H*3494 Session 109 (1991-1992)
H*3494(Rat #0248, Act #0245 of 1991) General Bill, By Wilkins, M.O. Alexander,
R.A. Barber, J.M. Baxley, Cato, H.H. Clyborne, Haskins, M.F. Jaskwhich,
S.G. Manly, J.G. Mattos, Vaughn, S.S. Wofford and Young-Brickell
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 47
to Title 23 so as to establish a three digit public safety emergency phone
number, 911, to authorize the governing authorities of the political
subdivisions of the State to create 911 public safety communications centers
for the purpose of establishing a local emergency telephone service, to permit
funding for the centers, including provisions for levying a telephone service
charge, and for related purposes.
02/12/91 House Introduced and read first time HJ-8
02/12/91 House Referred to Committee on Medical, Military,
Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-8
04/17/91 House Committee report: Favorable with amendment
Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-21
05/01/91 House Debate interrupted HJ-43
05/02/91 House Amended HJ-22
05/02/91 House Read second time HJ-22
05/02/91 House Unanimous consent for third reading on next
legislative day HJ-22
05/03/91 House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-1
05/07/91 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-26
05/07/91 Senate Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and
Industry SJ-26
06/05/91 Senate Committee report: Favorable with amendment Labor,
Commerce and Industry SJ-42
06/05/91 Senate Amended SJ-42
06/05/91 Senate Read second time
06/05/91 Senate Unanimous consent for third reading on next
legislative day SJ-42
06/06/91 Senate Read third time and returned to House with
amendments SJ-29
06/06/91 House Concurred in Senate amendment and enrolled HJ-90
09/23/91 Ratified R 248
10/01/91 Signed By Governor
10/01/91 Effective date 10/01/91
10/01/91 Act No. 245
10/03/91 Copies available
(A245, R248, H3494)
Whereas, the General Assembly finds that:
(1) It is in the public interest to shorten the time and simplify the
method required for a resident to request and receive emergency aid. A
single, primary three digit emergency number through which fire, rescue,
disaster, and emergency services, emergency medical, and law enforcement
services may be obtained quickly and efficiently will provide a significant
contribution to response by simplifying notification of these emergency
responders. A simplified means of procuring these emergency services will
result in saving of life, a reduction in the destruction of property, quicker
apprehension of criminals, and ultimately the saving of monies.
(2) Establishment of a uniform emergency telephone number is a
matter of concern to all citizens. The emergency number 911 has been
made available throughout the United States.
(3) It is necessary to:
(a) establish the emergency number 911 as the primary emergency
telephone number for use in participating political subdivisions of the
(b) authorize each county or municipality to direct establishment
and operation of a 911 system in its political subdivision to designate the
location of the center and agency to operate the center;
(c) encourage the political subdivisions to implement 911 public
safety communications centers;
(d) provide a method of funding which will allow
implementation, operation, and maintenance of 911. Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
911 safety emergency phone number established
SECTION 1. Title 23 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding:
Public Safety Communications Center
Section 23-47-10. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
(1) `911 charge' means a fee to the local government for the 911
service start-up equipment costs, subscriber notification costs, addressing
costs, billing costs, and nonrecurring and recurring installation,
maintenance service, and network charges of a service supplier providing
911 service as provided in this chapter.
(2) `911 system' or `911 service' means an emergency telephone
system that provides the user of the public telephone system with the ability
to reach a public safety answering point by dialing the digits 911. The term
911 system or service also includes `enhanced 911 service', which means
an emergency telephone system that provides the user of the public
telephone system with 911 service, and in addition, directs 911 calls to
appropriate public safety answering points by selective routing based on the
geographical location from which the call originated and provides the
capability for automatic number identification and automatic location
identification features.
(3) `Addressing' means the assigning of a numerical address and street
name (the name may be numerical) to each location within a local
government's geographical area necessary to provide public safety service
as determined by the local government. This address replaces any route
and box number currently in place in the `911' data base and facilitates
quicker response by public safety agencies.
(4) `Automatic location identification' means an enhanced 911 service
capability that enables the automatic display of the address.
(5) `Automatic number identification' means an enhanced 911 service
capability that enables the automatic display of the telephone number used
to place a 911 call.
