H 3945 Session 120 (2013-2014) H 3945 VERSIONS OF THIS BILL
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Indicates New Matter AMENDED May 21, 2014 Introduced by Reps. G.M. Smith, Harrell, Lucas, Bannister, Toole, Stringer, Hamilton, Sottile, Barfield, Bingham, Spires, Hardwick, Owens, Hiott, Long, Erickson, Murphy, Horne, Willis, Gagnon, Simrill, Funderburk, Henderson and W.J. McLeod S. Printed 5/21/14--H. Read the first time April 11, 2013.
TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING ARTICLE 4 TO CHAPTER 13, TITLE 8 SO AS TO ESTABLISH THE SOUTH CAROLINA COMMISSION ON ETHICS ENFORCEMENT AND DISCLOSURE, TO PROVIDE FOR ITS POWERS, DUTIES, PROCEDURES, AND JURISDICTION, AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR CERTAIN VIOLATIONS; TO REPEAL ARTICLE 3, CHAPTER 13, TITLE 8 RELATING TO THE STATE ETHICS COMMISSION; TO REPEAL ARTICLE 5, CHAPTER 13, TITLE 8 RELATING TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE ETHICS COMMITTEES; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-100, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO DEFINITIONS IN REGARD TO ETHICS, GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY, AND CAMPAIGN REFORM, SO AS TO REVISE CERTAIN DEFINITIONS; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-700, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO USE OF AN OFFICIAL POSITION OR OFFICE FOR FINANCIAL GAIN, SO AS TO PROVIDE THAT IF A MEMBER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY DETERMINES THAT HE HAS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST, HE MUST COMPLY WITH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS BEFORE ABSTAINING FROM ALL VOTES ON THE MATTER, AND TO PROVIDE FOR WHEN A PUBLIC OFFICIAL WHO IS REQUIRED TO RECUSE HIMSELF FROM A MATTER MUST DO SO; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-740, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO REPRESENTATION OF ANOTHER PERSON BY A PUBLIC OFFICIAL BEFORE A GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY, SO AS TO FURTHER DELINEATE WHAT IS CONSIDERED A CONTESTED CASE WHEN REPRESENTATION BY A MEMBER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IS PERMITTED; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-745, RELATING TO PAID REPRESENTATION OF CLIENTS AND CONTRACTING BY A MEMBER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OR AN ASSOCIATE IN PARTICULAR SITUATIONS, SO AS TO DELETE A PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN CONTRACTS WITH AN ENTITY FUNDED WITH GENERAL FUNDS; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-1120, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO CONTENTS OF STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTEREST, SO AS TO FURTHER PROVIDE FOR THESE CONTENTS; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-1300, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO DEFINITIONS IN REGARD TO CAMPAIGN PRACTICES, SO AS TO REVISE CERTAIN DEFINITIONS; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-1318, RELATING TO ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO RETIRE CAMPAIGN DEBTS, SO AS TO REQUIRE ANY SUCH CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE USED FOR THIS PURPOSE ONLY; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-1338, RELATING TO PERSONS WHO MAY NOT SOLICIT CONTRIBUTIONS, SO AS TO INCLUDE THE HEAD OF ANY STATE AGENCY WHO IS SELECTED BY THE GOVERNOR, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, OR AN APPOINTED OR ELECTED BOARD; TO AMEND SECTION 8-13-1340, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO RESTRICTIONS ON CONTRIBUTIONS BY ONE CANDIDATE TO ANOTHER OR THROUGH COMMITTEES CONTROLLED BY A CANDIDATE, SO AS TO DELETE AN EXCEPTION FOR A COMMITTEE CONTROLLED BY A CANDIDATE IF IT IS THE ONLY SUCH COMMITTEE, AND TO MAKE CONFORMING CHANGES; TO AMEND SECTIONS 8-13-1510 AND 8-13-1520, BOTH AS AMENDED, RELATING TO PENALTIES FOR ETHICAL AND OTHER VIOLATIONS, AND BY ADDING SECTION 8-13-1530 SO AS TO FURTHER PROVIDE FOR THE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS AND FOR WHERE CERTAIN WILFUL VIOLATIONS MUST BE TRIED; AND TO REPEAL SECTIONS 8-13-710 AND 8-13-715 RELATING TO REPORTING OF PARTICULAR GIFTS AND AUTHORIZED REIMBURSEMENTS FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS. Amend Title To Conform Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: SECTION 1. (A) The General Assembly by this act has determined to create one commission, to be known as the South Carolina Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure, to administer, supervise and if necessary investigate the ethical conduct and ethics requirements imposed by law or rule on members of the General Assembly and others, now administered by the House of Representatives and Senate Ethics Committees. The authority of this new commission shall specifically include the authority to receive, regulate, and supervise all statements of economic interests and other ethics filings required of these individuals by law or rule, the compliance by these individuals with all ethical requirements imposed by law or rule, and the receipt and investigation of ethics complaints regarding these individuals. However, the punishment or sanctions, if any, for violations and the authority to adjudicate alleged violations shall rest with the House or Senate Ethics Committee, as applicable. (B) The General Assembly by this act also has determined to vest in the South Carolina Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure the authority to administer, supervise, and if necessary investigate the ethical conduct and ethics requirements imposed by law on public officials, public members, public employees, and others by the provisions of Chapter 17, Title 2 and Chapter 13, Title 8 of the 1976 Code now administered by the State Ethics Commission. The authority of this new commission shall specifically include the authority to receive, regulate, and supervise all statements of economic interests and other ethics filings required of these individuals by law, the compliance by these individuals with all ethical requirements imposed by law, and the receipt and investigation of ethics complaints regarding these individuals. However, the punishment or sanctions, if any, for violations and the authority to adjudicate alleged violations shall rest with the State Ethics Commission. (C) The duties and responsibilities of the commission as provided in subsection (A) the General Assembly has also determined to extend to the ethical conduct and ethical requirements imposed by law, rule, and the Cannons of Judicial Conduct on judges and other judicial officials of the unified judicial system now administered by the Supreme Court through its Commission on Judicial Conduct. However, the punishment or sanctions, if any, for violations and the authority to adjudicate alleged violations shall rest with the Supreme Court. SECTION 2. Chapter 13, Title 8 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
Section 8-13-410. (A) There is created the South Carolina Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure composed of the members provided for in this section. (B)(1) Two members must be elected by the House of Representatives, neither of whom may be a public official. One member elected must be from the majority party and the largest minority party represented in the House. One member shall serve an initial term of two years and one member shall serve an initial term of four years, the initial terms of these members to be designated by the House when electing these members. (2) Two members must be elected by the Senate, neither of whom may be a public official. One member elected must be from the majority party and the largest minority party represented in the Senate. One member shall serve an initial term of two years and one member shall serve an initial term of four years, the initial terms of these members to be designated by the Senate when electing these members. (3) For the purpose of electing members of the commission to be elected by the House and Senate, the majority leader and minority leader of the House and Senate each shall nominate three persons for election to the seat their body elects to represent that party. From this slate of three nominees, the respective body may elect one or may reject all three nominees and require a new slate of nominees. This process shall be followed until those members of the commission are elected. (C) Four members must be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the General Assembly, none of whom may be a public official. Two members appointed by the Governor must be from the majority party and the largest minority party represented in both Houses of the General Assembly. Two of these members shall be appointed for initial terms of two years each and two of these members shall be appointed for initial terms of four years