South Carolina Legislature


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Part 1B section 90 X91-STATEWIDE REVENUE
2012-2013 As passed by the House



���� 90.1.�� (SR: Year End Expenditures)� Unless specifically authorized herein, the appropriations provided in Part IA of this act as ordinary expenses of the State Government shall lapse on July 31, 2012 2013.� State agencies are required to submit all current fiscal year input documents to the Office of Comptroller General by July 13, 2012 12, 2013.� Appropriations for Permanent Improvements, now outstanding or hereafter provided, shall lapse at the end of the second fiscal year in which such appropriations were provided, unless definite commitments shall have been made, with the approval of the Budget and Control Board and Joint Bond Review Committee, toward the accomplishment of the purposes for which the appropriations were provided.� Appropriations for other specific purposes aside from ordinary operating expenses, now outstanding or hereafter provided, shall lapse at the end of the second fiscal year in which such appropriations were provided, unless definite commitments shall have been made, with the approval of the Budget and Control Board, toward the accomplishment of the purposes for which the appropriations were provided.

���� 90.2.�� (SR: Titling of Real Property)� It is the intent of the General Assembly to establish a comprehensive central property and office facility management process to plan for the needs of state government agencies and to achieve maximum efficiency and economy in the use of state owned or state leased real properties.� The Budget and Control Board is directed to identify all state owned properties whether titled in the name of the state or an agency or department, and all agencies and departments of state government are upon request to provide the Board all documents related to the title and acquisition of the real properties that are occupied or used by the agency or titled in the name of the agency.� Except for any properties where the Board determines title should not be in the name of the State because the properties are subject to reverter clauses or other restraints on the property, or where the Board determines the state would be best served by not receiving title, and with the exception of properties, highways and roadways owned by the Department of Transportation, title of any property held by or acquired by a state agency or department shall be titled in the name of the state under the control of the Budget and Control Board.� Titling in the name of the state shall not affect the operation or use of real property by an agency.

���� This provision applies to all state agencies and departments except: institutions of higher learning; the Public Service Authority; the Ports Authority; the South Carolina Division of Public Railways; the MUSC Hospital Authority; the Myrtle Beach Air Force Redevelopment Authority; the Department of Transportation; the Midlands Technical College Enterprise Campus Authority, the Trident Technical College Enterprise Campus Authority; the Area Commission of Tri-County Technical College; and the Charleston Naval Complex Redevelopment Authority.

���� This provision is comprehensive and supersedes any conflicting provisions concerning title and acquisition and disposition of state owned real property whether in permanent law, temporary law or by provision elsewhere in this act.

���� The Budget and Control Board is directed to provide to the Department of Education, funds equal to the amount realized from the sale of the Greenville Halton Road Bus Shop property for school bus maintenance shop relocations, construction, and shop equipment.

���� 90.3.�� (SR: Tobacco Settlement)� Contingent upon the approval of the Tobacco Settlement Revenue Management Authority and parties to the trust agreement, the State Treasurer shall transfer an amount equal to $10,000,000 $8,481,912 from the unrestricted taxable proceeds portion of the principal of the Healthcare Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund established pursuant to Section 11-11-170(B)(1) of the 1976 Code to the Department of Health and Human Services to be expended as follows:� $10,000,000 for Medicaid.� The State Treasurer is authorized and directed to transfer to the Office of the Attorney General from funds available to the Tobacco Settlement Management Authority such amounts as shall be necessary for the enforcement of Chapter 47 of Title 11, The Tobacco Escrow Fund Act, which will protect the payments to the State under the Master Settlement Agreement.�

���� 90.4.�� (SR: Contingency Reserve Fund)� (A)� There is created in the State Treasury a fund separate and distinct from the general fund of the State, the Capital Reserve Fund, and all other funds entitled the Contingency Reserve Fund.� All general fund revenues accumulated in a fiscal year in excess of general appropriations and supplemental appropriations must be credited to this fund.� Revenues credited to this fund in a fiscal year may be appropriated by the General Assembly.� Upon determination by the Comptroller General as to the amount to be deposited in the Contingency Reserve Fund, the Comptroller General shall notify the Board of Economic Advisors and the board shall recognize that amount as surplus funds.� Revenues in this fund may be appropriated only for the purposes provided in subsection (B).

