H*2321 Session 103 (1979-1980)
H*2321(Rat #0249, Act #0167 of 1979) General Bill, By J.H. Toal, W.S. Anderson,
W.D. Arthur, D.M. Beasley, J.B. Brandt, D.M. Bruce, T.M. Burriss, C.M. Cain,
B. Campbell, W.P. Cantrell, C.D. Chamblee, R.L. Cobb, M.J. Cooper, V.L. Crocker,
W.R. Crow, M.R. Daniel, J.C. Duncan, P. Evatt, P. Freeman, J.W. Goggins,
C.L. Griffin, M.S. Gulledge, A. Hardy, P.B. Harris, Harvin, J.C. Hearn,
L.I. Hendricks, S.H. Howard, H.H. Keyserling, W.R. Kinard, Kirsh, S.P. Manning,
J.G. McAbee, R.L. McFadden, R.N. McLellan, E.M. Middleton, T.W. Mitchell,
J. Murray, M.E. Nunnery, Phillips, J.M. Rucker, Sheheen and R.R. Woods
Similar(S 181, H 2168, H 2390)
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section
58-3-145 so as to provide that a Circuit Court Judge shall preside at certain
rate hearings of the Public Service Commission; to amend Section 58-3-20,
relating to the Public Service Commission, so as to provide for the
composition of the Public Service Commission, election of members by the
General Assembly nominated by a Merit Serit Selection Panel and to establish a
transition schedule for such election; to amend the 1976 Code by adding
Sections 58-3-21, 58-3-22, 58-3-23 and 58-3-24 so as to provide for the
creation of the South Carolina Public Service Merit Selection Panel and the
election and appointment of the members thereof; to provide for merit
selection nomination of candidates for General Assembly election of the
members of the Public Service Commission and the procedures therefor; to
prohibit election to the Commission of persons related to panel members or who
are members of the General Assembly or have served as members thereof in the
four year period to nomination as Commission members; to prohibit members of
the General Assembly or members of their law firms from appearing before the
Commission and rate hearings; and to amend Section 58-3-40, relating to the
Chairman of the Commission so as to provide that he shall be elected for two
01/24/79 House Introduced and read first time HJ-283
01/24/79 House Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-283
03/01/79 House Committee report: Majority favorable with amend.,
minority unfavorable Judiciary HJ-745
04/04/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-1190
04/05/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-1274
04/06/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-1308
05/01/79 House Debate interrupted
05/02/79 House Amended HJ-1819
05/02/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-1861
05/03/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-1884
05/08/79 House Amended HJ-1911
05/08/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-1924
05/09/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-1933
05/10/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-1955
05/15/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-2010
05/16/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-2075
05/17/79 House Amended HJ-2159
05/17/79 House Debate interrupted HJ-2165
05/18/79 House Amended HJ-2194
05/18/79 House Read second time HJ-2207
05/22/79 House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-2217
05/22/79 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-7
05/22/79 Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-7
06/12/79 Senate Committee report: Majority favorable with amend.,
minority unfavorable Judiciary SJ-12
06/19/79 Senate Debate interrupted SJ-30
06/20/79 Senate Debate interrupted SJ-26
06/21/79 Senate Debate interrupted SJ-25
06/26/79 Senate Debate interrupted SJ-25
06/27/79 Senate Debate interrupted SJ-9
06/28/79 Senate Amended SJ-45
06/28/79 Senate Read second time SJ-45
06/28/79 Senate Ordered to third reading with notice of
amendments SJ-45
07/02/79 Senate Amended SJ-13
07/02/79 Senate Debate interrupted SJ-13
07/03/79 Senate Amended SJ-21
07/03/79 Senate Debate interrupted SJ-40
07/10/79 Senate Amended SJ-21
07/10/79 Senate READ THIRD TIME SJ-21
07/10/79 Senate Returned SJ-21
07/11/79 House Debate adjourned HJ-3006
07/12/79 House Concurred in Senate amendment and enrolled HJ-3030
07/17/79 House Ratified R 249 HJ-3076
07/18/79 Signed By Governor
07/18/79 Effective date 07/01/79
07/18/79 Act No. 167
07/24/79 Copies available