each, the initial terms of all of these members to be designated by the Governor when appointing these members. (D) Four members must be elected by majority vote of the Supreme Court, none of whom may be a judge of a court of record or Summary Court of this State or other public official. Two members shall serve initial terms of two years each and two members shall serve initial terms of four years each, the initial terms of these members to be designated by the Supreme Court when electing these members. (E) No person shall serve consecutive terms on the commission, except that the members who serve an initial term of less than four years are eligible to serve for a single additional term of four years. Members shall receive no compensation but shall receive the usual mileage, subsistence, and per diem as is paid by law to members of state boards, commission, and committees to be paid from the approved accounts of the commission. Vacancies must be filled in the manner of the original selection for the unexpired portion of the term only. (F) The chairman of the commission must be elected by the members of the commission. The commission may elect a vice chairman and such other officers as it considers necessary. A majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum. The commission shall adopt a policy concerning the attendance of its members at commission meetings. the commission meets at the call of the chairman or a majority of its members. Members may set their own policy related to the rotation of the selection of officers. (G) The terms of members of the commission begin on July first of the applicable year and end on June thirtieth of the applicable year. (H)(1) The appointing or electing authorities when electing or appointing members of the commission shall ensure that the members selected are representative of all citizens of this State regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin. (2) The following are not eligible to serve on the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure: (a) a member of the General Assembly; (b) a family member, as defined by Section 8-13-100(15), of a member of the General Assembly, the Governor, or any member of the Supreme Court; (c) a person who made a campaign contribution, as defined by Section 8-13-1300(7), within the previous four years to the individual who appointed or nominated the person to serve on the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure; (d) a person who registered as a lobbyist within four years of being appointed to serve on the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure; (e) a person who is under the jurisdiction of the State Ethics Commission, Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure, House of Representatives Ethics Committee, or Senate Ethics Committee; (f) an actively serving judge of any court of this State, including summary court judges, and any retired judge sitting or permitted to sit in any court of this State. (g) a person who is employed by or affiliated with a business with which an individual making appointments, selections, or nominations to the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure is associated. (I) The commission shall receive such appropriations for its operations and responsibilities as may be provided by the General Assembly in the annual general appropriations act, in addition to the other sources of revenue available to it as provided by law. (J) Members of the commission while serving on the commission may not make political contributions in any manner and shall conduct themselves in accordance with the Cannons of Judicial Conduct. The provisions of Section 8-13-330(B) and (C) also apply to members of the commission. Section 8-13-415. (A) On the effective date of this article, the functions, duties, and powers of the House of Representatives and Senate Ethics Committees in regard to the authority to receive, regulate, and supervise all statements of economic interests and other ethics filings required by law or rule for individuals now under their jurisdiction, the compliance by these individuals with all ethical requirements imposed by law or rule including those contained in Chapter 17, Title 2 and Chapter 13, Title 8, and the receipt and investigation of ethics complaints regarding these individuals are devolved upon the South Carolina Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure. However, the punishment or sanctions, if any, for violations and the authority to adjudicate alleged violations shall rest with the House or Senate Ethics Committee, as applicable. (B) On the effective date of this article, the functions, duties, and powers of the State Ethics Commission in regard to the authority to receive, regulate, and supervise all statements of economic interests and other ethics filings required by law for individuals now under their jurisdiction, the compliance by these individuals with all ethical requirements imposed by law including those contained in Chapter 17, Title 2 and Chapter 13, Title 8, and the receipt and investigation of ethics complaints regarding these individuals are devolved upon the South Carolina Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure. However, the punishment or sanctions, if any, for violations and the authority to adjudicate alleged violations shall rest with the State Ethics Commission. (C) On the effective date of this article, the functions, duties, and powers of the Supreme Court of this State acting through its Commission on Judicial Conduct in regard to the authority to receive, regulate, and supervise all statements of economic interests and other ethics filings required by law or rule for judges and other individuals now under its jurisdiction, the compliance by these judges or other individuals with all ethical requirements imposed by law or rule including the Cannons of Judicial Conduct and Chapter 17, Title 2 and Chapter 13, Title 8, and the receipt and investigation of ethics complaints regarding these judges or other individuals are devolved upon the South Carolina Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure. However, the punishment or sanctions, if any, for violations and the authority to adjudicate alleged violations shall rest with the Supreme Court. Section 8-13-420. (A) Beginning July 1, 2015, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-13-415, the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure shall have the specified jurisdiction over and may receive complaints involving, but not limited to, the following individuals: (1) all statewide or constitutional officers of the state and their staffs; (2) any person who holds an elected or appointed position for any political subdivision of the state and their staffs; (3) members of all boards and commissions of the State and its political subdivisions and their staffs; (4) any lobbyist or lobbyist principal or any person acting as a lobbyist or lobbyist principal who has failed to register as such; and (5) candidates for a state or local public office, except for the General Assembly, filled by popular election whether or not elected to such office. (B) Beginning July 1, 2015, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-13-415, the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure shall have the specified jurisdiction over and may receive complaints involving, but not limited to, the following individuals: (1) judges and other judicial officials of the unified judicial system and their staffs whose conduct is now regulated and supervised by the Commission on Judicial Conduct as governed by the Supreme Court; and (2) judges of the Administrative Law Court and their staffs. (C) Beginning July 1, 2015, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-13-415, the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure shall have the specified jurisdiction over and may receive complaints involving, but not limited to, the following individuals: (1) all members of the General Assembly and their staffs, including employees of caucuses; and (2) candidates for election to the General Assembly whether or not elected. Section 8-13-425. The commission has these duties and powers: (1) to prescribe online forms for statements required to be filed by this chapter and make these forms available in a publicly accessible online format; (2) to prepare and publish a manual setting forth recommended uniform methods of reporting for use by persons required to file statements required by this chapter; (3) to accept and file information voluntarily supplied that exceeds the requirements of this chapter; (4) to develop and maintain a searchable, online database of all filings received by the commission. At a minimum. the database must be searchable by the name of any filer, contributor, or recipient of campaign funds, office sought, or position held; (5) to ascertain