South Carolina Legislature


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H 2951
Session 107 (1987-1988)

H 2951 General Bill, By H.E. Pearce
 A Bill to amend Section 39-41-50, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976,
 relating to petroleum manufacturers, wholesalers, and jobbers being required
 to file certain statements with the Commissioner of Agriculture before selling
 petroleum products in this State, so as to revise the date when these
 statements are due and to revise the required contents of these statements; to
 amend Section 39-41-60, relating to notice of shipmentsNext of petroleum products
 into this State, so as to revise these reporting requirements insofar as
 manufacturers and jobbers are concerned; to amend Section 39-41-120, relating
 to fees paid to the Commissioner of Agriculture for inspecting, testing, and
 analyzing petroleum products, so as to further provide for the payment of
 these fees; and to amend Article 1, Chapter 41, Title 39, relating to
 petroleum products by adding Section 39-41-141 so as to authorize certain
 remedies including monetary penalties and the seizure of the products involved
 where the necessary inspection fees or penalties therefor have not been paid;
 by adding Section 39-41-142 so as to provide that jobbers receiving petroleum
 products from bonded facilities shall notify terminal personnel of the actual
 delivery address of the product; and by adding Section 39-41-143 so as to
 provide that the owner or operator of a terminal is responsible for reporting
 Previousshipments of petroleum products and assignment of accountability of fees to
 the proper bonded refiner-supplier.
   04/14/87  House  Introduced and read first time HJ-1833
   04/14/87  House  Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Natural
                     Resources HJ-1833

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