:

Veto 17   Part IB, Page 301; Section 1, Department of Education, Proviso 1.92 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 37, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 23 to 9:

Veto 37   Part IB, Page 473; Section 90, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 90.20B, Non-recurring Revenue, Item 41, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs - Charles Lea Center (1 to 1 Match): $250,000.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., July 18, 2012
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 330, H. 4813, Veto No. 39, and has sustained the Veto by a vote of 16 to 11:

Veto 39   Part IB, Page 357; Section 26, Department of Social Services, Proviso 26.24 - DSS: Women in Unity.

Very respectfully,
Received as information.

Rep. J. R. SMITH moved that the House do now adjourn, which was agreed to.


At 7:49 p.m. the House, in accordance with the provisions of H. 5410, the Sine Die resolution, and the motion of Rep. KING, adjourned in memory of Hubert Wright of York County, pending receipt of Senate messages.


This web page was last updated on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 4:57 P.M.

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