whether a person has failed to comply fully and accurately with the disclosure requirements of this chapter and to notify promptly the person to file the necessary notices and reports to satisfy the requirements of this chapter or regulations promulgated by the commission under this chapter; (6)(a) to initiate or receive complaints alleging ethical violations of law or rule by those individuals subject to its jurisdiction; (b)(i) no complaint may be accepted by the commission concerning a candidate for elective office during the fifty-day period before an election in which the person is a candidate. During this fifty-day period, any person may petition the court of common pleas alleging the violations complained of and praying for appropriate relief by way of mandamus or injunction, or both. Within ten days, a rule to show cause hearing must be held, and the court must either dismiss the petition or direct that a mandamus order or an injunction, or both, be issued. A violation of this chapter by a candidate during this fifty-day period must be considered to be an irreparable injury for which no adequate remedy at law exists. The institution of an action for injunctive relief does not relieve any party to the proceeding from any penalty prescribed for violations of this chapter. The court must award reasonable attorney's fees and costs to the nonpetitioning party if a petition for mandamus or injunctive relief is dismissed based upon a finding that the: (i) petition is being presented for an improper purpose such as harassment or to cause delay; (ii) claims, defenses, and other legal contentions are not warranted by existing law or are based upon a frivolous argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law or the establishment of new law; and (iii) allegations and other factual contentions do not have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, are not likely to have evidentiary support after reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery. (iv) action on a complaint filed against a member or candidate for the General Assembly which was received more than fifty days before the election but which cannot be processed by the commission, must be postponed until after the election; (c) if an alleged violation is found to be groundless by the commission, the entire matter must be stricken from public record. If the commission finds that the complaining party willfully filed a groundless complaint, the finding must be reported to the Attorney General. The willful filing of a groundless complaint is a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, a person must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year; (d) action may not be taken on a complaint filed more than four years after the alleged violation occurred unless a person, by fraud or other device, prevents discovery of the violation; (7) to issue, upon request from persons covered by this chapter, and publish advisory opinions on the requirements of this chapter, based on real or hypothetical sets of circumstances; provided, that an opinion rendered by the commission, until amended or revoked, is binding on the commission in any subsequent charges concerning the person who requested the opinion and who acted in reliance on it in good faith unless material facts were omitted or misstated by the person in the request for the opinion. Advisory opinions must be in writing and are considered rendered when approved by a majority of commission members. Advisory opinions must be made available to the public unless the commission, by majority vote of the total membership of the commission, requires an opinion to remain confidential. However, the identities of the parties involved must be withheld upon request; and (8) to promulgate regulations to carry out the provisions of this chapter. However, with respect to complaints, investigations, and hearings the rights of due process as expressed in the rules governing the practice of law must be followed. Section 8-13-430. All complaints received by the commission must: (1) be in written form; (2) contain specific factual allegations of a violation of law or rule against an individual subject to its jurisdiction; (3) contain any and all supporting documentation or evidence in the possession of the complainant that supports the allegations contained in the complaint; (4) be signed by the person filing the complaint; and (5) contain a signed statement that the complainant will abide by the procedures established by the commission for the investigation and disposition of complaints. Section 8-13-440. (A) All complaints, documents, meetings, correspondence, memorandums, or other items in the possession of the commission relating to a specific complaint are considered confidential until the complaint is referred by a vote of the full commission as provided in Section 8-13-465. If the matter is not referred, it remains confidential. (B) The release, in any manner, of any information by any person in violation of subsection (A) is a considered a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, the person must be fined one thousand dollars or imprisoned sixty days, or both. (C) The commission is authorized through its staff to prosecute violations of this section before the appropriate magistrate's court of Richland County. Section 8-13-445. A respondent, at any time after being notified of the existence of a complaint against them, may waive their right to confidentiality. This waiver must be made in writing and signed by the respondent or their counsel. All waivers are considered complete and shall apply to all materials, except internal commission communications or attorney work product unrelated to the staff's investigation of the complaint, that is the possession of the commission and its staff. Partial waivers are not allowed. Section 8-13-450. Upon the receipt of a complaint, the director of the commission shall: (1) within ten business days forward a copy of the complaint and all supporting evidence or documentation submitted by the complainant to the subject of the complaint; (2) evaluate the allegations of the complaint, assuming all alleged facts are accurate, to determine if the complaint contains an allegation of a violation of law or rule. If the complaint does not contain facts sufficient to constitute a violation of law or rule, the director shall cause the complaint to be dismissed and notify the complainant and respondent of his decision, in writing. If the matter is dismissed, the director shall have no further duties related to the specific complaint; (3) cause a panel of three commissioners, with at least one from each of the appointing authorities, to be assigned to oversee the commission's investigation of the complaint; (4) notify the respondent, in writing, that they shall reply to the allegations in writing within thirty calendar days of this notification. The director also shall advise the respondent, in writing, of their right to obtain counsel and the investigation and hearing procedures used by the commission, (5) cause the commission staff to begin the investigation of the complaint. Staff assigned to investigate a complaint shall report directly to the three member panel assigned for that complaint. Section 8-13-455. (A) The staff may request and receive information in any form from any party relevant to the complaint being investigated. (B) The commission staff, through an affirmative vote of the three member panel, may issue subpoenas to testify and subpoenas for documents in the possession of either the complainant or respondent in a matter or in possession of any relevant witness identified by either party in their initial filing with the commission. (C) The commission staff, through an affirmative vote of the three member panel, may request the assistance of specialized staff from the Department of Revenue or the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, as the matter may require. Upon a request from the commission, the Department of Revenue or SLED may temporarily assign the necessary staff to the commission. Any temporarily assigned staff shall abide by the policy and procedures for investigation set out by the commission and shall report to the three member panel. (D) The staff, under the supervision of the three member panel, shall compile the results of its investigation, including all supporting documentation, depositions, or other evidence for presentation to the full commission. Section 8-13-460. (A) The results of an investigation by the three member panel, along with the complaint, respondents response, and all documentation accompanying both, then must be presented to the full commission in executive session, unless the respondent has waived their right to confidentiality, by the commission staff. (B) The full commission shall consider whether the evidence presented has raised