South Carolina Legislature


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33048 matches found.
All Sessions - (1975-2024)
Searching for 'Count%' in LEGISLATION
Documents 4101 - 4200 of 33048 matches
Session 125 - (2023-2024) - H 4297
Summary: GHA Board of Trustees
... or more than seventeen members. A membership above twelve must be first requested by the board of trustees and then approved by the Greenville County Legislative Delegation. Members must be appointed by the Greenville ...
Session 125 - (2023-2024) - H*4389
Summary: Joseph K. Jones 100th birthday
Session 125 - (2023-2024) - H 4714
Summary: Local Taxpayer Protection Act
Session 125 - (2023-2024) - H 4902
Summary: The Honorable James Risher, Sr. Memorial Highway
Session 125 - (2023-2024) - H 4934
Summary: Paid military leave
... or branch of the US military reserves.


Beaufort County School district reported the highest number of current teachers or employees who would ...

Session 125 - (2023-2024) - H*5070
Summary: W. Thurmond Burnett, sympathy
Session 125 - (2023-2024) - H 5094
Summary: William H. Nimmons, Sr. Memorial Road
Session 125 - (2023-2024) - H*5461
Summary: Summerville YMCA Splash into Safety program
Session 103 - (1979-1980) - H 2657
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 7-13-70, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to commissioners an
... relating to commissioners and managers of general and special elections, so as to provide for the creation of an election commission for each county; to provide for the members of the commission, their powers, duties and terms; to impose ...
Session 103 - (1979-1980) - H*4037
Title Portion: A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of Orangeburg County School District No. 2 to issue gener
... size=+2>H*4037(Rat #0620, Act #0624 of 1980) General Bill, By Matthews A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of Orangeburg County School District No. 2 to issue general obligation bonds of the District to such extent ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - S*1007
Title Portion: A Joint Resolution to provide for an advisory referendum in Anderson County to determine if the ele
... By T.E. Garrison, A.S. Macaulay, M.E. McDonald and N.W. Smith A Joint Resolution to provide for an advisory referendum in Anderson County to determine if the electors favor an elected ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - S*1067
Title Portion: A Bill to provide that any vacancy occurring in the office of the Probate Judge of Calhoun County o
... #0520 of 1982) General Bill, By L.M. Gressette A Bill to provide that any vacancy occurring in the office of the Probate Judge of Calhoun County on or before October 1, 1982, shall be filled by a nonpartisan election to be conducted at ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - H*2115
Title Portion: A Bill to increase the number of members of the Berkeley County Board of Education from thirteen to
... General Bill, By F.X. Archibald, Branton, G.W. Dukes, B.J. Gordon and R.L. Helmly A Bill to increase the number of members of the Berkeley County Board of Education from thirteen to fifteen and to repeal Act 705 of 1976, relating to ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - H*2927
Title Portion: A Bill to prescribe the procedure for determining the annual budget and school tax millage for the
... E.W. Simpson A Bill to prescribe the procedure for determining the annual budget and school tax millage for the School District of Pickens County including a limit on increased millage based on the growth of personal income in the ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - H*3176
Title Portion: A Bill to provide for the reapportionment of the County Council Districts in Dillon County in accor
... #0337, Act #0532 of 1982) General Bill, By J.W. McLeod and J.D. McInnis A Bill to provide for the reapportionment of the County Council Districts in Dillon County in accordance ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - H*3180
Title Portion: A Bill to amend an Act of 1981 bearing Ratification Number 260, relating to a salary supplement for
... By E.C. Stoddard and V.L. Crocker A Bill to amend an Act of 1981 bearing Ratification Number 260, relating to a salary supplement for the County Lunchroom Supervisor and Attendance Teacher in Laurens ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - H*3259
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Sections 4-9-130, and 5-7-280, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to co
... Bill, By T.M. Burriss Similar(S 650) A Bill to amend Sections 4-9-130, and 5-7-280, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to county council and municipal council ordinances, so as to provide that building, housing, ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - H*3889
Title Portion: A Bill to provide for the levy of taxes for fiscal year 1982-83 for the operation of the public sch
... Bill, By J.I. Rogers A Bill to provide for the levy of taxes for fiscal year 1982-83 for the operation of the public schools in Marlboro County. 04/27/82 House Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - H*3941
Title Portion: A Bill by the Charleston Delegation to amend Act 1602 of 1972, as amended, relating to the operatin
... amend Act 1602 of 1972, as amended, relating to the operating expenses of certain political subdivisions, agencies and commissions in Charleston County, so as to provide for such operating expenses for the fiscal year 1982-83. 05/18/82 ...
