H*3158 Session 103 (1979-1980)
H*3158 Concurrent Resolution, By T.W. Edwards, W.S. Anderson, H.L. Barksdale,
D.M. Bruce, M.R. Daniel, J.C. Duncan, D.O. Hawkins and S.P. Manning
A Concurrent Resolution to recognize the outstanding athletic career and years
of community service performed by George Banks of Pacolet and extend to him
sincere best wihses in his courageous battle with a crippling illness.
08/14/79 House Introduced and adopted HJ-3570
08/14/79 House Sent to the Senate HJ-3570
08/15/79 Senate Introduced and adopted SJ-23
08/15/79 Senate Returned to House with concurrence SJ-23
08/15/79 House RECEIVED FROM SENATE HJ-3612