facts sufficient to potentially constitute a violation of law or rule, including any technical violations. The commission then, by a majority vote of the membership, may refer the matter to the appropriate entity having jurisdiction as provided in Section 8-13-465. (C) The commission is not authorized to adjudicate any issues or violations raised or alleged by the complaint. Section 8-13-465. (A) If a person who is the subject of the Commission's investigation is a member of the General Assembly, their staff, or other person subject to the jurisdiction of the House of Representatives or Senate Ethics Committees in regard to ethical conduct, that matter upon the conclusion of the Commission's investigation may be referred to the appropriate Ethics Committee for such further action as it considers appropriate, consistent with the penalty or sanction provisions, if any, provided by law or rule for that conduct. (B) If a person who is the subject of the commission's investigation is a member of the executive branch or was otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the State Ethics Commission in regard to ethical conduct, that matter upon conclusion of the commission's investigation may be referred to the State Ethics Commission and brought to a conclusion by the State Ethics Commission consistent with any penalties or sanctions authorized and provided by law for that conduct. (C) If a person who is the subject of the Commission's investigation is a member of the state judiciary or is another individual subject to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in regard to ethical conduct, that matter upon the conclusion of the commission's investigation may be referred to the Supreme Court for such further action as the Supreme Court considers appropriate, consistent with the penalty or sanction provisions, if any, provided by law or rule for that conduct. (D) The commission may make a referral as provided in this section for further action if it determines the investigation has raised facts sufficient to potentially constitute a violation of law or of rule, including any technical violations. The referral must be accompanied by the commission's investigation report. If a referral by the commission is made, all records and information of the commission relating to the complaints, its investigation, and its investigation report become public information. If a referral is not made, the complaint is considered dismissed and no further action regarding the complaint may be taken. The commission also shall notify the complainant and the respondent of its decision to make or not make a referral. (E) Nothing in this section or article prevents the commission after completion of its investigation from referring the matter to the Attorney General for further action rather than to the appropriate entity required by this section where a criminal violation may have occurred based on the results of the investigation Section 8-13-470. The commission may employ and remove, at its pleasure, a director. The director has the responsibility for employing and terminating other personnel as may be necessary. The director administers the daily business of the commission and performs duties assigned by the commission. Section 8-13-475. When hired, filing for office, or appointed and upon assuming the duties of employment, office, or position in state government, a public official, public member, and public employee shall receive a brochure prepared by the commission describing the general application of this chapter. Section 8-13-480. Upon request, the commission shall make statements and reports filed with the commission available for public inspection and copying during regular office hours. The commission shall provide copying facilities at a cost not to exceed the actual cost. A statement may be requested by mail, and the commission shall mail a copy of the requested information to the individual making the request upon payment of appropriate postage, copying costs, and employee labor costs. The commission shall publish and make available to the public and to persons subject to this chapter explanatory information concerning this chapter, the duties imposed by this chapter, and the means for enforcing this chapter. Section 8-13-485. The commission shall establish a system of electronic filing for all disclosures and reports required pursuant to Chapter 13, Title 8 and Chapter 17, Title 2 from all persons and entities subject to its jurisdiction. These disclosures and reports must be filed using an Internet-based filing system as prescribed by the commission. The information contained in the reports and disclosure forms, with the exception of social security numbers, campaign bank account numbers, and tax ID numbers, must be publicly accessible, searchable, and transferable." SECTION 3. (A) The employees, assets, and liabilities of the State Ethics Commission are transferred to the newly created South Carolina Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure on the effective date of Article 4, Chapter 13, Title 8. The executive director of the State Ethics Commission on the effective date of Article 4, Chapter 13, Title 8 shall become the Director of the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure. (B) Both the State Ethics Commission, the newly created Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure, and their staffs shall meet and be provided space at the offices of the State Ethics Commission. (C) Regulations promulgated by the State Ethics Commission are continued and are considered to be promulgated by the newly created South Carolina Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure. SECTION 4. Article 3, Chapter 13, Title 8 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-13-310. (A) The State Ethics Commission as constituted under law
(B) There is created the State Ethics Commission composed of nine members appointed
(C) The terms of the members are for five years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. The members of the State Ethics Commission currently serving
(D) The commission shall elect Section 8-13-320. (A) Beginning July 1, 2015, the State Ethics Commission has the duty and power to adjudicate complaint referrals from the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure as provided in Section 8-13-465 and also has the power and duty to impose penalties or other punishments as authorized in this chapter in regard to violations found which result therefrom. Otherwise, the duties and functions of the State Ethics Commission under this chapter, unless otherwise stated, are devolved upon the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure and the provisions of this chapter shall be construed accordingly and shall apply mutatis mutandis. (B) Beginning July 1, 2015, the State Ethics Commission has these duties and powers:
(i) requiring the public official, public member, or public employee to pay a civil penalty of not more than two thousand dollars for each violation; (ii) requiring the forfeiture of gifts, receipts, or profits, or the value thereof, obtained in violation of the chapter, voiding nonlegislative state action obtained in violation of the chapter; or (iii) requiring a combination of subitems (i) and (ii) above, as necessary and appropriate.
Section 8-13-325. In order to offset costs associated with the: (1) administration and regulation of lobbyists and lobbyist's principals, and (2) enforcement of Chapter 17 of Title 2, the
Section 8-13-330. (A) The commission may employ and remove such staff as may be authorized and provided by the General Assembly in the annual general appropriations act (B) No member or employee of the State Ethics Commission may be a candidate, an official in a political party, or a lobbyist. Other than by virtue of membership on or employment with the State Ethics Commission, no member or employee of the State Ethics Commission may be a public official, public member, or public employee. (C) No member of the State Ethics Commission or its staff may participate in political management or in a political campaign during the member's or employee's term of office or employment. No member of the State Ethics Commission or its staff may make a contribution to a candidate or knowingly attend a fundraiser held for the benefit of a candidate. Violation of this provision subjects the employee to immediate dismissal and the commissioner to removal by the Governor. Section 8-13-340. The State Ethics Commission at the close of each fiscal year shall report to the General Assembly and the Governor concerning the action it has taken, the names, salaries, and duties of all persons in its employ, and the money it has disbursed and shall make other reports on matters within its jurisdiction and recommendations for further legislation as may appear desirable.
Section 8-13-350.