Session 104 - (1981-1982) - H*3978
Title Portion: A Bill to provide that all operating funds of the School District of Greenville County shall be pai
... Mitchell, L. Phillips, J.L. Rampey, R.L. Rigdon and Wilkins A Bill to provide that all operating funds of the School District of Greenville County shall be paid directly to the School District by the Greenville ...
Session 105 - (1983-1984) - S*218
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 14-7-455 so as to provi
... Judiciary A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 14-7-455 so as to provide that the clerk of court of a county may serve a summons for jury duty by first class mail, or, in the alternative, that the ...
Session 105 - (1983-1984) - S*578
Title Portion: A Joint Resolution to permit the Anderson County Board of Education to increase the tax levy for An
... size=+2>S*0578(Rat #0233, Act #0226 of 1983) Joint Resolution, By T.E. Garrison A Joint Resolution to permit the Anderson County Board of Education to increase the tax levy for Anderson ...
Session 105 - (1983-1984) - H*2789
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 601 of 1971, as amended, relating to, among other things, the Jasper County Boa
... Act #0240 of 1983) General Bill, By J.M. White A Bill to amend Act 601 of 1971, as amended, relating to, among other things, the Jasper County Board of Education, so as to provide for the election of members of the Board and their ...
Session 105 - (1983-1984) - H*3049
Title Portion: A Bill to decrease the number of members of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 1 in Clare
... of 1983) General Bill, By Harvin A Bill to decrease the number of members of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 1 in Clarendon County from nine to seven and to repeal Act 530 of 1982 relating to the number of trustees for ...
Session 105 - (1983-1984) - H*3639
Title Portion: A Bill to provide that the members of the Union County Board of School Trustees must be elected in
... size=+2>H*3639(Rat #0342, Act #0615 of 1984) General Bill, By J.M. Arthur and Phillips A Bill to provide that the members of the Union County Board of School Trustees must be elected in nonpartisan elections, to provide for the ...
Session 105 - (1983-1984) - H*3646
Title Portion: A Bill to enact the Marion DuPont Scott Memorial Act accepting the gift to the State of South Carol
... Memorial Act accepting the gift to the State of South Carolina under the will of Marion DuPont Scott of the Springdale Race Course in Kershaw County together with accompanying facilities, equipment, and maintenance funds. 03/09/84 ...
Session 105 - (1983-1984) - H*3823
Title Portion: A Bill to provide that no water or sewage system owned or operated by a county, municipality, speci
... By P. Freeman, S.R. Foster, J.C. Hayes and Kirsh Similar(S 978) A Bill to provide that no water or sewage system owned or operated by a county, municipality, special purpose district or political subdivision created, organized, or ...
Session 105 - (1983-1984) - H*3943
Title Portion: A Joint Resolution by the Dorchester Delegation to authorize the boards of trustees of all school d
... House Delegations A Joint Resolution by the Dorchester Delegation to authorize the boards of trustees of all school districts in Dorchester County to prepare annual budgets for general school purposes to be submitted to the Dorchester ...
Session 106 - (1985-1986) - S*645
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 245 of 1983, as amended, relating to budgets of school districts in Orangeburg
... Bill, By Matthews and M.B. Williams A Bill to amend Act 245 of 1983, as amended, relating to budgets of school districts in Orangeburg County, so as to provide that tax millage may be increased by five mills or to meet South Carolina ...
Session 106 - (1985-1986) - S*658
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 7-7-465, so as to defin
... I.D. Newman A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 7-7-465, so as to define voting precincts in Richland County and to repeal Sections 7-7-460 and 7-7-470, relating respectively to voting precincts ...
Session 106 - (1985-1986) - H*2279
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 40-9-10, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the
... Russell and D.E. Winstead A Bill to amend Section 40-9-10, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the authorization of county councils to conduct referenda to determine a change in the form of government, number ...
Session 106 - (1985-1986) - H*2545
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 27-39-60 so as to prohi
... McEachin, D.L. Ogburn and J.I. Rogers A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 27-39-60 so as to prohibit counties or municipal corporations from regulating the amount of rent to be charged for single ...