(6) `Basic 911 system' means a 911 system or 911 service without
(7) `911 plan' means a plan for the 911 system, enhanced 911 system,
or any amendment to the plan developed by the county or municipality.
(8) `Customer' means the local government subscribing to 911 service
from a service supplier.
(9) `Enhanced 911 network features' means selective routing,
automatic number identification, and location identification.
(10) `Enhancement' means any addition to a 911 system such as
automatic number identification, selective routing of calls, or other future
technological advancements, as determined by the Public Service
(11) `Exchange access facility' means the access from a particular
telephone subscriber's premises to the telephone system of a service
supplier. Exchange access facilities include service supplier provided
access lines, PBX trunks, and Centrex network access registers, all as
defined by the South Carolina Public Service Commission. Exchange
access facilities do not include service supplier owned and operated
telephone pay station lines, or wide area telecommunications service
(wats), foreign exchange (fx), or incoming lines.
(12) `Local government' means any city, county, or political subdivision
of the State.
(13) `Mapping' means the development of a computerized geographical
display system of roads and structures where emergency response may be
(14) `Public safety agent' means a functional agency which provides
fire fighting, law enforcement, medical, or other emergency services.
(15) `Public safety answering point' (PSAP) means a communications
facility operated on a twenty-four hour basis which first receives 911 calls
from persons in a 911 service area and which may directly dispatch public
safety services or extend, transfer, or relay 911 calls to appropriate public
safety agencies. A PSAP may be designated to primary or secondary
exchange service, referring to the order in which calls are directed for
(16) `Regional systems' means the formation of two or more local
governments or multi-jurisdictional systems for the purpose of jointly
forming and funding 911 systems.
(17) `Service supplier' means a person, company, or corporation, public
or private, providing local exchange telephone service and subject to
regulation by the South Carolina Public Service Commission.
(18) `Tariff rate' means the recurring or nonrecurring rates billed by the
service supplier as stated in the service supplier's tariff and approved by the
Public Service Commission which represents the service supplier's
recurring charges for exchange access facilities, exclusive of all taxes, fees,
licenses, or similar charges.
(19) `Telephone subscriber' or `subscriber' means a person or entity to
whom exchange telephone service, either residential or commercial, is
provided and in return for which the person or entity is billed on a monthly
basis. When the same person, business, or organization has several
telephone access lines, each exchange access facility constitutes a separate
Section 23-47-20. Systems requirements.
(A) Service available through a 911 system includes law enforcement,
fire, and emergency medical services. Other emergency and emergency
personnel services may be incorporated into the 911 system at the
discretion of the local government being served by the system. Public
safety agencies within a local government 911 system, in all cases, must be
notified by the PSAP of a request for service in their area. Written
guidelines must be established to govern the assignment of calls for
assistance to the appropriate public safety agency. There must be written
agreements among state, county, and local public safety agencies with
concurrent jurisdiction for a clear understanding of which specific calls for
assistance will be referred to individual public safety agencies.
(B) (1) A 911 system must include all of the territory of the local
government, either county, municipality, or multi-jurisdictional
government. A 911 system may be a basic or enhanced 911 system.
(2) Public safety agencies that provide emergency service within
the territory of a 911 system shall participate in the countywide system.