���� (B)� (1)� If the balance in the general reserve fund established pursuant to Article III, Section 36 of the Constitution of this State and Section 11-11-310 of the 1976 Code is less than the required balance, there must be appropriated to it all amounts in the Contingency Reserve Fund up to the total necessary to replenish the general reserve fund.� This amount does not replace or supplant the minimum replenishment amount otherwise required to be made to the general reserve fund.

����������� (2)� After the appropriation of amounts required pursuant to item (1) of this subsection, any remaining balance may be appropriated by the General Assembly as it deems appropriate.

��� 90.5.� (SR: Criminal Justice Academy Funding)� (A) In addition to all other assessments and surcharges, during the current fiscal year, a five dollar surcharge to fund training at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy is also levied on all fines, forfeitures, escheatments, or other monetary penalties imposed in the general sessions court or in magistrates� or municipal court for misdemeanor traffic offenses or for non-traffic violations.� No portion of the surcharge may be waived, reduced, or suspended.� The additional surcharge imposed by this section does not apply to parking citations.

��� (B) The revenue collected pursuant to subsection (A) must be retained by the jurisdiction, which heard or processed the case and paid to the State Treasurer within thirty days after receipt.� The State Treasurer shall transfer the revenue quarterly to the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy.

��� (C) The State Treasurer may request the State Auditor to examine the financial records of any jurisdiction which he believes is not timely transmitting the funds required to be paid to the State Treasurer pursuant to subsection (B).� The State Auditor is further authorized to conduct these examinations and the local jurisdiction is required to participate in and cooperate fully with the examination.

��� 90.6.� (SR: LGF)� For the current fiscal year, Section 6-27-30 of the 1976 Code is suspended.

���� 90.7.���� (SR: E-Verify)� For the current fiscal year, a state entity must certify that it is a participant in the E-Verify federal work authorization program before it may accept or use any monies that are a part of the federal stimulus package.� Failure to do so is a violation of the provisions of Act 280 of 2008.

���� 90.8.���� (SR: Increased Enforced Collections Carry Forward)� Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to Proviso 90.16 in Part IB of Act 291 of 2010 may be carried forward from the prior fiscal year into the current fiscal year and shall be expended for the same purposes.

���� 90.9.���� (SR: Health Care Maintenance of Effort Funding)� The source of funds appropriated in this provision is $157,299,845 from the revenue collected during Fiscal Year 2010-11 2011-12 and Fiscal Year 2011-12 2012-13 from the 50 cent cigarette surcharge and deposited into the South Carolina Medicaid Reserve Fund and shall be utilized by the Department of Health and Human Services for the Medicaid Program�s maintenance of effort.� By this provision these funds are deemed to have been received and are available for appropriation.

���� The residual funds from the cigarette surcharge shall remain in the South Carolina Medicaid Reserve Fund and may be used by the director of the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure access to care in rural and underserved areas of the state.� Within ninety days of the start of the fiscal year, the department shall develop methods and criteria for determining how access issues will be identified, assessed and addressed.� Any use of these funds shall require thirty days prior notice to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means Committees.� The department shall provide an assessment of access to care as part of the reporting requirements stipulated in Proviso 21.32, (DHHS: Medicaid Reporting).� The director is not authorized to access any of the residual funds prior to January 31, 2012 2013.� The director must submit a proposal for any use of the funds to the General Assembly by January 1, 2012 2013.� If no action is taken on the proposal by the General Assembly by January 31, 2012 2013, the director may access the residual funds as presented in the proposal.

���� Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this provision may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purposes.