Session 106 - (1985-1986) - H*2576
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 4-9-100, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to dual
... Toal A Bill to amend Section 4-9-100, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to dual office holding and compensation for county council members, so as to authorize the chairman of a ...
Session 106 - (1985-1986) - H*3077
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 1838 of 1972, as amended, relating to the Rabon Creek Rural Water District in G
... By E.C. Stoddard A Bill to amend Act 1838 of 1972, as amended, relating to the Rabon Creek Rural Water District in Greenville and Laurens Counties, so as to provide that the area in Laurens ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S*63
Title Portion: A Bill to create a Registration and Elections Commission for Pickens County and to abolish the Offi
... #0005, Act #0285 of 1987) General Bill, By N.W. Smith A Bill to create a Registration and Elections Commission for Pickens County and to abolish the Office of Commissioners of Election and the Registration Board of Pickens ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S 154
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 7-13-1430, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the processing
... General Bill, By McConnell A Bill to amend Section 7-13-1430, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the processing and counting of ballots in counties where marking ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S*239
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 7-9-100, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the state conven
... for the state convention it shall set what month during the twelve-month period ending March thirty-first of every general election year that the county convention must be held. If it sets a month in a nongeneral election year for the ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S*388
Title Portion: A Bill to provide that School District No. 3 of Florence County includes that portion of Williamsbu
... #0074, Act #0290 of 1987) General Bill, By F.H. McGill, Leatherman and T.E. Smith A Bill to provide that School District No. 3 of Florence County includes that portion of Williamsburg ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S*823
Title Portion: A Bill to provide the manner in which the members of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 5
... 1987) General Bill, By Bryan A Bill to provide the manner in which the members of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 55 of Laurens County are elected and to repeal Act 604 of 1986 relating to the Board of Trustees of School ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S*824
Title Portion: A Bill to provide the manner in which the members of the Board of Trustees School District No. 56 o
... of 1987) General Bill, By Bryan A Bill to provide the manner in which the members of the Board of Trustees School District No. 56 of Laurens County are elected and to repeal Act 6 of 1959 relating to election of Trustees of School ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S*870
Title Portion: A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of School District No. 1 of Clarendon County to issue gen
... #0258, Act #0258 of 1987) General Bill, By Land A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of School District No. 1 of Clarendon County to issue general obligation bonds of the District in an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S*1196
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Sections 24-21-10, 24-21-13, 24-21-60, 24-21-70, 24-21-80, 24-21-90, 24-21-250, 24-
... also may be utilized as an alternative to technical revocations. The board shall establish priority programs for litter control along state and county highways. This must be included in the 'public service work' program." Title ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - S*1460
Title Portion: A Bill to create a Registration and Elections Commission for Laurens County and to abolish the Offi
... #0602, Act #0778 of 1988) General Bill, By Bryan A Bill to create a Registration and Elections Commission for Laurens County and to abolish the Office of Commissioners and Election and the Registration Board of Laurens ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - H*2056
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 23-11-40, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to vac
... in the office of sheriff, so as to provide for the filling of vacancies when they occur more than one year prior to the next general election for county sheriffs and to provide for the appointment by the Governor when a sheriff has been ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - H*2564
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Sections 12-37-2610, 12-37-2650, and 12-37-2730, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 19
... year and model of the vehicle. The notice must be an original and one copy, and the copy must be provided by the Department to the auditor of the county in which the vehicle is taxable. All ad valorem taxes on a vehicle are due and payable one ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - H*2639
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 58-31-30, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to pow
... used and employed in the treatment and distribution of water for industrial, commercial, domestic, or agricultural purposes within the counties of Berkeley, Charleston, Clarendon, Dorchester, and Orangeburg. The provisions of this section do ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - H 2983
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 140 of 1969, as amended, relating to school districts and the county library in
... M.D. Burriss, T.M. Burriss, R.S. Corning and J.C. Hearn A Bill to amend Act 140 of 1969, as amended, relating to school districts and the county library in Richland County, so as ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - H*3052
Title Portion: A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of the School District of Colleton County to issue genera
... #0202, Act #0261 of 1987) General Bill, By J.V. Gregory A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of the School District of Colleton County to issue general obligation bonds of the district not exceeding one million two hundred ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - H*3195
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 5-27-910, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the issuance of
... organizations to solicit funds from motorists within a municipality, so as to also permit this solicitation within the unincorporated area of a county, and to provide that the county ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - H*4154
Title Portion: A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of School District 1 of Clarendon County to issue general
... #0708, Act #0767 of 1988) General Bill, By Harvin A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of School District 1 of Clarendon County to issue general obligation bonds at one time or from time to time in an amount not exceeding three ...