Each PSAP must be operated twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
(C) As a minimum, the 911 systems implemented in South Carolina
must include:
( 1) a minimum of two lines from each serving telephone central
office to the enhanced 911 tandem (controlling central office) and a
minimum of two lines from the enhanced 911 tandem to the PSAP. The
grade of service must have sufficient lines to ensure no more than one busy
signal per one hundred calls;
( 2) equipment to connect the PSAP to all law enforcement, fire
protection, and emergency medical or rescue agencies, or both, within the
boundaries of the system;
( 3) first priority to answering 911 calls;
( 4) electronic recording of all 911 calls and retained for a
minimum of sixty days;
( 5) immediate playback capability of all 911 calls;
( 6) equipment connected by dedicated telephone lines to all
adjacent PSAP's where there is a telephone exchange not covered by
selective routing;
( 7) adequate physical security to minimize the possibility of
intentional disruption of the operation. This includes equipment
( 8) standby emergency power to operate the PSAP during power
( 9) written operational procedures;
(10) a minimum of one telecommunication device for the deaf
(TDD) available in each PSAP;
(11) capability to answer eighty percent of calls within ten
(12) coin free dialing. Pay or coin telephones classified as such by
a class of service code will be identified on the automatic location
identification display in enhanced 911 systems;
(13) contingency plans for rerouting or relocating the PSAP in the
event of a disaster or equipment failures;
(14) capabilities to have cellular phones routed to 911;
(15) telecommunication operators or dispatchers trained and
certified by the Law Enforcement Training Council (South Carolina
Criminal Justice Academy). The council shall promulgate regulations to
provide for this training. Expense of the training must be paid by the local
government by which that person is employed and the council is authorized
to establish and collect a fee for this training;
(16) all 911 lines have both audio and light indicators on incoming
(17) a public safety agency whose services are available on the
911 system must maintain a separate secondary backup number for
emergency calls and a separate number for nonemergency telephone
(18) the primary published emergency number will be 911. The
PSAP must have additional local telephone exchange service in addition to
the 911 service. This nonemergency telephone number should be published
directly below the `emergency dial 911' listing;
(19) 911 is furnished for emergency reporting only.
Nonemergency calls, whether by the general public or agency employees,
should not be made to the 911 system;
(20) a designated person or 911 office staffed by a sufficient
number of personnel to maintain data bases;
(21) an initial and continual plan for public education which must
include the following:
(a) to make the public aware 911 is available;
(b) to have the majority of emergency calls received on 911
rather than the seven-digit emergency number;
(c) to make the public aware of the definition of an
(d) to make the public aware of what is a nonemergency.
(D) Enhanced 911 shall incorporate the following features:
(1) automatic location identification (ALI) - automatically
displays the addresses of the calling telephone during the course of the
emergency call at the PSAP;
(2) automatic number identification (ANI) - automatically
displays the number of the caller's telephone at the PSAP;
(3) central office identification - when a PSAP serves more than
one central office, dedicated lines or trunks are used to identify each central
(4) called party hold - enables the PSAP to control the connection
for confirmation and tracing of the call;
(5) distinct tone - tone generated by equipment which alerts the
PSAP personnel that calling party has disconnected;
(6) selective routing - will automatically route a predetermined
geographical area to a PSAP serving that area regardless of municipal and
wire center boundary alignments;
(7) all enhanced 911 systems must be configured so as to disallow
subsequent search of the address data base.
Section 23-47-30. System plan.
(A) A local government which seeks funding for a 911 system shall
submit to the Division of Information Resource Management (DIRM),
South Carolina Budget and Control Board, a 911 system plan for review
and approval. The plan shall conform to the planning guidelines set forth
in this chapter, guidelines promulgated by DIRM, and meet the
requirements of current tariffs applicable to the 911 system. The plan must
(1) the type of 911 system desired for the local government
including the type of equipment to be used and the associated costs;
(2) the location of the PSAP and the county or municipality
agency or organization responsible for operating the PSAP;
(3) a listing of those public safety agencies whose services will
be available through the 911 system;
(4) the personnel determined necessary to operate and maintain
the 911 system;
(5) educational efforts the local government will undertake to
acquaint the general public with the availability and proper use of the 911
(B) Those local governments which already have a 911 system are
encouraged to conform to the standards set forth in this section.
Section 23-47-40. System funding.
(A) The local government is authorized to adopt an ordinance to
impose a monthly 911 charge upon each local exchange access facility
subscribed to by telephone subscribers whose local exchange access lines
are in the area served or which would be served by the 911 service. The
911 charge must be uniform and may not vary according to the type of local
exchange access facility used.
The ordinance must be adopted in the same fashion as ordinances that
levy taxes under South Carolina law. No collection of charges may be
commenced before adoption of the ordinance.