���� 90.10.�� (SR: ARRA Funds)� Pursuant to the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program established by Title IV of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), $501,948 of federal funds are authorized for appropriation pursuant to this provision.� $501,948 shall be transferred to the School for the Deaf and the Blind to supplement appropriations made for the expenses of state government in the annual general appropriation act for Fiscal Year 2011-12 and the Office of State Budget is directed to increase agency federal fund authorization for funds from the State Budget Stabilization Fund allocated herein.

���� For purposes of the expenditures authorized by this provision, the funds must be used in a manner consistent with the provisions of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and the provisions of this act.

���� 90.11.� (SR: Non-recurring Revenue) (A)� The source of revenue appropriated in this provision is $255,804,144 of non-recurring revenue generated from the following sources, transferred to the State Treasurer.� This revenue is deemed to have occurred and is available for use in Fiscal Year 2011-12 after September 1, 2011, following the Comptroller General�s close of the state�s books on Fiscal Year 2010‑11.

���� (1)��� $71,000,600 from Fiscal Year 2009-10 Contingency Reserve Fund;

���� (2)��� $173,803,544 from Fiscal Year 2010-11 unobligated general fund revenue as certified by the Board of Economic Advisors;

���� (3)��� $1,000,000 from F03, Budget and Control Board, Subfund 4154, Ordinary Sinking Fund;

���� (4)��� $3,000,000 from F03, Budget and Control Board, Subfund 3197, Motor Pool; and

���� (5)��� $7,000,000 from R40, Department of Motor Vehicles from any earmarked or restricted account designated as �special revenue funds� as defined by the Comptroller General�s records if the funds transferred from the Department of Motor Vehicles by Proviso 90.10 of Act 291 of 2010 have been repaid pursuant to Proviso 90.9 of Act 291 of 2010.

���� Any restrictions concerning specific utilization of these funds are lifted for the specified fiscal year.� The above agency transfers shall occur no later than thirty days after the close of the books on Fiscal Year 2010-11 and shall be available for use in Fiscal year 2011-12.

���� (B)��� The State Treasurer shall disburse the following appropriations by September 30, 2011, for the purposes stated:

��������� (1)���� H63-Department of Education

����������������������� (a)��� EFA Base Student Cost................................................................................................... $..... 56,174,107;

����������������������� (b)��� Transportation............................................................................................................... $...... 3,000,000;

��������� (2)���� H03-Commission on Higher Education

����������������������� SREB Dues............................................................................................................................ $......... 591,019;

��������� (3)���� H59-State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education

����������������������� CATT Program....................................................................................................................... $...... 1,000,000;

��������� (4)���� J02-Department of Health and Human Services

����������������������� Medicaid Maintenance of Effort............................................................................................ $..... 45,577,252;

��������� (5)���� R60-Department of Employment and Workforce

����������������������� Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund................................................................................... $... 146,000,000;

��������� (6)���� P20-Clemson University-PSA

����������������������� Agency Operations............................................................................................................... $......... 250,000;

��������� (7)���� K05-Department of Public Safety

����������������������� Illegal Immigration................................................................................................................ $......... 611,766;

��������� (8)���� E23-Commission on Indigent Defense

����������������������� Civil Appointment Fund......................................................................................................... $...... 1,500,000;

��������� (9)���� J04-Department of Health and Environmental Control

����������������������� Donate Life........................................................................................................................... $......... 100,000;���� and

��������� (10)� D10-State Law Enforcement Division

����������������������� Methamphetamine Lab Clean-Up......................................................................................... $...... 1,000,000;

���� The funds appropriated above to the Department of Employment and Workforce may only be used by the department to make payments on outstanding loans from the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund.� As soon as practicable after the effective date of this act, the Department of Employment and Workforce is directed to recalculate premium rates.� The recalculated premium rates shall be retroactive to January 1, 2011.� Any cost savings to employers in rate class 2-20 due to general fund appropriations in any particular year must be allocated proportionately to each employer with respect to each respective employer's responsibility in paying back the federal unemployment loan that particular year and must be administered by the department.� Employers must be notified of changes in the premiums due and employer accounts must be credited and adjusted as appropriate.� The Department of Employment and Workforce is directed to contact the Federal Government by August 1, 2011, to maximize efforts to buy the loan down to the greatest extent possible.