SECTION 5. Article 5, Chapter 13, Title 8 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
Section 8-13-510. There is created a House of Representatives Legislative Ethics Committee and a Senate Legislative Ethics Committee. Each ethics committee is composed of six members unless otherwise provided by rule of the respective House. Terms are coterminous with the term for which members are elected to the House or Senate. Vacancies must be filled for the unexpired term in the manner of the original selection. The members of each ethics committee must be elected by the House or the Senate, as appropriate. One member of each ethics committee must be elected as chairman by a majority of the members of the ethics committee. Section 8-13-520. Each ethics committee shall meet and recommend any changes in the law or rules relating to ethics considered proper to their respective houses. Changes recommended must be consistent with the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, the provisions of this chapter, and any other applicable law. Section 8-13-530. (A) Beginning July 1, 2015, the Ethics Committees of the House and Senate have the duty and power to adjudicate complaint referrals from the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure as provided in Section 8-13-465 and also have the power and duty to impose penalties or other punishments as authorized in this article in regard to violations found which result therefrom. Otherwise, the duties and functions of the Ethics Committees of the House and Senate under this chapter, unless otherwise stated, are devolved upon the Commission on Ethics Enforcement and Disclosure and the provisions of this chapter shall be construed accordingly and shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(B) Each ethics committee shall
Section 8-13-540.
(1) If after (a) render an advisory opinion to the respondent and require the respondent's compliance within a reasonable time; or
(b) convene a formal hearing on the matter within thirty days of the respondent's failure to comply with the advisory opinion. All ethics committee
(2) If a hearing is to be held, the respondent must be allowed to examine and make copies of all evidence in the ethics committee's possession relating to the charges. At the hearing the charged party must be afforded appropriate due process protections, including the right to be represented by counsel, the right to call and examine witnesses, the right to introduce exhibits, and the right to cross-examine opposing witnesses. All hearings must be conducted in (3) After the hearing, the ethics committee shall determine its findings of fact. If the ethics committee, based on competent and substantial evidence, finds the respondent has violated this chapter or Chapter 17 of Title 2, it shall: (a) administer a public or private reprimand; (b) determine that a technical violation as provided for in Section 8-13-1170 has occurred; (c) recommend expulsion of the member; and/or,
(d) in the case of an alleged criminal violation, refer the matter to the Attorney General (4) An individual has ten days from the date of the notification of the ethics committee's action to appeal the action to the full legislative body. (5) No ethics committee member may participate in any matter in which he is involved. (6) The ethics committee shall establish procedures which afford respondents appropriate due process protections, including the right to be represented by counsel, the right to call and examine witnesses, the right to introduce exhibits, and the right to cross-examine opposing witnesses. Section 8-13-550. (A) Upon receipt of a recommendation of expulsion or an appeal from an order of the ethics committee made pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-13-540, the presiding officer of the House or Senate shall call the House or Senate into open session at a time to be determined at his discretion or in executive session if the House or Senate chooses, as a committee of the whole, to consider the action of the ethics committee. The House or Senate shall sustain or overrule the ethics committee's action or order other action consistent with this chapter or Chapter 17 of Title 2. (B) Upon consideration of an ethics committee report by the House or the Senate, whether in executive or open session, the results of the consideration, except in the case of the issuance of a private reprimand, are a matter of public record. Section 8-13-560. Unless otherwise currently or hereafter provided for by House or Senate rule, as is appropriate: (1) A member of the General Assembly who is indicted in a state court or a federal court for a crime that is a felony, a crime that involves moral turpitude, a crime that has a sentence of two or more years, or a crime that violates election laws must be suspended immediately without pay by the presiding officer of the House or Senate, as appropriate. The suspension remains in effect until the public official is acquitted, convicted, pleads guilty, or pleads nolo contendere. In the case of a conviction, the office must be declared vacant. In the event of an acquittal or dismissal of charges against the public official, he is entitled to reinstatement and back pay. (2) If the public official is involved in an election between the time of the suspension and final conclusion of the indictment, the presiding officer of the House or Senate, or the Governor, as appropriate, shall again suspend him at the beginning of his next term. The suspended public official may not participate in the business of his public office." SECTION 6. Section 8-13-100(5) and (9) of the 1976 Code are amended to read:
"(5) 'Candidate' means a person who seeks appointment, nomination for election, or election to a state or local office,
(9) 'Contribution' means a gift, subscription, loan, guarantee upon which collection is made, forgiveness of a loan, an advance, in-kind contribution or expenditure, a deposit of money, or anything of value made to a candidate or committee, SECTION 7. Section 8-13-740(A)(2)(c) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 181 of 1993, is further amended to read:
"(c) in a contested case or a matter that may become a contested case, as defined in Section 1-23-310, excluding a contested case for a rate or price fixing matter before the South Carolina Public Service Commission or South Carolina Department of Insurance, or in an agency's consideration of the drafting and promulgation of regulations under Chapter 23, SECTION 8. Section 8-13-745 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 248 of 1991, is amended to read:
"Section 8-13-745. (A) No member of the General Assembly
(B) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this section, no member of the General Assembly
(C) (D) The provisions of this section do not apply to any court in the unified judicial system. (E) When a member of the General Assembly is required by law to appear because of his business interest as an owner or officer of the business or in his official capacity as a member of the General Assembly, this section does not apply.
