H*4837 Session 125 (2023-2024) H 4837 Concurrent Resolution, By Howard, Ballentine, Bauer, Bernstein, Garvin, Hart, J.L. Johnson, McDaniel, Rose, Rutherford, Thigpen, Alexander, Anderson, Atkinson, Bailey, Bamberg, Bannister, Beach, Blackwell, Bradley, Brewer, Brittain, Burns, Bustos, Calhoon, Carter, Caskey, Chapman, Chumley, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Collins, Connell, B.J. Cox, B.L. Cox, Crawford, Cromer, Davis, Dillard, Elliott, Erickson, Felder, Forrest, Gagnon, Gatch, Gibson, Gilliam, Gilliard, Guest, Guffey, Haddon, Hager, Hardee, Harris, Hartnett, Hayes, Henderson-Myers, Henegan, Herbkersman, Hewitt, Hiott, Hixon, Hosey, Hyde, Jefferson, J.E. Johnson, S. Jones, W. Jones, Jordan, Kilmartin, King, Kirby, Landing, Lawson, Leber, Ligon, Long, Lowe, Magnuson, May, McCabe, McCravy, McGinnis, Mitchell, J. Moore, T. Moore, A.M. Morgan, T.A. Morgan, Moss, Murphy, Neese, B. Newton, W. Newton, Nutt, O'Neal, Oremus, Ott, Pace, Pedalino, Pendarvis, Pope, Rivers, Robbins, Sandifer, Schuessler, Sessions, G.M. Smith, M.M. Smith, Stavrinakis, Taylor, Thayer, Trantham, Vaughan, Weeks, West, Wetmore, Wheeler, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis, Wooten and Yow
A concurrent RESOLUTION
Whereas, the members of the South Carolina General Assembly are pleased to learn that Sergeant Kenneth Fitzsimmons of the Richland County Sheriff's Office will be awarded the South Carolina Sheriffs' Association Medal of Valor at the association's Medal of Valor ceremony on January 25, 2024, for taking action that showed fortitude, cool-headedness, and empathy in saving a human life; and
Whereas, the award is
presented annually to law enforcement officers who perform actions above and
beyond the call of duty; exhibit exceptional courage
Whereas, on January 12, 2023, Sergeant Fitzsimmons responded to calls from a number of concerned citizens regarding a young man sitting on an overpass on Faraway Drive. Multiple callers stated that the young man was possibly suicidal. Fitzsimmons pulled up on the scene and saw the young man sitting on the overpass bridge with his legs dangling. The sergeant immediately started talking to the young man, who did not respond or acknowledge Fitzsimmons' presence. Another deputy arrived on the scene, and Sergeant Fitzsimmons quickly signaled to the deputy to stay back; and
Whereas, Sergeant Fitzsimmons used this distraction to grab the young man from behind and safely pull him off the bridge. He then sat down by the young man's side and talked to him, trying to ascertain what was happening with him and how he could help him. The young man did not speak during their encounter, but Sergeant Fitzsimmons continued to talk to him. A few moments passed, and he convinced the young man to call his father, which he did. The young man handed the phone to Sergeant Fitzsimmons, who told the father who he was and what was transpiring, and the sergeant sat with the young man until his father arrived on the scene and transported him to the hospital. The level of empathy and understanding Sergeant Fitzsimmons showed toward this young man was undeniably what saved his life; and
Whereas, the call to serve with kindness and consideration evident in Sergeant Fitzsimmons' actions on January 12, 2023, has been displayed throughout his life. He served honorably, including in combat, with the United States Army in many different regions, and understanding how difficult life can be, he was able to relay to this young man on January 12 that what he was going to do was a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This kind of care and empathy, which he displays on a daily basis when dealing with people, is what law enforcement is about; and
Whereas, the members of
the South Carolina General Assembly appreciate the
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:
That the members of the South Carolina General Assembly, by this resolution, recognize and honor Sergeant Kenneth Fitzsimmons of the Richland County Sheriff's Office and congratulate him on being awarded the South Carolina Sheriffs' Association Medal of Valor.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Sergeant Kenneth Fitzsimmons. ----XX--- This web page was last updated on January 16, 2024 at 12:35 PM |