(B) Funding must be used only to pay for the following enumerated
(1) the lease, purchase, lease-purchase, or maintenance of
emergency telephone equipment, including necessary recording equipment,
computer hardware, software, and data base provisioning, addressing,
mapping, and nonrecurring costs of establishing a 911 system;
(2) the rates associated with the service supplier's 911 service and
other suppliers' recurring charges;
(3) the cost of establishing and maintaining a county 911 office
or maintaining as currently staffed a county 911 office for the purpose of
operating and maintaining the data base of the 911 system. Costs are
limited to salaries and compensations and those items necessary in the
operation of the 911 office and normal operating costs;
(4) items enumerated may be subscriber-billed for a period not to
exceed thirty months before activation of the 911 service;
(5) items necessary to meet the standards outlined in this chapter,
specifically in Section 23-47-20(C);
(6) enhancements either currently available or available in the
future offered by service suppliers and approved by the Public Service
(7) a local government may contract to implement and establish a
911 system as set forth in this chapter.
(C) Funding must not be used for:
(1) purchasing or leasing of real estate, cosmetic or remodeling of
communications centers, except those building modifications necessary to
maintain the security and environmental integrity of the PSAP;
(2) hiring or compensating dispatchers or call takers other than
initial and in-service training;
(3) mobile communications vehicles, fire engines, law
enforcement vehicles, ambulances, or other emergency vehicles, or other
(4) consultants or consultant fees for studies of
(5) aerial photography.
(D) A local government may contract with a service supplier for any
term negotiated by the service supplier and the local government and may
make payments through subscriber billing to provide any payments
required by the contract.
Section 23-47-50. Subscriber billing.
(A) The maximum 911 charge that a subscriber may be billed for an
individual local exchange access facility must be in accordance with the
following scale:
Tier I - 1,000 to 40,999 access lines - $1.50 for start-up costs, $1.00
for on-going costs;
Tier II - 41,000 to 99,999 access lines - $1.00 for start-up costs, $.60
for on-going costs;
Tier III - more than 100,000 access lines - $.75 for start-up costs, $.50
for on-going costs.
Start-up includes a combination of recurring and nonrecurring costs and
up to a maximum of fifty local exchange lines an account.
(B) Every local telephone subscriber served by the 911 system is liable
for the 911 charge imposed. A service supplier has no obligation to take
any legal action to enforce the collection of the 911 charges for which a
subscriber is billed. However, a collection action may be initiated by the
local government that imposed the charges. Reasonable costs and
attorney's fees associated with that collection action may be awarded to the
local government collecting the 911 charges.
(C) The local government subscribing to 911 service is ultimately
responsible to the service supplier for all 911 installation, service,
equipment, operation, and maintenance charges owed to the service
supplier. Upon request by the local government, the service supplier shall
provide a list of amounts uncollected along with the names and addresses
of telephone subscribers who have identified themselves as refusing to pay
the 911 charges. Taxes due on a 911 system service provided by the
service supplier must be billed to the local government subscribing to the
service. State and local taxes do not apply to the 911 charge billed to the
telephone subscriber.
(D) Service suppliers that collect 911 charges on behalf of the local
government are entitled to retain two percent of the gross 911 charges
remitted to the local government as an administrative fee. The service
supplier shall remit the remainder of charges collected during the month to
the fiscal offices of the local government. The 911 charges collected by the
service supplier must be remitted to the local government within forty-five
days of the end of the month during which such charges were collected and
must be deposited by and accounted for by the local government in a
separate restricted fund known as the `emergency telephone system fund'
maintained by the local government. The local government may invest the
money in the fund in the same manner that other monies of the local
government are invested and income earned from the investment must be
deposited into the fund. Monies from this fund are totally restricted to use
in the 911 system.
(E) The `emergency telephone system' fund must be included in the
annual audit of the local government in accordance with guidelines issued
by the state auditor's office. A report of the audit must be forwarded to the
state auditor within sixty days of its completion and a copy sent to
(F) Fees collected by the service supplier pursuant to this section are
not subject to any tax, fee, or assessment, nor are they considered revenue
of the service supplier.
Section 23-47-60. Addressing.
(A) Local government, upon approval for implementation of a 911
system, shall standardize addressing within its area according to service
supplier procedures. Enhanced 911 must not be placed in service until
eighty-five percent of the residents have been provided with a standardized
address by the local government. Those residents who do not have a
standardized address provided by the local government will be placed in
the service supplier's error file. Upon activation by enhanced 911 for the
public, the service supplier's error file rate must not exceed one percent.