Session 107 - (1987-1988) - H*4284
Title Portion: A Bill by the Orangeburg Delegation to amend Act 245 of 1983, as amended, relating to budgets of sc
... Delegations A Bill by the Orangeburg Delegation to amend Act 245 of 1983, as amended, relating to budgets of school districts in Orangeburg County, so as to provide for budgets and tax levies for the ...
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - S*64
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 58-31-30, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to pow
... Section 58-31-30, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to powers of the Public Service Authority, so as to include the County of Sumter as one of the counties in ...
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - S 97
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 7-13-1430, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the processing
... General Bill, By McConnell A Bill to amend Section 7-13-1430, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the processing and counting of ballots in counties where marking ...
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - S*456
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 17-21-85 so as to autho
... 1976, by adding Section 17-21-85 so as to authorize a circuit judge to order that jury selection in a criminal case be conducted in another county and the jury, when selected, be transported for the duration of the trial to the ...
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - S*571
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 7-9-100, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to stat
... for the state convention it shall set what month during the twelve-month period ending March thirty-first of every general election year that the county convention must be held. If it sets a month in a nongeneral election year for the ...
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - S*1394
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 56-3-1230, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to specifications
... plates and revalidation of the special plates; to amend Section 56-3-2150, relating to issuance of special license plates, so as to include county coroners on the list of persons to whom plates are issued; to amend Section 56-3-2170, ...
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - S*1529
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 292 of 1987, as amended, relating to the authorized tax millage for school purp
... C.T. Hinson and Peeler A Bill to amend Act 292 of 1987, as amended, relating to the authorized tax millage for school purposes in York County, so as to increase this authorized millage; and to increase the amount of millage which the ...
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - H*3184
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 549 of 1982, relating to the abolition of the Hampton County Board of Education
... #0031, Act #0285 of 1989) General Bill, By D.E. McTeer A Bill to amend Act 549 of 1982, relating to the abolition of the Hampton County Board of Education and Hampton County ...
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - H*3600
Title Portion: General Appropriations Bill.-st
Session 108 - (1989-1990) - H*4916
Title Portion: A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of Saluda County School District 1, its governing body, t
... size=+2>H*4916(Rat #0509, Act #0739 of 1990) General Bill, By L.E. Gentry A Bill to authorize the Board of Trustees of Saluda County School District 1, its governing body, to issue and sell general obligation bonds of the school ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S 40
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Title 43, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 43-1-55 so as to
... the State Commissioner of Social Services is empowered and directed to redistribute annually employees administering mandated services among the counties according to the respective ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S 201
Title Portion: A bill to amend Section 4-9-10, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to authorization to
... amend Section 4-9-10, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to authorization to conduct referenda to determine a change in the form of county government, number of county ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S 219
Title Portion: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to Section 7, Article XVII of The Constitution of South C
... payment of operational expenses which may not exceed fifteen percent of the gross sales, must be apportioned as follows: (1) Counties shall receive up to twenty-five million dollars for reimbursement for health care for ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S 248
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 48-15-20, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the members of
... General Bill, By S.S. Martschink A Bill to amend Section 48-15-20, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the members of the low country resources, conservation, and development authority, so as to correct the reference to ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S*376
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 14 to Title 48 so as to
... under the jurisdiction of the Department of Highways and Public Transportation; to repeal Chapter 13, Title 48 of the 1976 Code relating to county sediment control programs, and to direct the South Carolina Land Resources Conservation ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S 833
