2 matches found.

Session 122 - (2017-2018)
Searching for '3653' in LEGISLATION
Searching for '3653' in LEGISLATION
Documents 1 - 2 of 2 matches
Summary: Manufacturing or industrial facilities
H*3653(Rat #0136, Act #0132 of 2018) General Bill, By Forrester, Yow, Loftis, Henegan, Spires, Anderson, Burns, V.S. Moss, Crawford, Hamilton, Felder, Norman, Anthony, Chumley, Erickson, Gagnon, Hayes, ... |
Summary: Housing and redevelopment
... Reese, Grooms, Hembree, Verdin, Massey, Alexander, Williams, Johnson, Gambrell, Sabb, Young, Shealy, Scott, Corbin and Jackson Similar(H 3653) A BILL TO AMEND TITLE 31 OF THE 1976 CODE, RELATING TO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT, BY ... |