S*523 Session 115 (2003-2004) S*0523(Rat #0145, Act #0072 of 2003) General Bill, By Gregory AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 1, CHAPTER 11, TITLE 50, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF GAME, BY ADDING SECTION 50-11-105 SO AS TO PROVIDE MEASURES THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES MAY IMPLEMENT TO PREVENT AND CONTROL THE SPREAD OF DISEASE AMONG WILDLIFE; AND TO AMEND SECTION 50-11-1090, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES TO ALLOW THE TAKING OF ANIMALS THAT CAUSE DAMAGE TO CROPS AND PROPERTY, SO AS TO EXTEND THIS AUTHORITY TO ANIMALS POSING A HUMAN HEALTH RISK, AND TO DELETE THE PROVISION THAT RELATES TO THE DISPOSAL OF CERTAIN DEER. - ratified title 03/26/03 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-15 03/26/03 Senate Referred to Committee on Fish, Game and Forestry SJ-15 04/22/03 Senate Committee report: Favorable with amendment Fish, Game and Forestry SJ-29 04/23/03 Scrivener's error corrected 04/23/03 Senate Amended SJ-47 04/23/03 Senate Read second time SJ-47 04/24/03 Senate Read third time and sent to House SJ-49 04/29/03 House Introduced and read first time HJ-8 04/29/03 House Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs HJ-8 05/27/03 House Committee report: Favorable with amendment Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs HJ-3 05/28/03 House Amended HJ-36 05/28/03 House Read second time HJ-37 05/29/03 House Read third time and returned to Senate with amendments HJ-15 05/29/03 Senate House amendment amended SJ-53 05/29/03 Senate Returned to House with amendments SJ-53 06/02/03 Scrivener's error corrected 06/05/03 House Non-concurrence in Senate amendment HJ-11 06/05/03 Senate Senate insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Gregory, Ravenel and McGill SJ-301 06/05/03 House Conference committee appointed Reps. Frye, Perry and Loftis HJ-47 06/05/03 Senate Conference report received and adopted SJ-301 06/05/03 House Conference report received and adopted HJ-280 06/05/03 House Ordered enrolled for ratification HJ-353 06/05/03 Ratified R 145 06/25/03 Signed By Governor 07/01/03 Copies available 07/01/03 Effective date 06/25/03 07/02/03 Act No. 72 VERSIONS OF THIS BILL
3/26/2003 4/22/2003 4/23/2003 4/23/2003-A 5/27/2003 5/28/2003 5/29/2003 6/2/2003 6/5/2003 (A72, R145, S523) AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 1, CHAPTER 11, TITLE 50, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF GAME, BY ADDING SECTION 50-11-105 SO AS TO PROVIDE MEASURES THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES MAY IMPLEMENT TO PREVENT AND CONTROL THE SPREAD OF DISEASE AMONG WILDLIFE; AND TO AMEND SECTION 50-11-1090, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES TO ALLOW THE TAKING OF ANIMALS THAT CAUSE DAMAGE TO CROPS AND PROPERTY, SO AS TO EXTEND THIS AUTHORITY TO ANIMALS POSING A HUMAN HEALTH RISK, AND TO DELETE THE PROVISION THAT RELATES TO THE DISPOSAL OF CERTAIN DEER. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: Department of Natural Resources SECTION 1. Article 1, Chapter 11, Title 50 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding: "Section 50-11-105. (A) The department, after consulting with the State Livestock-Poultry Health Commission and the United States Department of Agriculture Veterinarian in Charge for South Carolina and after a reasonable attempt at landowner notification, may carry out operations including quarantines, destruction of wildlife, or other measures to locate, detect, control, eradicate, or retard the spread of diseases of wildlife independently or in cooperation with counties, special purpose districts, municipalities, property owner's associations or similar organizations, individuals, federal agencies, or agencies of other states, by regulation, compliance agreement, judicial action, or other appropriate means. The State shall not be required to indemnify the property owner for any wildlife taken as a result of this action. For the purposes of this section, landowner notification can occur by means of a telephone call, in person, or in writing. (B) The department, in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act and in order to ensure the continued health and safety of wildlife, may promulgate and enforce reasonable regulations to control or prohibit the shipment within, export from, or import into this State any wildlife, carcasses, or associated products of any nature or character from a state, territory, or foreign country when, in the opinion of the department, the regulation or prohibition is necessary to prevent the introduction or distribution of a disease or diseased, infirmed, or unhealthy wildlife. (C) Department personnel and their designees are authorized to euthanize sick or injured wildlife." The taking of animals that cause damage to property SECTION 2. Section 50-11-1090 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 181 of 1993, is further amended to read: "Section 50-11-1090. The department has the authority during any season of the year to permit the taking of any game animal and prescribe the method by which they may be taken when they cause damage to crops or property or when they pose a significant human health risk. Any animal taken under these conditions is under the supervision of the department." Time effective SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. Ratified the 5th day of June, 2003. Approved the 25th day of June, 2003.