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 12-31-15, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to certain continu
... and Land A Bill to amend Section 12-31-15, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to certain continuing education requirements for county auditors, and to amend Section 12-45-15, relating to certain continuing education ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S*1080
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 743 of 1962, as amended, relating to the Greenville County Commission for Techn
... General Bill, By J.V. Smith, Bryan, T.W. Mitchell and H.S. Stilwell A Bill to amend Act 743 of 1962, as amended, relating to the Greenville County Commission for Technical Education, so as to enlarge the membership of the Commission ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S 1303
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 1-1-730, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the adoption of
... 1990 Census; and to provide that the filing period for candidates seeking nomination by political party primary, convention, or petition for a countywide or less than countywide office ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - S*1567
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to recognize Dr. Henry W. Brevard of Berkeley County as he completes his si
... size=+2>S*1567 Concurrent Resolution, By R.L. Helmly A Concurrent Resolution to recognize Dr. Henry W. Brevard of Berkeley County as he completes his sixth year of service on the Board of Trustees of South Carolina State College ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H 3102
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 12-27-400, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to th
... 1976, relating to the distribution and use of the additional 2.66 cents gasoline tax, so as to provide that the money is apportioned among the counties based upon the amount of the gasoline tax collected in that ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*3412
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 12-31-15, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to certain continu
... Waldrop A Bill to amend Section 12-31-15, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to certain continuing education requirements for county auditors; and to amend Section 12-45-15, relating to certain continuing education ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H 3612
Title Portion: A Bill to provide for the election of a Hampton County Veterans Affairs Officer and provide that an
H 3612 General Bill, By D.E. McTeer A Bill to provide for the election of a Hampton County Veterans Affairs Officer and provide that an election is not required when only one qualified candidate offers for ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H 4536
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 287 of 1987, relating to Lexington County School District 5, so as to provide f
H 4536 General Bill, By Quinn A Bill to amend Act 287 of 1987, relating to Lexington County School District 5, so as to provide for the election of trustees from the entire district without residency ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*4622
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 171 of 1967, as amended, relating to Laurens County School Districts Fifty-five
... #0412, Act #0608 of 1992) General Bill, By E.C. Stoddard A Bill to amend Act 171 of 1967, as amended, relating to Laurens County School Districts Fifty-five and Fifty-six and the annual operating budgets and tax levy therefor, so as to ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*4659
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 509 of 1982, as amended, relating to the boards of trustees of Anderson County
... Chamblee, Cooper, P.B. Harris and J.R. Shirley A Bill to amend Act 509 of 1982, as amended, relating to the boards of trustees of Anderson County school districts, so as to revise the four areas from which the trustees of Anderson ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H 4672
Title Portion: A Bill to provide that the members of all county boards and commissions appointed by the Governor u
H 4672 General Bill, By J.P. Harrelson A Bill to provide that the members of all county boards and commissions appointed by the Governor upon the recommendation of the ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H 4719
Title Portion: A Bill to revise the manner in which members of the Board of Trustees of School District 5 of Lexin
... Wright, Quinn and Riser A Bill to revise the manner in which members of the Board of Trustees of School District 5 of Lexington and Richland Counties must be elected in nonpartisan elections beginning in 1994, to establish seven ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H 4727
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 2-17-10, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to defi
... person before a governmental entity, so as to clarify the provisions that prohibit the public official, public member, or public employee of a county or municipality from knowingly representing a person before any agency unit or subunit of ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H 4738
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 24-13-235, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to voluntary coun
... General Bill, By M.A. Hyatt, Kirsh and Meacham A Bill to amend Section 24-13-235, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to voluntary county correctional work programs for prisoners, so as to require ...
