H*3721 Session 122 (2017-2018) H*3721(Rat #0129, Act #0098 of 2017) General Bill, By House Ways and Means A JOINT RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MONIES FROM THE CAPITAL RESERVE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017, AND TO ALLOW UNEXPENDED FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO BE CARRIED FORWARD TO SUCCEEDING FISCAL YEARS AND EXPENDED FOR THE SAME PURPOSES. - ratified title 03/07/17 House Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference (House Journal-page 7) 03/08/17 House Debate adjourned until Thur., 3-9-17 (House Journal-page 22) 03/09/17 House Special order, set for immediately following second reading of H. 3720 (House Journal-page 13) 03/14/17 House Amended (House Journal-page 149) 03/14/17 House Read second time (House Journal-page 149) 03/14/17 House Roll call Yeas-114 Nays-1 (House Journal-page 150) 03/15/17 House Read third time and sent to Senate (House Journal-page 14) 03/15/17 House Roll call Yeas-115 Nays-0 (House Journal-page 15) 03/15/17 Senate Introduced and read first time (Senate Journal-page 6) 03/15/17 Senate Referred to Committee on Finance (Senate Journal-page 6) 03/15/17 Scrivener's error corrected 04/03/17 Senate Committee report: Favorable with amendment Finance 04/05/17 Senate Committee Amendment Adopted (Senate Journal-page 40) 04/05/17 Senate Read second time (Senate Journal-page 40) 04/05/17 Senate Roll call Ayes-42 Nays-1 (Senate Journal-page 40) 04/06/17 Scrivener's error corrected 04/06/17 Senate Read third time and returned to House with amendments (Senate Journal-page 115) 04/06/17 Senate Roll call Ayes-43 Nays-1 (Senate Journal-page 115) 04/19/17 House Debate adjourned until Thur., 4-20-17 (House Journal-page 34) 04/20/17 House Debate adjourned until Tues., 4-25-17 (House Journal-page 16) 04/25/17 House Debate adjourned until Wed., 4-26-17 (House Journal-page 15) 04/26/17 House Senate amendment amended (House Journal-page 58) 04/26/17 House Roll call Yeas-77 Nays-0 (House Journal-page 60) 04/26/17 House Returned to the Senate (House Journal-page 61) 04/26/17 Senate Non-concurrence in House amendment (Senate Journal-page 96) 05/03/17 House House insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Reps. White, Pitts, Stavrinakis (House Journal-page 3) 05/03/17 Senate Conference committee appointed Leatherman, Setzler, Bennett (Senate Journal-page 25) 06/06/17 House Conference report received and adopted 06/06/17 House Roll call Yeas-110 Nays-0 06/06/17 Senate Conference report adopted (Senate Journal-page 104) 06/06/17 Senate Roll call Ayes-38 Nays-2 (Senate Journal-page 104) 06/06/17 Senate Ordered enrolled for ratification (Senate Journal-page 109) 06/06/17 Ratified R 129 06/12/17 Signed By Governor 06/15/17 Effective date See Act 07/12/17 Act No. 98 VERSIONS OF THIS BILL
3/7/2017 3/7/2017-A 3/14/2017 3/15/2017 4/4/2017 4/5/2017 4/6/2017 4/6/2017-A 4/26/2017 6/6/2017 (A98, R129, H3721) A JOINT RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MONIES FROM THE CAPITAL RESERVE FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017, AND TO ALLOW UNEXPENDED FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO BE CARRIED FORWARD TO SUCCEEDING FISCAL YEARS AND EXPENDED FOR THE SAME PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: Capital Reserve Fund appropriations SECTION 1. In accordance with the provisions of Section 36(B)(2) and (3), Article III, Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, and Section 11-11-320(C) and (D) of the 1976 Code, there is appropriated from the monies available in the Capital Reserve Fund for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 the following amounts: (1) E240 - Office of Adjutant General Emergency Management Division Hurricane Matthew FEMA Match $ 68,000,000 (2) E240 - Office of Adjutant General Emergency Management Division Pinnacle Mountain Fire FEMA Match $ 1,250,000 (3) R400 - Department of Motor Vehicles Real ID $ 6,727,718 (4) H590 - State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education readySC $ 9,605,891 (5) J020 - Department of Health and Human Services Medicaid Management Information System $ 8,832,619 (6) P320 - Department of Commerce LocateSC $ 5,000,000 (7) P400 - S. C. Conservation Bank Conservation Bank Trust $ 5,000,000 (8) J040 - Department of Health and Environmental Control Dam Safety Program $ 4,893,750 (9) L040 - Department of Social Services Child Support System $ 25,000,000 (10) L240 - Commission for the Blind Software Customization- Case Management System $ 100,000 (11) P160 - Department of Agriculture Consumer Protection and Safety Equipment $ 650,000 (12) H240 - South Carolina State University Technology Upgrades $ 350,000 (13) N200 - Law Enforcement Training Council Criminal Justice Academy Lead Remediation $ 175,000 (14) P280 - Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Palmetto Trail $ 300,000 (15) E240 - Office of Adjutant General 2014 Winter Storm Local Matching Funds $ 3,322,807 (16) D100 - State Law Enforcement Division Counter Terrorism and Arson Equipment $ 1 (17) D100 - State Law Enforcement Division Alcohol Enforcement and Narcotics Equipment $ 1 (18) L040 - Department of Social Services Criminal Domestic Violence - SCCADVASA $ 1 (19) P120 - Forestry Commission Firefighter Safety and Public Protection - Equipment $ 1 $ 139,207,789 Regulation of expenditure of appropriations to the Office of Adjutant General SECTION 2. (A) The funds appropriated to the Office of Adjutant General, Emergency Management Division in item (1) for Hurricane Matthew FEMA Match and in item (2) for Pinnacle Mountain Fire FEMA Match shall be utilized to provide the non-federal cost share to state and local government entities for work that is eligible under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance and Individual Assistance programs. Priority shall be given to FEMA Individual Assistance and Public Assistance for state agencies, universities, and local governments. (B) Of the funds appropriated in item (1) for Hurricane Matthew FEMA Match, $700,000 shall be distributed in a one-time pass through allocation to the Town of Nichols for costs associated with damages caused by Hurricane Matthew, but not duplicative of work that is eligible under the FEMA Public Assistance program. Management of the funds shall be the sole responsibility of the Town of Nichols. (C) The funds appropriated to the Office of Adjutant General in item (15) for 2014 Winter Storm Local Matching Funds, shall be disbursed to eligible counties and municipalities to offset storm cleanup expenses associated with the 2014 Winter Storm during states of emergency declared by Executive Orders 2014-06 and 2014-11. A county or municipality is eligible for disbursement if the county or municipality was eligible for reimbursement by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), but was not reimbursed due to local match requirements. Posting of appropriations SECTION 3. The Comptroller General shall post the appropriations contained in this joint resolution as provided in Section 11-11-320(D) of the 1976 Code. Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this joint resolution may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purposes. Time effective SECTION 4. This joint resolution takes effect thirty days after the completion of the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year in accordance with the provisions of Section 36(B)(3)(a), Article III, Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, and Section 11-11-320(D)(1) of the 1976 Code. Ratified the 6th day of June, 2017. Approved the 12th day of June, 2017.