S 297 Session 109 (1991-1992)
S 0297 Joint Resolution, By Passailaigue
A Joint Resolution to create a Community Diversification Program to help local
communities that are reliant on federal defense expenditures cope with the
anticipated decrease in defense spending , and to create the Advisory Council
on Economic Diversification to oversee the Program.
11/05/90 Senate Prefiled
11/05/90 Senate Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry
01/08/91 Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-103
01/08/91 Senate Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and
Industry SJ-104
02/26/91 Senate Committee report: Favorable Labor, Commerce and
Industry SJ-10
02/26/91 Senate Referred to Committee on Finance SJ-11
Whereas, the General Assembly finds that the industrial and
manufacturing base of the South Carolina economy has undergone
tremendous change during the past two decades; and
Whereas, the challenge facing South Carolina firms is to become as
productive and efficient as possible in order to survive in an increasingly
competitive world market; and
Whereas, many of the state's communities are dependent on one or two
industries and many firms are heavily reliant on the defense expenditures
of the federal government; and
Whereas, it is the intent of the General Assembly to assist communities
in planning for economic change, developing a broader economic base,
and preparing for any shift in federal priorities that could cause a
reduction in federal expenditures, and to assist firms by providing
information and technical assistance necessary for them to introduce
new products or production processes. Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
SECTION 1. The community diversification program is created under
the State Development Board. The program shall include:
(1) The monitoring and forecasting of shifts in the economic
prospects of major defense employers in the State. This shall include,
but not be limited to, the monitoring of defense contract expenditures,
other federal contracts, defense employment shifts, the aircraft and
aerospace industry, computer products, and electronics;
(2) the identification of cities, counties, or regions within the
State that are primarily dependent on defense or other federal
contracting and the identification of firms dependent on federal defense
(3) assistance to communities in broadening the local
economic base through the provision of management assistance,
assistance in financing, entrepreneurial training, and assistance to
businesses in using off-the-shelf technology to start new production
processes or introduce new products;
(4) formulating a state plan for diversification in defense
dependent communities in collaboration with the Employment Security
Commission and the Budget and Control Board. The plan shall use the
information made available through carrying out subsections (1) and (2)
of this section; and
(5) the identification of diversification efforts conducted by
other states, the federal government, and other nations, and the provision
of information on these efforts, as well as information gained through
carrying out subsections (1) and (2), for firms, communities, and
workforces that are defense dependent.
The State Development Board shall, beginning January 1, 1992,
report annually to the Governor and the General Assembly on the
activities of the community diversification program.
SECTION 2. (A) The Advisory Council on Economic Diversification
consisting of nine members is created to provide advice to the State
Development Board in carrying out its community diversification
program. The Governor shall appoint seven members as follows:
(1) one member from a defense dependent firm in a managerial
(2) one non-managerial employee representative of a defense
dependent firm;
(3) one civilian employee from a South Carolina military
(4) two members from local governments, from communities
dependent on defense expenditures;
(5) one member representing the financial institutions of the
State; and
(6) one member representing military leadership in the State.
Two members of the advisory council shall be from the legislature as
(1) one from the Senate General Committee to be appointed by
the president of the Senate, and
(2) one from the Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs
Committee of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the
Speaker of the House of Representatives. The director of the State
Development Board or the director's designee shall serve as the
nonvoting chairperson of the advisory council.
Members of the council other than the chair shall serve for two-year
terms. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original
appointments. Members of the council shall receive no compensation
but shall be reimbursed for travel expenses. The State Development
Board shall assign staff to the council as necessary to carry out the
purposes of this chapter.
(B) It is the council's duty to do the following:
(1) initiate a continuous and close working relationship with
the South Carolina congressional delegation in order that the State keep
apprised of changes in the Federal Defense Budget;
(2) act as a liaison to the United States Department of Defense,
other federal agencies, and private defense-related industries so that the
State has an established and well identified group of offices to refer
inquiries regarding the military's presence and potential in South
(3) develop a program to forge a stronger working relationship
between the legislative and executive branches in order to assist the
competitiveness of South Carolina business in the national marketplace;
(4) design state procurement programs for advanced
technologies to expose state offices to new technologies and encourage
defense contractors to diversify their markets;
(5) develop business management and strategy workshops for
small defense-related firms to encourage market diversification and to
address special needs;
(6) coordinate special forums for major South Carolina
contractors and military base officials to foster discourse in the defense
(7) use existing funding or create new sources of funding to
encourage joint ventures for the development of new products and
(8) promote South Carolina directories of minority-owned
businesses to assist companies and military installations in fulfilling
their small business content requirements for federal contracts;
(9) in cooperation with the State Board for Technical and
Comprehensive Education develop and implement specialized training
programs for defense prime contractors and subcontractors;
(10) promote the State Employment Service Program's recruiting
service as a tool for contractors with layoff or hiring needs; and
(11) assist in designing innovative daycare programs in labor
critical areas.
SECTION 3. The community diversification program and the Advisory
Council on Economic Diversification shall be terminated on June 30,
SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon approval by the Governor.
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