South Carolina Legislature


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Session 109 (1991-1992)

S*1590 Concurrent Resolution, By Peeler
 A Concurrent Resolution recognizing and saluting the heroism of Chance C.
 Melton, Jr., of Cherokee County while serving in the United States Navy during
 the Second World War.

   05/28/92  Senate Introduced, adopted, sent to House SJ-8
   06/02/92  House  Introduced, adopted, returned with concurrence HJ-1



Whereas, Chance C. Melton, Jr., of Cherokee County served aboard the USS Pittsburgh in the United States Navy during the Second World War; and

Whereas, on March 19, 1945, the Carrier Franklin was fifty miles off the coast of Japan; a few minutes after 7:00 A.M. aircraft were loaded with bombs and fuel ready to make a strike against the Japanese mainland when, suddenly, a Japanese bomber came out of the sky and dropped two five-hundred-pound bombs on the flight deck of the Franklin, causing a chain reaction of explosions; it is estimated that five hundred tons of explosions occurred on the Franklin; and

Whereas, seven hundred twenty-five men were killed, two hundred were wounded, and approximately one thousand were either forced or blown overboard, leaving only seven hundred four men still aboard the Franklin; and

Whereas, due to the highly courageous and heroic efforts of Chance Melton and other crew members of the USS Pittsburgh and other shipsNext in the area many of those from the Franklin were rescued from the water; and

Whereas, the Pittsburgh towed the Franklin for about three days to get the carrier out of Japanese waters, and, miraculously, the Franklin stayed afloat and made it all the way back to the Brooklyn Navy Yard, a distance of some thirteen thousand miles; and

Whereas, during the recovery operations of the USS Franklin, the crew members of the Pittsburgh were under enemy air attacks during towing operations, and this was the first time in naval history that a disabled Previousship was towed out of enemy waters during war; and

Whereas, Mr. Melton has received the American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal with three Silver Stars, and the World War II Victory Medal; and

Whereas, after his discharge from the Navy in 1945, Mr. Melton enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve (inactive) on February 7, 1950, and he was discharged from the Navy on February 6, 1954; and

Whereas, he was employed as plant manager with A.P. McCauley for a number of years prior to going into business for himself; and

Whereas, he is married to the former Virginia Stowe and they have one son, John Melton, and two grandchildren; and

Whereas, he is a member of a number of service, civic, and professional organizations, is a dynamic and highly respected individual, and is known with great affection and admiration as "Mr. Patriot"; and

Whereas, his acts of bravery and heroism following the attack on the USS Franklin in 1945 merit genuine, if belated, recognition and honor. Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring:

That the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, by this resolution, recognizes and salutes the heroism of Chance C. Melton, Jr., of Cherokee County while serving in the United States Navy during the Second World War.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Melton.


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