South Carolina Legislature


Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H*3154 (Rat #0564, Act #0444 of 1994) General Bill, By J. Brown, G.A. Brown, A.W. Byrd, J. Hines, Inabinett, Kennedy, Lanford, M. McLeod, Meacham, T.F. Rogers, Simrill, C.H. Stone, Wilkins and S.S. Wofford
    A Bill to amend Section 16-11-370, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to robbery of operators of motor vehicles for hire, so as to revise the elements of the offense and the penalties for violation; and to amend the 1976 Code by adding Section 16-11-345 so as to provide that cardboard placards shall be provided to operators of motor vehicles used for the transportation of passengers for hire.-amended title
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01/14/93House Introduced and read first time HJ-22
01/14/93House Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-22
04/05/94House Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary HJ-38
04/20/94House Amended HJ-58
04/20/94House Read second time HJ-58
04/21/94House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-28
04/26/94Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-35
04/26/94Senate Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-35
05/18/94Senate Committee report: Favorable Judiciary SJ-32
06/01/94Senate Read second time SJ-120
06/01/94Senate Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day SJ-120
06/02/94Senate Read third time and enrolled SJ-82
06/02/94 Ratified R 564
06/16/94 Signed By Governor
06/16/94 Effective date 06/16/94
06/23/94 Act No. 444
06/23/94 Copies available

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