2 matches found.
Session 119 - (2011-2012)
Searching for '4654' in LEGISLATION
Searching for '4654' in LEGISLATION
Documents 1 - 2 of 2 matches
Summary: Exemptions and limitations on pollutants
H*4654(Rat #0255, Act #0198 of 2012) General Bill, By Hardwick, Harrell, Loftis, Sandifer, White, Harrison, Owens, Crosby, Anderson, Bingham, Sottile, Corbin, Chumley, Forrester, Hearn, Henderson, Lucas, D.C. ... |
Summary: Exemptions and limitations on pollutants
... Bryant, Verdin, Grooms, O'Dell, L. Martin, Shoopman, Ryberg, Campbell, Ford, Leatherman, Alexander, Jackson, Setzler and Rose Similar(H 4654) A BILL TO AMEND SECTION 48-1-90, CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO ... |