
Session 106 - (1985-1986)Printer Friendly
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H*2777 (Rat #0462, Act #0418 of 1986) General Bill, By F.L. Day, M.O. Alexander, R.L. Altman, F.X. Archibald, J.M. Arthur, D.L. Aydlette, Bailey, D. Blackwell, G.A. Brown, T.M. Burriss, M.D. Cleveland, Davenport, Elliott, J. Faber, Fair, P. Freeman, J.V. Gregory, J.L. Harris, Harvin, D.O. Hawkins, Hayes, D.N. Holt, J.W. Johnson, H.H. Keyserling, J.R. Klapman, T.A. Limehouse, J.G. Mattos, F.E. McBride, D.E. McTeer, D.A. Moss, D.L. Ogburn, Phillips, Rhoad, C.H. Rice, T.F. Rogers, Russell, R. Schwartz, Sharpe, S.V. Shelton, E.W. Simpson, J.H. Toal, Townsend, D. Williams, T.G. Woodruff and R.R. Woods
A Bill to amend Article 13 of Chapter 13 of Title 7, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to vote recorders, by adding Section 7-13-1371 so as to provide for ballot cards used in conjunction with an optical scanning device to include instruction to vote both sides of the card, for the location and type of the instruction, for the design of the cards used in conjunction with the device during a Presidential election or primary, for the State Election Commission to establish the form of a sign to be displayed in a polling place utilizing the device, and for the sign's printing and location.-amended title
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A Bill to amend Article 13 of Chapter 13 of Title 7, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to vote recorders, by adding Section 7-13-1371 so as to provide for ballot cards used in conjunction with an optical scanning device to include instruction to vote both sides of the card, for the location and type of the instruction, for the design of the cards used in conjunction with the device during a Presidential election or primary, for the State Election Commission to establish the form of a sign to be displayed in a polling place utilizing the device, and for the sign's printing and location.-amended title
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04/11/85 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-2324 |
04/11/85 | House | Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-2324 |
01/29/86 | House | Committee report: Favorable Judiciary HJ-337 |
02/05/86 | House | Read second time HJ-510 |
02/06/86 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-573 |
02/06/86 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-502 |
02/06/86 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-502 |
04/22/86 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary SJ-2225 |
04/24/86 | Senate | Amended SJ-2310 |
04/24/86 | Senate | Read second time SJ-2311 |
04/24/86 | Senate | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day SJ-2311 |
04/25/86 | Senate | Read third time SJ-2340 |
04/25/86 | Senate | Returned SJ-2340 |
04/29/86 | House | Concurred in Senate amendment and enrolled HJ-2633 |
05/07/86 | Ratified R 462 | |
05/13/86 | Signed By Governor | |
05/13/86 | Effective date 05/13/86 | |
05/13/86 | Act No. 418 | |
05/19/86 | Copies available |