���� In the event that the Fiscal Year 2010-11 unobligated general fund revenue as certified by the Board of Economic Advisors does not total at least $173,803,544, then the appropriations in subsection (B)(4) of this provision for Medicaid Maintenance of Effort shall be reduced to cover the amounts not realized.� If the reduction in the Medicaid Maintenance of Effort appropriation is not sufficient to cover the amounts not realized, then the remaining appropriations in this provision shall be reduced on a pro rata basis by an amount sufficient to cover the amounts not realized.� In the event that $7,000,000 is not transferred from the Department of Motor Vehicles, then the remaining appropriations in this provision shall be reduced on a pro rata basis.

���� Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this provision may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purposes.

���� (C)��� For Fiscal Year 2011-12, the license plate replacement interval is suspended until the funds transferred from the department within this provision are repaid to the department or until such time as the Plate Replacement Fee Fund has a sufficient balance to reinstitute license plate replacement.

���� (D)�� From the escrow account established pursuant to Proviso 90.13 of Act 310 of 2008, the remaining funds shall be used to offset any operating shortfalls resulting from the Barnwell Low Level Waste Facility operations in order to preserve the economic viability of the facility.� The amount distributed to offset any operating shortfalls shall be determined by calculating the difference between the allowable operating costs plus adjustments as approved by the Public Service Commission, and the access fees paid by the Atlantic Compact generators.� Funds remaining in the account to offset operating shortfalls shall also be used to maintain access fees to the facility for Fiscal Year 2011-12 at the Fiscal Year 2009-10 level.� There shall also be paid from the escrow account the annual dues of the Southern States Energy Board.

���� 90.12.�� (SR: Excess EIA Revenue)� Fiscal Year 2010-11 excess EIA revenues above the Fiscal Year 2010-11 appropriations are authorized for appropriation in Part IA, Section 1, of this act.

���� 90.13.�� (SR: Prohibits Public Funded Lobbyists) In order to eliminate taxpayer funded lobbying, the following state agencies and institutions, for Fiscal Year 2011-12 2012-13, shall transfer the amounts indicated to the General Fund:�

��������� Administrative Law Court................................................................................. $.... 22,000

��������� The Citadel....................................................................................................... $.... 16,881

��������� Clemson University.......................................................................................... $.... 45,546

��������� Coastal Carolina University............................................................................... $.... 20,230

��������� College of Charleston....................................................................................... $.... 34,000

��������� Department of Health & Environmental Control................................................ $.... 26,553

��������� State Board for Technical & Comprehensive Education...................................... $.... 22,431

������������� Florence-Darlington Technical College........................................................... $.... 10,001

������������� Greenville Technical College.......................................................................... $.... 31,783

������������� Horry-Georgetown Technical College............................................................ $..... � 1,183

������������� Tri-County Technical College......................................................................... $.... 55,545

��������� Francis Marion University................................................................................. $.... 23,500

��������� Judicial Department......................................................................................... $.... 59,164

��������� Medical University of South Carolina................................................................. $.... 80,380

��������� Department of Natural Resources.................................................................... $.... 17,157

��������� Prosecution Coordination Commission.............................................................. $.... 19,290

��������� South Carolina State University......................................................................... $.... 20,000

��������� University Of South Carolina............................................................................. $.... 53,368

��������� University of South Carolina-Upstate................................................................ $.... 11,000

��������� Winthrop University......................................................................................... $..... � 9,300

��������� Lander University............................................................................................. $.... 25,000

��������� Total����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� .............. $��������������� 604,312 585,022���� .

���� All state agencies and institutions are prohibited from using general fund appropriations to compensate employees who engage in lobbying on behalf of the state agency or institution.� The State Ethics Commission shall require state agencies and institutions that report lobbying activities to the commission to certify that the lobbying activities were not funded by general fund appropriations.