(B) Addressing costs are limited solely to establishing and maintaining
addressing for a 911 system.
(C) Addressing must meet the following criteria:
(1) New street names assigned must not duplicate or be similar to an
existing street name within the local government's geographical area.
(2) Existing duplicate street names must be changed as necessary by
the local government to ensure efficiency of the emergency response
(3) Each house, building, or other occupied structure must be assigned
a separate number. A number or alphabetical letter must be assigned for
each separate occupant within a building or other occupied structure.
Examples include apartments, companies, etc.
(4) Written notification of the proper address of each house, building,
or structure must be given to its owner, occupant, or agent in all instances
where a new number has been assigned. Existing streets and addresses
must receive verification of the correct address.
(D) (1) The owner, occupant, or agent of each house, building, or
other structure assigned a number under a uniform numbering system shall
place or cause to be placed the number on the house, building, or other
structure within twenty-one days after receiving notification of the proper
number assignment.
(2) Costs and installation of the number must be paid for by the
property owner or occupant. Residential numbers must not be less than
three inches in height. Business numbers must not be less than four inches
in height. All numbers must be made of a durable, clearly visible material
and must contrast with the color of the house, building, or other
(3) Numbers must be conspicuously placed immediately above,
on, or at the side of the appropriate door so that the number is visible
clearly from the street. In cases where the building is situated more than
fifty feet from the street or road, the building number also must be placed
near the walk, driveway, or common entrance to the building, or upon the
mailbox, gatepost, fence, or other appropriate place so as to clearly be
visible from the street or road.
(4) Residents, businesses, owners, or others who fail to comply
with this subsection are guilty of a misdemeanor, triable in magistrate's
court, and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than two hundred
dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. Each day in violation
constitutes a separate offense.
(E) (1) Mapping is extremely essential to an effective emergency
response system and a requirement for addressing. Local government,
through subscriber billing, may cause nonrecurring costs to be applied for
hardware and software for purchasing and operating computerized mapping
within the county 911 system in an amount not exceeding twenty-five
thousand dollars. This nonrecurring cost is a part and may not exceed the
maximum amounts that may be billed to an individual exchange line.
Local governments with existing budgeted or planned computerized
mapping are not eligible to bill subscribers for these type services.
(2) Local governments shall coordinate addressing and mapping
with the telephone company, United States Postal Service, appropriate state
agencies, and public utility companies.
(3) The 911 system must not be implemented by the service
supplier until the local government notifies it that all requirements
mandated by this section are fulfilled.
Section 23-47-70. Liability.
(A) A local government or public safety agency, as defined in Section
23-47-10, or state government entity, its officers, agents, or employees,
together with any person following their instructions in rendering services,
are not liable for civil damages as a result of an act or omission under this
chapter, including, but not limited to, developing, adopting, operating, or
implementing a plan or system pursuant to the South Carolina Tort Claims
Act, Section 15-78-60(5) or 15-78-60(19).
(B) Liability concerning all service suppliers as defined in this chapter
must be governed by the filed and approved tariffs of the South Carolina
Public Service Commission, including, but not limited to, those general
subscriber service tariffs concerning emergency reporting services.
Section 23-47-80. Penalties.
It is unlawful for a person anonymously or otherwise to:
(1) use any words or language of a profane, vulgar, lewd, lascivious,
or indecent nature on an emergency 911 number with the intent to
intimidate or harass a dispatcher;
(2) telephone the emergency 911 number, whether or not conversation
ensues for the purpose of annoying or harassing the dispatcher or
interfering with or disrupting emergency 911 service;
(3) make a telephone call to a 911 dispatcher and intentionally fail to
hang up or disengage the connection for the purpose of interfering with or
disrupting emergency service;
(4) telephone the emergency 911 number and intentionally make a
false report.
A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a
misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not more than six
months or fined not more than two hundred dollars, or both."
Analysis lines not part of code
SECTION 2. Analysis lines following each code section in this bill are
for informational purposes only and are not part of the Code itself.
Time effective
SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
Approved the 1st day of October, 1991. |