(F) The provisions of subsections (A), (B), and (C) do not apply in the case of any vote or action taken by a member of the General Assembly SECTION 9. Chapter 13, Title 8 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding: "Section 8-13-756. The provisions of Sections 8-13-700, 8-13-710, 8-13-715, and 8-13-755 do not apply to a public employee of an institution of higher learning who participates in the development of intellectual property that benefits the institution and the State of South Carolina, provided that the institution of higher learning retains some royalty rights to the intellectual property." SECTION 10. Section 8-13-780(B) of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"(B) In addition to existing remedies for breach of the ethical standards of this chapter SECTION 11. Section 8-13-1120 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 6 of 1995, is further amended to read:
"Section 8-13-1120. (A) A statement of economic interests filed pursuant to Section 8-13-1110 (1) the name, business or government address, and workplace telephone number of the filer; (2) the source, type, and amount or value of income, not to include tax refunds, of substantial monetary value received from a governmental entity by the filer or a member of the filer's immediate family during the reporting period; (3)(a) the description, value, and location of all real property owned and options to purchase real property during the reporting period by a filer or a member of the filer's immediate family if: (i) there have been any public improvements of more than two hundred dollars on or adjacent to the real property within the reporting period and the public improvements are actually known to the filer; or (ii) the interest has been or can reasonably be expected to be the subject of a conflict of interest with the filer's official responsibilities and duties based upon information actually known to the filer; or (b) if a sale, lease, or rental of personal or real property is to a state, county, or municipal instrumentality of government, a copy of the contract, lease, or rental agreement must be attached to the statement of economic interests; (4) the name of each organization which paid for or reimbursed actual expenses of the filer for speaking before a public or private group, the amount of such payment or reimbursement, and the purpose, date, and location of the speaking engagement; (5) the identity of every business or entity in which the filer or a member of the filer's immediate family held or controlled, in the aggregate, securities or interests constituting five percent or more of the total issued and outstanding securities and interests which constitute a value of one hundred thousand dollars or more; (6)(a) a listing by name and address of each creditor to whom the filer or member of the filer's immediate family owed a debt in excess of five hundred dollars at any time during the reporting period, if the creditor is subject to regulation by the filer or is seeking or has sought a business or financial arrangement with the filer's agency or department other than for a credit card or retail installment contract, and the original amount of the debt and amount outstanding unless: (i) the debt is promised or loaned by a bank, savings and loan, or other licensed financial institution which loans money in the ordinary course of its business and on terms and interest rates generally available to a member of the general public without regard to status as a public official, public member, or public employee; or (ii) the debt is promised or loaned by an individual's family member if the person who promises or makes the loan is not acting as the agent or intermediary for someone other than a person named in this subitem; and (b) the rate of interest charged the filer or a member of the filer's immediate family for a debt required to be reported in (a); If a discharge of a debt required to be reported in (a) has been made, the date of the transaction must be shown. (7) the name of any lobbyist, as defined in Section 2-17-10(13) who is: (a) an immediate family member of the filer; (b) an individual with whom or business with which the filer or a member of the filer's immediate family is associated;
(8) if a public official, public member, or public employee receives compensation from an individual or business which contracts with the governmental entity with which the public official, public member (9) the source and a brief description of any gifts, including transportation, lodging, food, or entertainment received during the preceding calendar year from: (a) a person, if there is reason to believe the donor would not give the gift, gratuity, or favor but for the official's or employee's office or position; or (b) a person, or from an officer or director of a person, if the public official or public employee has reason to believe the person: (i) has or is seeking to obtain contractual or other business or financial relationship with the official's or employee's agency; or
(ii) conducts operations or activities which are regulated by the official's or employee's agency if the value of the gift is twenty-five dollars or more in a day or if the value totals, in the aggregate, two hundred dollars or more in a calendar year (10) the source of any other income received by the filer or a member of the filer's immediate family, not to include income received pursuant to: (i) a court order; (ii) a savings, checking or brokerage account with a bank, savings and loan, or other licensed financial institution which offers savings, checking or brokerage accounts in the ordinary course of its business and on terms and interest rates generally available to a member of the general public without regard to status as a public official, public member, or public employee; (iii) a mutual fund or similar fund in which an investment company invests its shareholders' money in a diversified selection of securities; (11) the specific source of income received by a public official, a member of the public official's immediate family, or a business with which the public official or a member of his immediate family are associated if the public official or a member of the public official's immediate family directly derives income from a: (i) contractual or financial relationship, including a consultant or independent contractor's relationship, with a lobbyist's principal or an entity controlled by, affiliated with, or existing for the benefit of a lobbyist's principal; (ii) contractual or financial relationship, including a consultant or independent contractor relationship, with a state or local governmental entity; (iii) source regulated by the governmental regulatory agency with which the public official serves. For purposes of item (11), 'contractual or financial relationship' does not include a relationship from which income received by a public official, a member of the public official's immediate family, or a business with which the public official or his immediate family is associated is derived from commercial transactions in which the fair market value of goods transferred or services rendered is paid; (12) the specific source of income received by a public member, a member of the public member's immediate family, or a business with which the public member or a member of his immediate family are associated if the public member or his immediate family directly derives income from a source regulated by the governmental regulatory agency with which the public member serves. (B) This article does not require the disclosure of economic interests information concerning: (1) a spouse separated pursuant to a court order from the public official, public member, or public employee; (2) a former spouse; (3) a campaign contribution that is permitted and reported under Article 13 of this chapter; or (4) matters determined to require confidentiality pursuant to Section 2-17-90(E)." SECTION 12. Section 8-13-1300 (4),(6), (7), (23), and (32) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 76 of 2003, is further amended to read:
"(4) 'Candidate' means: (a) a person who seeks appointment, nomination for election, or election to a statewide or local office, or authorizes or knowingly permits the collection or disbursement of money for the promotion of his candidacy or election; (b) a person who is exploring whether or not to seek election at the state or local level;
(6) 'Committee' means an association, a club, an organization, or a group of persons, including a party committee, a legislative caucus committee, or a noncandidate committee, which (a) contributions aggregating at least twenty-five thousand dollars during an election cycle to or at the request of a candidate or a committee, or a combination of them; or (b) independent expenditures aggregating five hundred dollars or more during an election cycle for the election or defeat of a candidate.
