South Carolina Legislature

Vote History: H 3594 - Session 125 (2023-2024)
Constitutional Carry
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Searching: All Votes - found 38
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Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
03/06/2024 03:42 pmto adopt the conference report[S]-5672818000046Passed
03/05/2024 02:30 pmAdopt Conference Report[H]-106686331300123Passed
02/13/2024 12:49 pmAdopt Amendment 1A  Amendment number 1a[H]-102885268400123Passed
02/01/2024 03:06 pm3rd Reading[S]-4892815030046Passed
02/01/2024 12:18 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 37[S]-4883012310046Passed
01/31/2024 11:44 pmto adopt   Amendment number 36[S]-4812813050046Passed
01/31/2024 11:29 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 36[S]-4801328050046Failed
01/31/2024 10:31 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 33[S]-4792513350046Passed
01/31/2024 10:13 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 32[S]-4773011050046Passed
01/31/2024 10:01 pmto adopt   Amendment number 34[S]-476347050046Passed
01/31/2024 06:13 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 25[S]-4752419030046Passed
01/31/2024 05:44 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 24[S]-4742715040046Passed
01/31/2024 05:37 pmto adopt   Amendment number 22[S]-473363340046Passed
01/31/2024 02:22 pmto adopt   Amendment number 14[S]-4721528210046Failed
01/30/2024 04:55 pmto adopt   Amendment number 13[S]-4682220040046Passed
01/30/2024 04:01 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 11[S]-4672418040046Passed
01/30/2024 03:41 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 10[S]-466348130046Passed
01/23/2024 12:22 pmto adjourn debate[S]-4572717200046Passed
05/09/2023 07:14 pmto recall and place on the calendar[S]-3502418220046Passed
02/23/2023 10:48 amPassage of Bill[H]-13987266500124Passed
02/22/2023 04:54 pmPassage of Bill[H]-13690303100124Passed
02/22/2023 03:49 pmTable the motion to reconsider the vote whereby Amendment No. 24 was rejected  Amendment number 24[H]-13565515300124Passed
02/22/2023 03:45 pmTable motion to reconsider the vote whereby Amendment No. 22 was tabled  Amendment number 22[H]-13469466300124Passed
02/22/2023 03:31 pmTable Motion to Reconsider[H]-13391228300124Passed
02/22/2023 03:03 pmTable Amendment 13  Amendment number 13[H]-13281328300124Passed
02/22/2023 03:01 pmTable Amendment 26  Amendment number 26[H]-131615010300124Passed
02/22/2023 02:55 pmAdopt Amendment 24  Amendment number 24[H]-13055624300124Failed
02/22/2023 02:53 pmTable Amendment 24  Amendment number 24[H]-12957577300124Failed
02/22/2023 02:45 pmTable Amendment 22  Amendment number 22[H]-12866505300124Passed
02/22/2023 02:39 pmTable Amendment 21  Amendment number 21[H]-12748649300124Failed
02/22/2023 02:27 pmTable Amendment 15  Amendment number 15[H]-126465421300124Failed
02/22/2023 01:09 pmTable Amendment 14  Amendment number 14[H]-125644513200124Passed
02/22/2023 12:58 pmTable Amendment 9  Amendment number 9[H]-12478377200124Passed
02/22/2023 12:35 pmTable Amendment 8  Amendment number 8[H]-123674312200124Passed
02/22/2023 12:27 pmTable Amendment 7  Amendment number 7[H]-122822911200124Passed
02/22/2023 12:08 pmTable Amendment 6  Amendment number 6[H]-121753710200124Passed
02/22/2023 12:02 pmTable Amendment 5  Amendment number 5[H]-12079358200124Passed
02/22/2023 11:51 amTable Motion to Recommit[H]-11986307100124Passed

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