���� All state agencies and institutions are prohibited from entering into contracts using general fund appropriations to provide lobbying services to the agency or institution.

���� 90.14.�� (SR: Non-recurring Revenue � Increased Enforcement Collections)� For Fiscal Year 2011-12, the Department of Revenue shall continue its efforts pertaining to increased enforcement collections as established in Fiscal Year 2009-10.

���� The department may collect revenues from foreign collections within its jurisdiction, which may include but is not limited to corporate, individual or sales tax collections but especially shall focus on enforced collections and outstanding liabilities.

���� Funding previously received by the department for enforced collections shall be used to fund foreign auditors to conduct foreign audits of multi-national and international corporations.� Personnel may include revenue officers and criminal investigators.� These employees will focus on collecting outstanding liabilities owed to this state.

���� During the current fiscal year, in applying the revenue statutes of this State, the department's interpretation of those statutes must be based solely on the plain meaning of the statute's text and the legislative intent giving rise to the enactment of the statutes.� Terms contained in the tax statutes of this State may not be given broader meaning beyond the meaning of the statute.� At least twice during the fiscal year, the department shall submit a report to the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee regarding any discovered ambiguity in the meaning of a revenue statute.� The first report must be submitted no later than November first and the second report must be submitted no later than May first of the fiscal year.

���� The funds collected under this provision shall be deposited in a fund separate and distinct from the general fund as established within the Office of the State Treasurer, except that any motor fuel funds collected as a result of the enforced collection efforts shall be distributed in the same manner as other motor fuel tax revenues are currently distributed.

���� When the department determines that quarterly enforced collections have exceeded the schedule provided in this provision, the department shall deposit the excess funds into the separate and distinct fund not to exceed the totals as provided in this provision.

���� For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012, of the first $48,080,667 in enforced collections resulting from increased enforcement, the State Treasurer shall disburse 58.4% to the Department of Health and Human Services for Medicaid Maintenance of Effort and 41.6% to the Department of Education for the Education Foundation Supplement so that the resulting amount of remittances are:

���� J02-Department of Health and Human Services-Medicaid

������������������� Maintenance of Effort........................................................................ $... 28,080,667;��������������� and

���� H63-Department of Education-Education Foundation

������������������� Supplement....................................................................................... $... 20,000,000.

���� For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012, the State Treasurer shall disburse quarterly the following funds on a pro rata basis:

���� (1)��� E28-Election Commission

������������� 2012 Primary Election.............................................................................. $........ 253,000;

���� (2)��� K05-Department of Public Safety

������������� Highway Patrol Overtime........................................................................ $..... 5,000,000;� and

���� (3)��� P16-Department of Agriculture

������������� Agri-Business Economic Development..................................................... $........ 500,000.

���� Prior to the close of the books on Fiscal Year 2011-12, the funds accumulated in the aforementioned separate and distinct fund shall be transferred to the General Reserve Fund, up to the amount necessary to meet the constitutional five percent requirement.

���� To insure that customary and usual enforced collections are unaffected by this provision, the Office of the State Treasurer may not disburse funds from this account until the following schedule of General Fund enforced collections are deposited by the Department of Revenue by the end of each quarter in the fiscal year.� If quarterly General Fund enforced collections do not reach the required levels, distributions from this account are suspended for that quarter.� The required deposits of quarterly General Fund enforced collections by the end of each quarter are:

��������� July to September 2011�������������� $11,250,000

��������� October to December 2011������� $22,500,000

��������� January to March 2012���������������� $33,750,000

��������� April to June 2012�������������������������� $45,000,000

���� The Department of Revenue shall report on a quarterly basis to the finance committees of the General Assembly and to the Board of Economic Advisors on the amount of customary and usual enforced collections and the excess collections from the enhanced collection activities.� The Department of Revenue shall provide assistance to the Board of Economic Advisors to assist in monitoring revenue collection seasonal flows that impact the funding of state government programs.

