S*417 Session 123 (2019-2020) S 0417 Resolution, By Young, Alexander, Allen, Bennett, Campbell, Campsen, Cash, Climer, Corbin, Cromer, Davis, Fanning, Gambrell, Goldfinch, Gregory, Grooms, Harpootlian, Hembree, Hutto, Jackson, Johnson, Kimpson, Leatherman, Malloy, Martin, Massey, J.Matthews, M.B.Matthews, McElveen, McLeod, Nicholson, Peeler, Rankin, Reese, Rice, Sabb, Scott, Senn, Setzler, Shealy, Sheheen, Talley, Turner, Verdin and Williams A SENATE RESOLUTION TO HONOR AND RECOGNIZE CHILDREN'S PLACE, INC., OF AIKEN COUNTY FOR ITS DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE CHILDREN OF OUR STATE FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS.
TO HONOR AND RECOGNIZE CHILDREN'S PLACE, INC., OF AIKEN COUNTY FOR ITS DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE CHILDREN OF OUR STATE FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Whereas, the members of the South Carolina Senate are pleased to recognize Children's Place, Inc., of Aiken County as it celebrates fifty years of service to the community and families in multiple counties in western South Carolina; and Whereas, Children's Place, Inc., maintains a mission of helping foster strong and resilient children and families and creating safer and healthier communities. The organization instills values of integrity, respect, excellence, teamwork, honor, stewardship, and play; and Whereas, Children's Place, Inc., has its roots in many organizations formed during the 1950s and 1960s from grassroots efforts to help low-income working parents and their families, including the Community Christian Child Care Center, the YWCA, and the Services Council of Aiken County; and Whereas, one of these organizations, the Services Council of Aiken County, initially operated out of a four-room residence on Fairfield Street, offering programs for both the young and old. In 1970, the Community Christian Child Care Center merged with the Services Council, and the organization moved to Immanuel Presbyterian Church; and Whereas, in the early 1980s, the Services Council's Board of Directors recognized the need for additional services for those children facing particularly difficult problems in their homes, such as abuse, neglect, domestic violence, drug and alcohol addiction, mental illness, and parents with mental retardation; and Whereas, with the help of St. John's Methodist Church and a grant from the South Carolina Governor's Office, the Services Council opened a small pilot project, called the Children's Place, in the Salvation Army Shelter. This project, modeled after a similar program in Kansas City, Missouri, initially served thirteen children, with comprehensive treatment for both children and their families; and Whereas, since its inception, Children's Place has grown significantly. In 1989, the Board of Directors of the Services Council changed its name to Children's Place, Inc. In 1991, all programs were co-located at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, and the daycare and treatment missions merged. Additional programs were added in the following years, including Kid's Help Program and the Parent Support Network of Aiken; and Whereas, in 2000, the Board of Directors became the Aiken County affiliate of Prevent Child Abuse South Carolina, adding quality primary prevention services to its programming; and Whereas, Children's Place, Inc. has been led by Peggy Ford, Executive Director, for the past twenty-nine years, offering passion, vision, and empathy to strengthen area children and their families; and Whereas, the South Carolina Senate is honored to recognize this worthy organization for its invaluable contributions and achievements. Now, therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate: That the members of the South Carolina Senate, by this resolution, honor and recognize Children's Place, Inc., of Aiken County for its dedicated service to the children of our State for over fifty years. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Children's Place, Inc., of Aiken County.