Session 109 - (1991-1992) - H*4908
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution commending Portia Cuttino Myers of Sumter County, known for her tireless de
H*4908 Concurrent Resolution, By G.A. Brown A Concurrent Resolution commending Portia Cuttino Myers of Sumter County, known for her tireless dedication to history, for serving the citizens of her ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S*60
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 23-11-110, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to qualifications
... (A) All sheriffs in this State must have the following qualifications: (1) be a citizen of the United States; (2) be a resident of the county in which he seeks the office of sheriff for at least one year immediately preceding the ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 179
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 50-3-316, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to criteria for hi
... of South Carolina, 1976, relating to criteria for hiring wildlife conservation officers, so as to delete the provisions for employment based on county of residence and provide for employment of the highest scoring candidates. 01/13/93 ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 180
Title Portion: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to Section 5 of Article III of the Constitution of South
... of the Commission; proposing an amendment to Section 13 of Article VII of the Constitution, relating to arrangement by the General Assembly of counties into judicial circuits and congressional districts and precincts, so as to provide that ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S*239
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 2-281, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1962, relating to the Walterboro-Col
... #0206) General Bill, By Washington A Bill to amend Section 2-281, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1962, relating to the Walterboro-Colleton County Airport Commission so as to change the composition of the Commission. 01/19/93 ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S*408
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution to request the Department of Highways and Public Transportation to delay it
... of Highways and Public Transportation to delay its decision on the closing of the drivers' license office in the City of Pageland in Chesterfield County and to meet with the Chesterfield ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 578
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 20-7-1642 so as to proh
... standards for foster parent training; by adding Section 43-1-115 so as to require the Department to conduct biennial performance audits of county Department of Social Services Child Protective Services and Foster Care Programs; by amending ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 581
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 7-5-150, relating to the closing of registration books before elections, so
... up to 5:00 p.m. on the day of the election. Such application for registration must be made at the office of the board of voter registration in the county in which such person wishes to register, and if qualified, the person must be issued a ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S*594
Title Portion: A Senate Resolution to recognize Mr. S. E. Diggs, of Edgefield County, Principal of the original Do
S*0594 Resolution, By Moore A Senate Resolution to recognize Mr. S. E. Diggs, of Edgefield County, Principal of the original Douglas Junior High School and Principal of Douglas Elementary from its beginning ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S*610
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Sections 40-59-70, 40-59-77, 40-59-80, 40-59-90, 40-59-100, 40-59-110, 40-59-130, 4
... of the contracting vocation in which they intend to, and do, engage. Residential specialty contractors are not exempt from complying with county and municipal business license ordinances or other regulatory ordinances. Any ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 698
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976 by adding Section 12-21-2423 so as to dedi
... as to dedicate one-fourth of admissions tax revenues from the first fifteen years of operation of a major tourism or recreation facility to the county or municipality in which the facility is located for additional infrastructure ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 998
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 4-9-30, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to count
... McConnell and Rankin Similar(S 907, H 4614) A Bill to amend Section 4-9-30, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to county government and designation of powers under each alternative form of government, so as ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 1033
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 16-13-11 so as to make
... without the consent of the registrant, to wilfully manufacture or intentionally sell or knowingly possess for purpose of sale or resale any counterfeit of a mark registered with the Secretary of State or registered with the United States ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 1100
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 12-45-180, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to pe
... current fiscal year are not paid before the sixteenth day of January or thirty days after the mailing of tax notices, whichever occurs later, the county auditor shall add interest as calculated pursuant to the provisions of Section ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 1198
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Act 535 of 1982, as amended, relating to the Board of Trustees of Summerville Schoo
... M.T. Rose A Bill to amend Act 535 of 1982, as amended, relating to the Board of Trustees of Summerville School District No. 2 of Dorchester County, so as to delete references to the ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 1231
Title Portion: A Bill to provide that trustees of the Georgetown County School District must be elected in a nonpa
S 1231 General Bill, By G. Smith and McGill Similar(H 4842) A Bill to provide that trustees of the Georgetown County School District must be elected in a nonpartisan election held at the time of the ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S*1345
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 4-9-39, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the funding of co
... #0555, Act #0480) General Bill, By Saleeby A Bill to amend Section 4-9-39, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the funding of county public library systems and the transfer of assets and property owned by any ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - S 1365
Title Portion: A Bill to amend Section 5-3-140, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the alternate me
... is the freeholder with respect to the property, and to provide that for purposes of this Section, any real property included within a multi-county park pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-1-170 is considered to have the same assessed ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - H 3341
Title Portion: A Joint Resolution to direct the South Carolina Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse to allocate to
... to the State under Public Law 102-321 to establish a detoxification program to serve women and youth in Spartanburg, Union and Cherokee Counties. 02/02/93 House Introduced and read first time HJ-13 02/02/93 House Referred to ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - H*3414
Title Portion: A Concurrent Resolution memorializing Congress to act as may be necessary to avoid the closing of D
... Congress to act as may be necessary to avoid the closing of Department of Agriculture offices where the impact of such closings on rural counties would be detrimental. 02/04/93 House Introduced HJ-29 02/04/93 House Referred to ...
Session 110 - (1993-1994) - H 3503
Title Portion: A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 61-3-415, so as to prov
... 61, conferred upon the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission regarding the issuance of licenses are devolved upon the governing body of each county and require that all licenses issued in a ...

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