���� By this provision these funds are deemed to have been received and are available for appropriation.

���� Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this provision may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purpose.

���� 90.15.�� (SR: Excess FY 11-12 Revenue - SC Conservation Bank)� Prior to the close of the books for Fiscal Year 2011-12, to the extent that unobligated Fiscal Year 2011-12 surplus revenues above the amount certified by the Board of Economic Advisors are available, the State Treasurer is directed to transfer the first $2,000,000 to the South Carolina Conservation Bank.� The South Carolina Conservation Bank may retain and carry forward unexpended funds to succeeding fiscal years and expend these funds for the same purpose.

���� 90.16.�� (SR: Admissions Tax)� For Fiscal Year 2011-12 2012-13, up to one hundred fourteen thousand dollars in admissions tax revenue collected annually from all events held at a motorsports entertainment complex facility with at least sixty thousand permanent seats must be rebated to the motorsports entertainment complex facility in the current fiscal year to keep a NASCAR race at the motorsports entertainment complex facility.

���� 90.17.�� (SR: Contingency Reserve Fund Transfers)� Any excess Fiscal Year 2010-11 2011-12 general fund revenue above the amounts appropriated in Proviso 90.11 90.20Next shall be transferred to the Contingency Reserve Fund.

���� 90.18.�� (SR: Agency Deficit Notice)� The Comptroller General or the Office of State Budget shall (1) provide written notice to each member of the General Assembly when it makes a report to the Budget and Control Board concerning an agency, department, or institution that is expending authorized appropriations at a rate which predicts or projects a general fund deficit for the agency, department, or institution, and (2) make monthly progress reports concerning an agency�s, department�s, or institution�s plan to reduce or eliminate the deficit.

���� 90.19.� (SR: National Mortgage Settlement)� Notwithstanding the requirements of proviso 45.7 (Litigation Recovery Account) contained herein, the Attorney General shall transfer the portion of the National Mortgage Settlement that would otherwise have been credited to the General Fund to the Department of Commerce�s Deal Closing Fund.

���� Previous90.20.�� (SR: Non-recurring Revenue) �(A)� The source of revenue appropriated in this provision is $377,784,450 of non-recurring revenue generated from the following sources and transferred to the State Treasurer.� This revenue is deemed to have occurred and is available for use in Fiscal Year 2012-13 after September 1, 2012, following the Comptroller General�s close of the state�s books on Fiscal Year 2011-12.

���� (1)��� $122,333,689 from Fiscal Year 2010-11 Contingency Reserve Fund; and

���� (2)��� $255,450,761 from Fiscal Year 2011-12 unobligated general fund revenue as certified by the Board of Economic Advisors;

���� Any restrictions concerning specific utilization of these funds are lifted for the specified fiscal year.The above agency transfers shall occur no later than thirty days after the close of the books on Fiscal Year 2011-12 and shall be available for use in Fiscal year 2012-13.

���� (B)��� The State Treasurer shall disburse the following appropriations by September 30, 2012, for the purposes stated:

��������� (1)���� General Reserve Fund

����������������������� Full 5% Funding..................................................................................................................... $������ 98,175,036;

��������� (2)���� P32-Department of Commerce

����������������������� (a)��� Deal Closing Fund.......................................................................................................... $�������� 2,000,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Research Funds............................................................................................................. $�������� 3,542,592;

��������� (3)���� K05-Department of Public Safety

����������������������� Emergency Communications Equipment................................................................................ $�������� 3,250,000;

��������� (4)���� D10-State Law Enforcement Division

����������������������� (a)��� Personal Service and Operating...................................................................................... $�������� 1,701,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Forensic Equipment....................................................................................................... $�������� 1,134,994;

����������������������� (c)��� Law Enforcement Operating.......................................................................................... $������������� 150,000

����������������������� (d)��� CJIS/IT Equipment.......................................................................................................... $�������� 4,777,000;

����������������������� (e)��� Vehicles......................................................................................................................... $������������ 840,000;

