
Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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S 1327 General Bill, By M.B. Williams
A Bill to amend Section 48-48-30, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to limits on the amount of waste which may be disposed of at the Barnwell Facility, to extend the limit on the amount of waste which may be disposed of at the Barnwell Facility to twelve million cubic feet through January 1, 1996, not to exceed one million, two hundred thousand cubic feet of waste for a calendar year; to amend Section 48-48-80, relating to legislative authorization for continued operation of the low-level waste disposal facility located near Barnwell, South Carolina, so as to authorize that facility to continue to serve as the regional disposal facility for the Southeast Region until January 1, 1996; to amend Section 48-48-90, relating to the carry-forward of unused annualized site capacity, so as to extend the carry-forward provision to December 31, 1995; to amend Section 48-47-30(10), relating to the definition of "regional facility" in the Southeast Compact, so as to change that definition to authorize the Barnwell Facility to remain the regional facility until January 1, 1996; and to direct the South Carolina representatives to the Southeast Compact Commission to initiate negotiations between the Compact Commission and the State of North Carolina regarding conditions and sanctions for access to the Barnwell Facility.
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A Bill to amend Section 48-48-30, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to limits on the amount of waste which may be disposed of at the Barnwell Facility, to extend the limit on the amount of waste which may be disposed of at the Barnwell Facility to twelve million cubic feet through January 1, 1996, not to exceed one million, two hundred thousand cubic feet of waste for a calendar year; to amend Section 48-48-80, relating to legislative authorization for continued operation of the low-level waste disposal facility located near Barnwell, South Carolina, so as to authorize that facility to continue to serve as the regional disposal facility for the Southeast Region until January 1, 1996; to amend Section 48-48-90, relating to the carry-forward of unused annualized site capacity, so as to extend the carry-forward provision to December 31, 1995; to amend Section 48-47-30(10), relating to the definition of "regional facility" in the Southeast Compact, so as to change that definition to authorize the Barnwell Facility to remain the regional facility until January 1, 1996; and to direct the South Carolina representatives to the Southeast Compact Commission to initiate negotiations between the Compact Commission and the State of North Carolina regarding conditions and sanctions for access to the Barnwell Facility.
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02/25/92 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-8 |
02/25/92 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry SJ-8 |
04/06/92 | Senate | Committee report: Majority favorable, minority unfavorable Labor, Commerce and Industry SJ-17 |
04/15/92 | Senate | Special order SJ-24 |
04/22/92 | Senate | Amended SJ-38 |
04/22/92 | Senate | Read second time SJ-69 |
04/22/92 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-69 |
04/23/92 | Senate | Special order SJ-37 |
04/28/92 | Senate | Amended SJ-88 |
04/28/92 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-111 |
04/29/92 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-246 |
04/29/92 | House | Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs HJ-247 |
05/12/92 | House | Recalled from Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs HJ-31 |
05/20/92 | House | Objection by Rep. McLeod, Scott, Cromer, Waites, Cobb-Hunter, Huff, HJ-116 |
05/20/92 | House | Objection by Rep. Tucker, Rogers, McElveen, Harvin, Hodges, Clyborne, HJ-116 |
05/20/92 | House | Objection by Rep. Baker, Kirsh, Cato, Rama, Vaughn, Hyatt, Keyserling, HJ-116 |
05/20/92 | House | Objection by Rep. Inabinett, J. Bailey, G. Brown, Farr, Kempe, Hallman, HJ-116 |
05/20/92 | House | Objection by Rep. Mattos, Fulmer, Meacham, Byrd & Corning HJ-116 |