South Carolina Legislature


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Session 111 (1995-1996)

S*1371 Concurrent Resolution, By Matthews
 A Concurrent Resolution to recognize the Kenny Smith Basketball Camp and those
 who make its existence possible, and to thank its supporters for their efforts
 in protecting our children, our most precious resource.

   04/18/96  Senate Introduced, adopted, sent to House SJ-4
   04/23/96  House  Introduced, adopted, returned with concurrence HJ-8



Whereas, Mr. Kenny Smith led the University of North Carolina in scoring during his senior year; and

Whereas, Mr. Smith won the Patterson Medal, the highest athletic award at the University of North Carolina; and

Whereas, Mr. Smith has exhibited a drive to succeed and a desire to return a portion of his time, money and talents to his country and community; and

Whereas, Mr. Smith was drafted sixth in the overall draft in 1987 and continued on to be a huge success in the National Basketball Association (NBA) where he was starting point guard for the 1993-94 World Champion Houston Rockets; and

Whereas, Mr. Smith joins Larry Bird as just the third player to ever rank among the league's top ten in three-point and free-throw percentages in consecutive seasons ('92-'93 & '93-'94); and

Whereas, Mr. Smith is a devoted husband and a loving father, and his success on and off the court is due in large part to his strong belief in team effort; and

Whereas, in conjunction with The St. George Uptown Preservation Society, Mr. Smith wishedNext to return something to the community of St. George and it's surrounding areas; and

Whereas, The Kenny Smith Basketball Camp gave Mr. Smith and the St. George community a medium to give children an opportunity to avoid drugs, guns, gangs, and other moral decay that is prevalent in much of today's society; and

Whereas, many of today's youth are slipping through the cracks of an uncaring and ambivalent society; and

Whereas, the goal of The Aim High Foundation and The St. George Uptown Preservation Society is to create athletic and social programs to support the youth of St. George and neighboring communities; and

Whereas, the basketball camp seeks to have youth learn the productive mechanisms of team sports; and

Whereas, team sports offer youth the opportunity to learn team work, discipline, cooperation, goal-setting, strong work ethics and establishment of moral values while having fun; and

Whereas, the basketball camp consists of lectures, basketball learning stations, various basketball contests, games, an awards ceremony and interaction with professional athletes; and

Whereas, the basketball camp also tries to emphasize the importance of staying in school, saying "no" to drugs and alcohol and dealing with moral issues; and

Whereas, this basketball camp is the largest event of this type to be held in the State; and

Whereas, this basketball camp allows companies to invest in our most valuable commodity, our children; and

Whereas, by working closely with local leaders and using prominent sports professionals, Mr. Smith and The St. George Uptown Preservation society hope to give youth a productive outlet; and

Whereas, the basketball camp hopes to reverse the belief that children are a product of society and make society a product of our children; and

Whereas, the basketball camp sponsored by Mr. Smith, The St. George Uptown Preservation Society and The Aim High Foundation provides an invaluable means to help teach our children the lessons needed to succeed in life, prosper, and make meaningful contributions to society; and

Whereas, the efforts and sacrifices made by Mr. Smith, The St. George Uptown Preservation Society and The Aim High Foundation to establish the camp reflect well upon the State of South Carolina and the people of South Carolina. Now therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring:

That the General Assembly PreviouswishesNext to express their enormous debt of gratitude to Mr. Kenny Smith, The St. George Uptown Preservation Society and The Aim High Foundation for their efforts and selfless devotion to the children of South Carolina and to Previouswish them every success in their endeavor to protect and nurture the children of South Carolina.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Kenny Smith, The St. George Uptown Preservation Society and The Aim High Foundation.


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