South Carolina Legislature

Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee
Message from Chairman
Welcome to the Labor, Commerce, and Industry Committee, the only Committee that oversees business issues. The subject matter of the Labor, Commerce, and Industry Committee includes, but is not limited to, business, trade and commerce, labor and employment, public utilities, insurance, real estate, banking, worker's compensation, professions and occupations, and consumer affairs.
Committee Staff
  • Bryan Triplett - Chief Counsel
  • Erica Starnes - Staff Counsel
Contact Information
Post Office Box 11867
Columbia, South Carolina 29211
Room 407 Blatt Building
Telephone: (803) 734-3015

Scheduled Meetings as of 12/03/2024 09:31pm EST

Video Archives


Information older than two years has been moved to the House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee Archives page.

Legislative Services Agency
h t t p : / / w w w . s c s t a t e h o u s e . g o v