South Carolina Legislature


Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H 3081 General Bill, By Simrill, M.O. Alexander, Alexander, Allison, J.J. Bailey, D.W. Beatty, Boan, Cato, L.L. Elliott, Fair, T.L. Farr, Gamble, Haskins, J. Hines, M.H. Kinon, Lanford, Littlejohn, J.G. Mattos, Meacham, Moody-Lawrence, R. Smith, Stuart, Trotter, Vaughn, Walker, C.C. Wells, Wilder, D.A. Wright and Young-Brickell
Similar (H 3100)
    A Bill to amend Sections 7-15-320 and 7-15-340, both as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to persons qualified to vote by absentee ballot, so as to lower from seventy-two to sixty-five the age of a person who qualifies to vote by absentee ballot.
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01/12/93House Introduced and read first time HJ-38
01/12/93House Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-38

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