(7) 'Contribution' means a gift, subscription, loan, guarantee upon which collection is made, forgiveness of a loan, an advance, in-kind contribution or expenditure, a deposit of money, or anything of value made to a candidate or committee to influence an election
(23) 'Noncandidate committee' means a committee that is not a campaign committee for a candidate but (32) 'Ballot measure committee' means:
(a) an association, club, an organization, or a group of persons (b) a person, other than an individual, who, to influence the outcome of a ballot measure, makes contributions aggregating at least fifty thousand dollars during an election cycle to or at the request of a ballot measure committee; or (c) a person, other than an individual, who, to influence the outcome of a ballot measure, makes independent expenditures aggregating two thousand five hundred dollars or more during an election cycle." SECTION 13. Section 8-13-1300 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding an appropriately numbered subsection to read: "( ) 'electioneering communication' means any broadcast, cable, or satellite communication or mass postal mailing or telephone bank that has the following characteristics: (a) refers to a clearly identified candidate for elected office; and (b) that is publically aired or distributed within sixty days prior to a general election or within thirty days prior to a primary for that office. The definition does not include: (1) a communication appearing in a news story, commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any broadcasting station, unless those facilities are owned or controlled by any political party, political committee, or candidate; (2) a communication that constitutes an expenditure or independent expenditure under this Article, (3) a communication that constitutes a candidate debate or forum conducted pursuant to rules adopted by a political party or that solely promotes that debate or forum and is made by or on behalf of the person sponsoring the debate or forum; or (4) a communication that meets all of the following criteria: (i) does not mention any election, candidacy, political party, opposing candidate, or voting by the general public; (ii) does not take a position on the candidate's character or qualifications and fitness for office; and (iii) proposes a commercial transaction." SECTION 14. Section 8-13-1302 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: "Section 8-13-1302. (A) A candidate, committee, or ballot measure committee must maintain and preserve an account of: (1) the total amount of contributions accepted by the candidate, committee, or ballot measure committee; (2) the name and address of each person making a contribution and the amount and date of receipt of each contribution; (3) the total amount of expenditures made by or on behalf of the candidate, committee, or ballot measure committee; (4) the name and address of each person to whom an expenditure is made including the date, amount, purpose, and beneficiary of the expenditure; (5) all receipted bills, canceled checks, or other proof of payment for each expenditure; and (6) the occupation of each person making a contribution. (B) The candidate, committee, or ballot measure committee must maintain and preserve all receipted bills and accounts required by this article for four years. (C) An appropriate supervisory office may request in writing, disclosure of any records required to be maintained by this section, subject to the limitations of Section 8-13-320(9)(d). Such a request shall be for purposes of verifying campaign disclosure forms filed pursuant to Section 8-13-1308. A candidate, committee, or ballot measure committee must comply with a written request from an appropriate supervisory office within thirty days." SECTION 15. Section 8-13-1308 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: "Section 8-13-1308. (A) Upon the receipt or expenditure of campaign contributions or the making of independent expenditures totaling an accumulated aggregate of five hundred dollars or more, a candidate or committee required to file a statement of organization pursuant to Section 8-13-1304(A) must file an initial certified campaign report within ten days of these initial receipts or expenditures. However, a candidate who does not receive or expend campaign contributions totaling an accumulated aggregate of five hundred dollars or more must file an initial certified campaign report fifteen days before an election. (B) Following the filing of an initial certified campaign report, additional certified campaign reports must be filed within ten days following the end of each calendar quarter in which contributions are received or expenditures are made, whether before or after an election until the campaign account undergoes final disbursement pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-13-1370. (C) Campaign reports filed by a candidate must be certified by the candidate. Campaign reports filed by a committee must be certified by a duly authorized officer of the committee. (D)(1) At least fifteen days before an election, a certified campaign report must be filed showing contributions of more than one hundred dollars and expenditures to or by the candidate or committee for the period ending twenty days before the election. The candidate or committee must maintain a current list during the period before the election commencing at the beginning of the calendar quarter of the election of all contributions of more than one hundred dollars and expenditures. The list must be open to public inspection upon request. (2) A committee immediately shall file a campaign report listing expenditures if it makes an independent expenditure or an incurred expenditure within the calendar quarter in which the election is conducted or twenty days before the election, whichever period of time is greater, in excess of: (a) ten thousand dollars in the case of a candidate for statewide office; or (b) two thousand dollars in the case of a candidate for any other office. (3) In the event of a runoff election, candidates or committees are not required to file another campaign report in addition to the reports already required under this section. However, records must remain open to public inspection upon request between the election and the runoff. (E) Two days before an election, a certified campaign report must be filed showing contributions of more than one hundred dollars and expenditures to or by the candidate or committee for the period commencing at least twenty days before the election and ending two days before the election. (F) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (B) and (D), if a pre-election campaign report provided for in subsection (D) is required to be filed within thirty days of the end of the prior quarter, a candidate or committee must combine the quarterly report provided for in subsection (B) and the pre-election report and file the combined report subject to the provisions of subsection (D) no later than fifteen days before the election.
(1) the total of contributions accepted by the candidate or committee; (2) the name and address of each person making a contribution of more than one hundred dollars and the amount and date of receipt of each contribution; (3) the total expenditures made by or on behalf of the candidate or committee; (4) the name and address of each person to whom an expenditure is made from campaign funds, including the date, amount, purpose, and beneficiary of the expenditure.
SECTION 16. Section 8-13-1312 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-13-1312. Except as is required for the separation of funds and expenditures under the provisions of Section 8-13-1300(7), a candidate shall not establish more than one campaign checking account and one campaign savings account for each office sought, and a committee shall not establish more than one checking account and one savings account unless federal or state law requires additional accounts. For purposes of this article, certificates of deposit or other interest bearing instruments are not considered separate accounts. A candidate's accounts must be established in a financial institution that conducts business within the State and in an office located within the State that conducts business with the general public. The candidate or a duly authorized officer of a committee must maintain the accounts in the name of the candidate or committee. An acronym must not be used in the case of a candidate's accounts. An acronym or abbreviation may be used in the case of a committee's accounts if the acronym or abbreviation commonly is known or clearly recognized by the general public. SECTION 17. Chapter 13, Title 8 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding: "Section 8-13-1313. A person who is not a committee required to file subject to Section 8-13-1304 and who makes an independent expenditure in an aggregate amount or value in excess of five hundred dollars during a calendar year or makes an electioneering communication must file a report of such expenditure or communication with the State Ethics Commission electronically in the manner prescribed by the Commission pursuant to Section 8-13-365 within thirty days or if the independent expenditure or electioneering communication is made within thirty days before an election, the report must be filed within forty-eight hours. The report must include: (1) a detailed description of the use of the expenditure or communication and the amount of the expenditure or the cost of the communication; (2) the full name, primary occupation of the reporting person, as well as the physical address and phone number for the residence or place of business for the reporting person; (3) the identification of the chief executive officer or for all controlling individuals if the reporting person is a business or another organization that is not an individual, to include name, title, employer, and address; (4) the name of the candidate or ballot measure that is the subject of the independent expenditure or electioneering communication and whether the expenditure or communication was made in support of, or opposition to, the candidate or ballot measure; (5) the chief executive officer or controlling individual must file, under penalty of perjury, a certification that the independent expenditure is not made in cooperation, consultation, or coordination with, or at the request or suggestion of, any candidate or any authorized committee or agent of such candidate; and (6)(a) the identification of the top five donors to the reporting person and for any donor who has donated more than ten thousand dollars to the committee within the previous twelve months, to include name, primary occupation, address, and amount of the donation; and (b) if the donor is a business or another organization that is not an individual, then the identification must indicate the name and title of the chief executive officer or the controlling individual of the donor organization." SECTION 18. Section 8-13-1318 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 248 of 1991, is amended to read: "Section 8-13-1318. (A) If a candidate has a debt from a campaign for an elective office, the candidate may accept contributions to retire the debt, even if the candidate accepts contributions for another elective office or the same elective office during a subsequent election cycle, as long as those contributions accepted to retire the debt are: (1) within the contribution limits applicable to the last election in which the candidate sought the elective office for which the debt was incurred; and (2) reported as provided in this article. (B) Any contributions received pursuant to this section must be used for the purpose of retiring campaign debt only." SECTION 19. Section 8-13-1320(1) of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"(1) A contribution made on or before the seventh day after a primary or primary runoff SECTION 20. Section 8-13-1338(A) of the 1976 Code, as added by Section 248 of 1991, is amended to read by adding a new item (5) at the end to read: "(5) the head of any state agency or department who is selected by the Governor, General Assembly, or an appointed or elected board." SECTION 21. Section 8-13-1340 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
"Section 8-13-1340. (A) Except as provided in (B) This section does not prohibit a candidate from: (1) making a contribution from the candidate's own personal funds on behalf of the candidate's candidacy or to another candidate for a different office; or (2) providing the candidate's surplus funds or material assets upon final disbursement to a legislative caucus committee or party committee in accordance with the procedures for the final disbursement of a candidate under Section 8-13-1370 of this article. (C) Assets or funds which are the proceeds of a campaign contribution and which are held by or under the control of a public official or a candidate for public office on January 1, 1992, are considered to be funds held by a candidate and subject to subsection (A). (D) A committee is considered to be directly or indirectly established, financed, maintained, or controlled by a candidate or public official if any of the following are applicable: (1) the candidate or public official, or an agent of either, has signature authority on the committee's checks; (2) funds contributed or disbursed by the committee are authorized or approved by the candidate or public official; (3) the candidate or public official is clearly identified on either the stationery or letterhead of the committee; (4) the candidate or public official signs solicitation letters or other correspondence on behalf of the entity;
(5) the candidate, public official, or his campaign staff, office staff, or immediate family members (6) the committee pays for travel by the candidate or public official, his campaign staff or office staff, or any other agent of the candidate or public official, in excess of one hundred dollars per calendar year.
