H*5583 Session 123 (2019-2020) H 5583 Resolution, By Oremus, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Atkinson, Bailey, Bales, Ballentine, Bamberg, Bannister, Bennett, Bernstein, Blackwell, Bradley, Brawley, Brown, Bryant, Burns, Calhoon, Caskey, Chellis, Chumley, Clary, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cogswell, Collins, B.Cox, W.Cox, Crawford, Daning, Davis, Dillard, Elliott, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrest, Forrester, Fry, Funderburk, Gagnon, Garvin, Gilliam, Gilliard, Govan, Haddon, Hardee, Hart, Hayes, Henderson-Myers, Henegan, Herbkersman, Hewitt, Hill, Hiott, Hixon, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Hyde, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Kimmons, King, Kirby, Ligon, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mace, Mack, Magnuson, Martin, Matthews, McCravy, McDaniel, McGinnis, McKnight, Moore, Morgan, D.C.Moss, V.S.Moss, Murphy, B.Newton, W.Newton, Norrell, Ott, Parks, Pendarvis, Pope, Ridgeway, Rivers, Robinson, Rose, Rutherford, Sandifer, Simrill, G.M.Smith, G.R.Smith, Sottile, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Thigpen, Toole, Trantham, Weeks, West, Wetmore, Wheeler, White, Whitmire, R.Williams, S.Williams, Willis, Wooten and Yow A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE AND HONOR JAMES MICHAEL HESS, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER WITH THE TOWN OF JACKSON POLICE DEPARTMENT, UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT, AFTER THIRTY-THREE YEARS OF EXEMPLARY SERVICE, AND TO WISH HIM CONTINUED SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN ALL HIS FUTURE ENDEAVORS.
TO CONGRATULATE AND HONOR JAMES MICHAEL HESS, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER WITH THE TOWN OF JACKSON POLICE DEPARTMENT, UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT, AFTER THIRTY-THREE YEARS OF EXEMPLARY SERVICE, AND TO WISH HIM CONTINUED SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN ALL HIS FUTURE ENDEAVORS. Whereas, the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives have learned that James Michael Hess, a long-time law enforcement officer with the Town of Jackson Police Department, will begin a well-deserved retirement after thirty-three years of service within his community; and Whereas, James began his career in law enforcement in 1987, spending two years working with the City of New Ellenton Police Department. From 1989 to 1990, he served as a security assistant for Unites States Senator Strom Thurmond. Following his time as special security for Senator Thurmond, he worked with the Town of Williston Police Department until 1992, before settling into his position on March 20, 1992, with the Town of Jackson Police Department; and Whereas, a devoted public servant who is generous with both his time and talents, James has run a karate school for many years, teaching countless individuals the art of self-defense; and Whereas, greatly respected in his community for his expertise and dedication to excellence, Mr. Hess has served the citizens of Jackson and Aiken County with distinction for over twenty-eight years; and Whereas, the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives recognize that the success of the State of South Carolina, the strength of its communities, and the vitality of American society as a whole depend, in great measure, upon the dedication, passion, and integrity of individuals like James Michael Hess, who use their many talents and resources to serve and protect others. Now, therefore, Be it resolved by the House of Representatives: That the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives, by this resolution, congratulate and honor James Michael Hess, law enforcement officer with the Town of Jackson Police Department, upon the occasion of his retirement, after thirty-three years of exemplary service, and wish him continued success and happiness in all his future endeavors. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to James Michael Hess.