
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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S*0032 (Rat #0445, Act #0390 of 1994) General Bill, By Wilson, Peeler, M.T. Rose, Russell and Ryberg
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 15-75-40 so as to create a civil cause of action against shoplifters and under certain conditions against the parents of minors who are shoplifters.-amended title
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A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 15-75-40 so as to create a civil cause of action against shoplifters and under certain conditions against the parents of minors who are shoplifters.-amended title
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01/12/93 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-35 |
01/12/93 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-35 |
02/10/93 | Senate | Committee report: Majority favorable with amend., minority unfavorable Judiciary SJ-9 |
03/02/93 | Senate | Special order SJ-11 |
03/17/93 | Senate | Read second time SJ-23 |
03/17/93 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-23 |
01/26/94 | Senate | Amended SJ-13 |
01/26/94 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-15 |
01/26/94 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-7 |
01/26/94 | House | Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-7 |
04/05/94 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary HJ-37 |
04/20/94 | House | Debate adjourned until Thursday, April 21, 1994 HJ-46 |
04/21/94 | House | Amended HJ-32 |
04/21/94 | House | Read second time HJ-33 |
04/26/94 | House | Read third time and returned to Senate with amendments HJ-10 |
05/04/94 | Senate | Concurred in House amendment and enrolled SJ-10 |
05/12/94 | Ratified R 445 | |
05/18/94 | Signed By Governor | |
05/18/94 | Effective date 07/01/94 | |
05/18/94 | See act for exception to or explanation of effective date | |
05/31/94 | Act No. 390 | |
05/31/94 | Copies available |