South Carolina Legislature


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16 matches found.
Searching for 'nursing home' in CODE OF REGULATIONS
Documents 1 - 10 of 16 matches
Chapter 61-17.
Standards For Licensing Nursing Homes.
... and responsibility to manage the facility, who is in charge of all functions and activities of the facility, and who is appropriately licensed as a nursing home Administrator by the South Carolina State Board of Long-Term Health Care ...
Chapter 61-95.
Medicaid Nursing Home Permits.
SECTION 95. Medicaid Nursing Home Permits.
61-95. Medicaid ...
Chapter 93. Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation- South Carolina Board of Long Term Health Care Administrators
... forth or indicated: A. "Administrator-in-Training (AIT)" is a person participating in a Board-approved training program within a nursing home or a community residential care facility under the supervision of a Board-approved ...
Chapter 69. Department of Insurance
... institution which provides general and specialized inpatient medical care. The term "hospital" shall not include a convalescent facility, nursing home, or any institution or part thereof which is used principally as a convalescent ...
Chapter 61-15.
Certification of Need for Health Facilities and Services.
... disability" for "mentally retarded".
SECTION 102 Applicability.. 1. A person or nursing home as defined in this regulation is required to obtain a Certificate of Need from the ...
Chapter 61-13.
Standards for Licensing Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.
... full-time Administrator. B. The facility Administrator shall be either a Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP) or a licensed nursing home administrator and shall have the necessary authority and responsibility for ...
Chapter 61-77.
Standards for Licensing Home Health Agencies.
... Any of the above items and services provided on an outpatient basis under arrangements made by the Home Health Agency with a hospital, nursing home, or rehabilitation center and the furnishing of which involves the use of equipment of such a ...
Chapter 61-84.
Standards for Licensing Community Residential Care Facilities.
... and which is labeled for use by the consumer in accordance with the requirements of the laws of this State and the Federal government. KK. Nursing Home. A facility with an organized nursing staff to maintain and operate organized ...
Chapter 61-58.
State Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
... include those who do not pay water bills or do not have service connection addresses (e.g., house renters, apartment dwellers, university students, nursing home patients, prison inmates, etc.). Other methods may include: Publication in a local ...
Chapter 61-78.
Standards for Licensing Hospices.
... to provide room, board, and applicable care on a twenty-four (24) hour basis, such as a Hospice Facility, community residential care facility, nursing home, hospital, or general infirmary. S. Inspection. A visit by Department ...

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