
Session 106 - (1985-1986)Printer Friendly
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H*3257 Resolution, By D. Blackwell, M.O. Alexander, P.T. Bradley, T.A. Brett, Fair, T.M. Marchant, J.G. Mattos, L. Phillips, C.H. Rice, R.L. Rigdon, S.V. Shelton and Wilkins
Similar (S 0863)
A House Resolution to express the sympathy of the members of the House of Representatives to the family of our former colleague, J. S. "Jack" Garrett, Jr., a native of Greenville County, upon his death.
Similar (S 0863)
A House Resolution to express the sympathy of the members of the House of Representatives to the family of our former colleague, J. S. "Jack" Garrett, Jr., a native of Greenville County, upon his death.
01/14/86 | House | Introduced and adopted HJ-41 |