����������������������� (f)���� Computer Equipment..................................................................................................... $������������ 138,500;

��������� (5)���� P12-Forestry Commission

����������������������� Firefighting Equipment.......................................................................................................... $�������� 3,500,000;

��������� (6)���� F03-Budget and Control Board

����������������������� South Carolina Enterprise Information System-Statewide Program

���������������������������� SCEIS Program Sustainment.............................................................................................. $�������� 2,458,843;

��������� (7)���� H63-Department of Education

����������������������� Governor�s School for the Arts and Humanities

���������������������������� Administration Building Construction................................................................................. $�������� 1,250,000;

��������� (8)���� H71-Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School

����������������������� Window Replacement........................................................................................................... $������������ 750,000;

��������� (9)���� H75-School for the Deaf and Blind

����������������������� Robertson Hall Construction.................................................................................................. $�������� 1,477,550;

��������� (10)� L12-John de la Howe School

����������������������� (a)��� Deferred Maintenance on Seven Cottages...................................................................... $������������ 400,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Information Technology Upgrade.................................................................................. $������������ 200,014;

��������� (11)� N04-Department of Corrections

����������������������� (a)��� Statewide Infirmary Consolidation................................................................................. $������������ 300,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Weapons Replacement.................................................................................................. $�������������� 40,000;

����������������������� (c)��� Farm Irrigation - Wateree.............................................................................................. $������������ 100,000;

����������������������� (d)��� Web Based Case Management System for Victim Services.............................................. $������������ 500,000;

����������������������� (e)��� SC SAVIN Court Notification........................................................................................... $������������ 500,000;

����������������������� (f)���� Training Academy - Upgrade Training Material.............................................................. $������������ 100,000;

����������������������� (g)��� Information Technology Upgrade.................................................................................. $������������ 100,000;

����������������������� (h)��� Allendale CI Pre-Treatment Wastewater Plant Closing.................................................... $������������ 350,000;

����������������������� (i)���� ..................................................................................................................................... Wateree Radium Drinking Water�� $................................................................................................................................... 6,000,000;

����������������������� (j)���� ..................................................................................................................................... Statewide Roof Replacement� $�� 2,500,000;

����������������������� (k)��� Statewide Major Projects............................................................................................... $�������� 2,500,000;

��������� (12)� E21-Prosecution Coordination Commission

����������������������� CDV Prosecution................................................................................................................... $...... 1,500,000;

��������� (13)� E23-Commission on Indigent Defense

����������������������� (a)��� Information Technology Upgrade.................................................................................. $������������ 101,000;

����������������������� (b)��� CDV Court Cost.............................................................................................................. $������������ 899,000;

��������� (14)� E20-Attorney General

����������������������� (a)��� Savannah River Maritime Commission Legal Expenses.................................................... $������������ 250,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Information Technology Upgrade.................................................................................. $������������ 500,000;

��������� (15)� C05-Administrative Law Court

����������������������� Staff Attorney/Hearing Officer/Business Associate Equipment............................................... $����������������� 6,900;

��������� (16)� /B04-Judicial Department

����������������������� (a)��� Equipment for Judges and Staff..................................................................................... $�������������� 99,660;

����������������������� (b)��� Technology upgrade/Centralized Court Statistics & CMS................................................. $�������� 2,500,000;

��������� (17)� P20-Clemson University-PSA

����������������������� Advanced Plant Technology Lab............................................................................................ $�������� 2,000,000;

��������� (18)� P21-South Carolina State University-PSA

����������������������� LAC Audit.............................................................................................................................. $�������������� 80,142;

��������� (19)� H27-University of South Carolina-Columbia Campus

����������������������� Palmetto Poison Center......................................................................................................... $�������������� 71,862;

��������� (20)� J02-Department of Health and Human Services

����������������������� Medicaid Management Information System.......................................................................... $�������� 3,918,676;

��������� (21)� J04-Department of Health and Environmental Control

����������������������� (a)��� AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)........................................................................... $�������� 1,000,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Immunizations.............................................................................................................. $�������� 1,000,000;

