South Carolina Legislature

Education and Public Works Committee
Message from Chairman
Shannon S. Erickson
District 124, Beaufort County
On behalf of the eighteen members of the House of Representatives Education and Public Works Committee, welcome to our online portal. This committee is dedicated to serving the House, General Assembly, and, most importantly, the people of South Carolina. Our mission is to thoroughly research, debate, and recommend legislation that impacts South Carolinians in the areas of early childhood, K-12, and higher education, as well as motor vehicles, transportation, and public safety. We hope that you will visit our webpage often and follow us as we work to improve our wonderful Palmetto State.
Committee Staff
  • Pierce McNair - Dir. of Res.
  • Emma Hall - Counsel
  • Macey Webb - Counsel
  • Lauren N. Sheorn - Exec. Asst.
Contact Information
Post Office Box 11867
Columbia, South Carolina 29211
Room 429 Blatt Building
Telephone: (803) 734-3053

Scheduled Meetings as of 07/26/2024 09:19pm EDT

No scheduled meetings found.

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Information older than two years has been moved to the House Education and Public Works Committee Archives page.

Legislative Services Agency
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