H 2325 Session 103 (1979-1980)
H 2325 General Bill, By W.R. Crow, R.K. Anderson, H.L. Barksdale, L. Blanding,
D.M. Bruce, V.L. Crocker, G.W. Dukes, B.J. Gordon, D.O. Hawkins, S.H. Howard,
H.H. Keyserling, J.E. Kinard, R.N. McLellan, P.B. McLeod, L. Phillips,
J.M. Rucker, E.W. Simpson, J.J. Snow, J.H. Toal, Washington and M.H. Westbrook
A Bill to provide that all members of governing bodies of school districts
shall be elected and that such members may teach in schools which are not in
their districts.
01/24/79 House Introduced and read first time HJ-284
01/24/79 House Referred to Committee on Education and Public
Works HJ-284
03/06/79 House Committee report: Favorable with amendment
Education and Public Works HJ-776
03/13/79 House OBJECTION HJ-831
01/09/80 House Debate adjourned HJ-107
01/10/80 House Amended HJ-218
01/10/80 House Read second time HJ-220
01/11/80 House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-229
01/15/80 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-10
01/15/80 Senate Referred to Committee on Education SJ-10
03/12/80 Senate Committee report: Favorable with amendment
Education SJ-14
05/07/80 Senate Debate interrupted SJ-23
05/14/80 Senate Debate adjourned SJ-33