
Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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S*0346 (Rat #0211, Act #0151 of 1987) General Bill, By Drummond
Similar (H 2375)
A Bill to reauthorize the Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners for six years; to amend Section 40-43-70, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to fees for examination and licensing of pharmacists, so as to delete the fee of ten dollars required for licensing of pharmacists and authorize the Board to set by regulation an amount sufficient to cover the cost and administration of the examination; to amend Section 40-43-230, as amended, relating to the renewal of licenses and fees for pharmacists, so as to delete the fee of thirty-five dollars for a renewal certificate and delete the provisions which provide for penalties for persons defaulting for one or more years in paying the renewal fee, provide for the mailing of license renewal forms by the Board, provide for the assessment of a late penalty for the renewal of licenses, and provide for the reinstatement of a lapsed license; and to amend Section 40-43-390, relating to application for renewal for a permit for the operation of a pharmacy, so as to make certain grammatical corrections, changing the references in the Section from "pharmacy" to "drug outlet".-amended title
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Similar (H 2375)
A Bill to reauthorize the Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners for six years; to amend Section 40-43-70, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to fees for examination and licensing of pharmacists, so as to delete the fee of ten dollars required for licensing of pharmacists and authorize the Board to set by regulation an amount sufficient to cover the cost and administration of the examination; to amend Section 40-43-230, as amended, relating to the renewal of licenses and fees for pharmacists, so as to delete the fee of thirty-five dollars for a renewal certificate and delete the provisions which provide for penalties for persons defaulting for one or more years in paying the renewal fee, provide for the mailing of license renewal forms by the Board, provide for the assessment of a late penalty for the renewal of licenses, and provide for the reinstatement of a lapsed license; and to amend Section 40-43-390, relating to application for renewal for a permit for the operation of a pharmacy, so as to make certain grammatical corrections, changing the references in the Section from "pharmacy" to "drug outlet".-amended title
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02/03/87 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-400 |
02/03/87 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Medical Affairs SJ-400 |
02/25/87 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical Affairs SJ-658 |
02/26/87 | Senate | Read second time SJ-703 |
02/26/87 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-703 |
03/05/87 | Senate | Amended SJ-798 |
03/05/87 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-801 |
03/10/87 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-907 |
03/10/87 | House | Referred to Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-908 |
04/29/87 | House | Committee report: Favorable Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-2212 |
05/05/87 | House | Debate adjourned HJ-2424 |
05/06/87 | House | Objection by Rep. Lewis, Koon, Sturkie, Thrailkill, Aydlette & Sharpe HJ-2470 |
05/21/87 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Sharpe & Thrailkill HJ-3096 |
05/21/87 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Aydlette, Koon & Sturkie HJ-3098 |
05/21/87 | House | Objection by Rep. Short & Keyserling HJ-3098 |
05/26/87 | House | Objection withdrawn by Rep. Lewis & Short HJ-3186 |
05/27/87 | House | Read second time HJ-3249 |
05/27/87 | House | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day HJ-3250 |
05/28/87 | House | Read third time and enrolled HJ-3320 |
06/04/87 | Ratified R 211 | |
06/04/87 | Signed By Governor | |
06/04/87 | Effective date 06/04/87 | |
06/04/87 | Act No. 151 | |
06/16/87 | Copies available |