����������������������� (c)��� SC Coalition against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault............................................. $������������ 453,680;

����������������������� (d)��� Kidney Disease Early Evaluation and Risk Assessment Education..................................... $������������ 100,000;

����������������������� (e)��� Hemophilia - SC Bleeding Disorders Premium Assist Program.......................................... $������������ 100,000;

��������� (22)� J20-Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services

����������������������� McCord Center Safety Improvement Project.......................................................................... $������������ 473,200;

��������� (23)� P16-Department of Agriculture

����������������������� (a)��� Market Operations........................................................................................................ $������������ 600,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Farmer�s Market Equipment.......................................................................................... $������������ 400,000;

��������� (24)� R44-Department of Revenue

����������������������� Implementation of SCITS....................................................................................................... $�������� 4,374,496;

��������� (25)� P28-Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism

����������������������� Kings Mountain Bridge Replacement..................................................................................... $������������ 250,000;

��������� (26)� E28-Election Commission.......................................................................................................... $�������� 1,500,000;

��������� (27)� E24-Adjutant General�s Office

����������������������� (a)��� State Guard................................................................................................................... $�������������� 59,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Armory Maintenance..................................................................................................... $������������ 500,000;

��������� (28)� E08-Secretary of State

����������������������� Information Technology Upgrade......................................................................................... $������������ 250,000;

��������� (29)� A20-Legislative Audit Council

����������������������� (a)��� Information Technology Upgrade.................................................................................. $�������������� 45,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Peer Review Audit.......................................................................................................... $�������������� 15,000;

��������� (30)� R52-State Ethics Commission

����������������������� (a)��� Electronic Filing System.................................................................................................. $�������������� 25,800;

����������������������� (b)��� Information Technology Upgrade.................................................................................. $�������������� 15,000;

��������� (31)� P24-Department of Natural Resources

����������������������� (a)��� Drill Rig for Geological Survey and Strengthened Services................................................ $������������ 200,000;

����������������������� (b)��� Replacement of IT Equipment and Maintenance............................................................. $�������� 1,260,505;

����������������������� (c)��� Water Resources Other Operating.................................................................................. $�������� 1,000,000;

��������� (32)� Department of Social Services

����������������������� Child Support Enforcement System........................................................................................ $�������� 3,500,000;

��������� (33)� R60-Department of Employment and Workforce

����������������������� SUTA Tax Relief..................................................................................................................... $������ 30,000,000;���� and

��������� (34)� Y14-State Ports Authority

����������������������� Harbor Deepening Reserve Fund............................................................................................ $���� 180,000,000.

���� Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this provision may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purposes.

���� (C)��� From the escrow account established pursuant to Proviso 90.13 of Act 310 of 2008, the remaining funds shall be used to offset any operating shortfalls resulting from the Barnwell Low Level Waste Facility operations in order to preserve the economic viability of the facility.� The amount distributed to offset any operating shortfalls shall be determined by calculating the difference between the allowable operating costs plus adjustments as approved by the Public Service Commission, and the access fees paid by the Atlantic Compact generators.� Funds remaining in the account to offset operating shortfalls shall also be used to maintain access fees to the facility for Fiscal Year 2012-13 at the Fiscal Year 2009-10 level.� There shall also be paid from the escrow account the annual dues of the Southern States Energy Board.




���� All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with any of the provisions of Parts IA or IB of this act are suspended for Fiscal Year 2012-2013.

���� If any part, section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this act is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such holding shall not affect the constitutionality or validity of the remaining portions of this act, the General Assembly hereby declaring that it would have passed this act, and each and every part, section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause, phrase, and word thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other parts, sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases, or words hereof may be declared to be unconstitutional, invalid, or otherwise ineffective.

���� Except as otherwise specifically provided, this act takes effect July 1, 2012.


Legislative Services Agency
h t t p : / / w w w . s c s t a t e h o u s e . g o v