South Carolina Legislature


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H 2779
Session 103 (1979-1980)

H 2779 General Bill, By Carnell and T.L. Hughston
 A Bill to amend Sections 23-35-10, 23-35-50, 23-35-70 and 23-35-130, Code of
 Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to fireworks and explosives, so as to
 change the pyrotechnic composition of permissible firecrackers and salutes
 with casings and components of any permissible firework from two grains to
 fifty milligrams; to provide that Class "B" Fireworks used for display or
 agricultural purposes may be stored by licensed wholesale distributors in
 accordance with regulations of the State Fire Marshal who shall keep records
 of their provisions and sales for inspections; to provide that distributors of
 Class "B" Fireworks shall provide purchasers with permit forms and copies of
 the State Fire Marshal's Regulations regarding Type "A" Fireworks displays; to
 provide that no license shall be issued to a wholesale distributor or jobber
 until the storage premises are inspected and approved by the State Fire
 Marshal; to define a nonresident distributor and jobber and to impose duties
 upon them before they may be approved by the State Fire Marshal's office and
 issued an annual license to sell and send into the State permissible fireworks
 and to establish the license fees; to add types of fireworks which it shall be
 unlawful to manufacture, store, advertise for sale, sell, possess or transport
 in this State; to increase penalties for violations; to provide for the
 confiscation of certain vehicles and to provide for license revocation and to
 delete certain references to shipmentNext of fireworks in interstate commerce; to
 add Section 23-35-135, so as to require manufacturers to obtain permits to
 store or assemble materials for public fireworks displays, to prohibit the
 storage of certain materials in the same buildings where legal fireworks are
 offered for sale to retailers, to provide that such provisions shall not be
 construed to interfere with lawful interstate commerce and to provide that it
 shall be unlawful to Previousship and deal in fireworks in derogation of interstate
 commerce regulations; to add Section 23-35-155, so as to provide that certain
 deputy fire marshals may issue citations, to provide hearings on the
 citations, to provide for appeals, to provide for penalties for violations and
 to provide for the disposition of penalty funds; to amend Section 23-35-170,
 as amended, relating to explosives, so as to give the State Fire Marshal
 authority to promulgate regulations relating to the sale and delivery of
 explosives and to provide penalties for violations; to add Section 23-35-180,
 so as to require persons who desire to use explosives or blasting agents to
 first obtain a permit therefor and to require persons using such explosives to
 furnish proof of adequate insurance or surety bonds to the State Fire Marshal
 to cover any accidents that may occur from such use; to add Section 23-35-190,
 so as to require manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of explosives to
 obtain an annual permit from the State Fire Marshal permitting the sale of
 explosives in this State; and to add 23-35-200, so as to require dealers in
 explosives to report all thefts or losses of explosives to the State Fire
 Marshal and to provide penalties for violations.
   04/03/79  House  Introduced and read first time HJ-1122
   04/03/79  House  Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-1123

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