SECTION 22. Section 8-13-1348 of the 1976 Code is amended to read: "Section 8-13-1348. (A) No candidate, committee, public official, or political party may use campaign funds to defray personal expenses which are unrelated to the campaign or the office if the candidate is an officeholder nor may these funds be converted to personal use. The prohibition of this subsection does not extend to the incidental personal use of campaign materials or equipment nor to an expenditure used to defray any ordinary expenses incurred in connection with an individual's duties as a holder of elective office.
(B) The payment or reimbursement of reasonable and necessary (1) any payment or reimbursement of mileage for travel associated with the campaign or office must be at the rate established for the year by the Internal Revenue Service; (2) the payment or reimbursement for any lodging expenses, food and beverage expenses, or travel expenses other than mileage for the candidate, a member of the candidate's immediate family, or staff must be for travel for the purpose of campaigning for office or otherwise a part of the official responsibilities of an officeholder. Official responsibilities of the officeholder shall include, but not be limited to, political party events, official appearances or meetings for which reimbursement is not offered by the governmental entity, and educational forums or conventions to which an officeholder is invited in their official capacity; (3) any communication or other office equipment purchased with campaign funds, including but not limited to cell phones, computers, printers, copiers and other similar devices shall be the sole property of the campaign and must be disclosed as assets at the time of purchase. Further, this equipment must be accounted for pursuant to Sections 8-13-1368 and 8-13-1370 upon the final disbursement of a campaign account; and (4) any payments to campaign or office staff must be made contemporaneously with the work provided. A campaign may not employ an immediate family member of the candidate.
(a) (b) debit or credit card; or (c) online transfers.
(D) An expenditure may not be made that is clearly in excess of the fair market value of services, materials, facilities, or other things of value received in exchange.
(E) (1) the person was previously put on notice by an appropriate supervisory office that an identical or substantially similar expenditure did not comply with this section; (2) the misuse of funds resulted from an intentional or fraudulent attempt to apply campaign funds to personal use; or (3) the expenditure or multiple expenditures exceed two thousand dollars in the aggregate for an election cycle." SECTION 23. (A)(1) there is created the South Carolina Ethics Violations Study Committee to be comprised of eight members appointed as follows: (a) four circuit solicitors appointed by the Executive Director of the South Carolina Commission on Prosecution Coordination by August 1, 2014. Two of the four appointed solicitors must be members of the majority political party represented in the General Assembly, and two must be members of the largest minority political party represented in the General Assembly; (2) four public defenders appointed by the Executive Director of the South Carolina Commission on Indigent Defense by August 1, 2014; and (3) the committee shall select a chair and a vice chair from among its members. Administrative and logistical support to the committee must be provided from either one or more of the committee members' solicitors offices or from the South Carolina Commission on Prosecution Coordination. (B)(1) In making appointments to the South Carolina Ethics Violations Study Committee, the appointing authorities shall consider a candidate's criminal trial experience. The appointing authorities also shall make every effort to ensure that all geographic areas of the State are represented and that the membership reflects urban and rural areas of the State as well as the ethnic diversity of the State. (2) the members of the committee shall serve without compensation, and are ineligible for the usual mileage, subsistence, and per diem allowed by law for members of state boards, committees, and commissions. (C) the South Carolina Ethics Violations Study Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (1) to examine and assess all of the governmental ethics rules, directives, and violations contained in Chapter 17, Title 2 and Article 7, Chapter 13, Title 8 of the 1976 Code; (2) to identify and recommend which specific governmental ethics violations contained in the above referenced statutory provisions should appropriately be designated as criminal violations and which should appropriately be designated as civil violations; and (3) to report its findings and recommendations to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and to the Chairmen of the House of Representatives and Senate Judiciary Committees by February 1, 2015, at which time the committee is dissolved." SECTION 24. The repeal or amendment by this act of any law, whether temporary or permanent or civil or criminal, does not affect pending actions, rights, duties, or liabilities founded thereon, or alter, discharge, release or extinguish any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred under the repealed or amended law, unless the repealed or amended provision shall so expressly provide. After the effective date of this act, all laws repealed or amended by this act must be taken and treated as remaining in full force and effect for the purpose of sustaining any pending or vested right, civil action, special proceeding, criminal prosecution, or appeal existing as of the effective date of this act, and for the enforcement of rights, duties, penalties, forfeitures, and liabilities as they stood under the repealed or amended laws. Moreover, the provisions of this act, to include those provisions that amend existing laws, shall not apply to conduct that occurred prior to the effective date of this act. SECTION 25. If any section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this act is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such holding shall not affect the constitutionality or validity of the remaining portions of this act, the General Assembly hereby declaring that it would have passed this act, and each and every section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause, phrase, and word thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases, or words hereof may be declared to be unconstitutional, invalid, or otherwise ineffective. SECTION 26. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the provisions of this act take effect upon approval by the Governor. However, Sections 1 through 5 take effect on July 1, 2015, Section 11 takes effect on January 1, 2015, and other provisions of this act which require modifications to be implemented to the electronic filing system for disclosures and reports as determined by the State Ethics Commission shall not apply or be implemented until six months after approval of this act by the Governor.