
Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H 3522 General Bill, By E.L. Nettles, R.A. Barber, J.M. Baxley, Boan, T.M. Burriss, R.S. Corning, Harvin, Hayes, J.H. Hodges, T.E. Huff, J.C. Johnson, J.W. Johnson, J.G. McAbee, J.T. McElveen, T.F. Rogers, Sheheen, J.J. Snow, Washington and Wilkins
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 2 to Title 17 so as to establish the office of Indigent Defense Services by providing for definitions, the Commission on Indigent Defense Services and its duties, the office's responsibilities, the director and his duties, an additional court cost, and funding for the services; to amend Section 16-3-26, relating to the death penalty, the appointment of attorneys, and obtaining services for trial, so as to provide for appointment from the circuit public defender's office, provide for the attorney to represent instead of defend the accused, delete the reference to the public defender and to the limitation of the application of this Section to the charge of murder, revise the attorney's fee and provide for reimbursement, and provide for payment for services from the Defense of Indigents Fund and delete the limitation on the payment; and to amend Chapter 3, Title 17, as amended, relating to defense of indigents, so as to revise the conditions under which a person is entitled to private counsel or representation by the circuit public defender's office, the payment of counsel and claims against the assets and estate of the accused, established fees and reimbursement, and the provisions for public defender offices by providing for circuit public defender boards and circuit public defenders and their duties and delete the reference to Supreme Court regulations.
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Chapter 2 to Title 17 so as to establish the office of Indigent Defense Services by providing for definitions, the Commission on Indigent Defense Services and its duties, the office's responsibilities, the director and his duties, an additional court cost, and funding for the services; to amend Section 16-3-26, relating to the death penalty, the appointment of attorneys, and obtaining services for trial, so as to provide for appointment from the circuit public defender's office, provide for the attorney to represent instead of defend the accused, delete the reference to the public defender and to the limitation of the application of this Section to the charge of murder, revise the attorney's fee and provide for reimbursement, and provide for payment for services from the Defense of Indigents Fund and delete the limitation on the payment; and to amend Chapter 3, Title 17, as amended, relating to defense of indigents, so as to revise the conditions under which a person is entitled to private counsel or representation by the circuit public defender's office, the payment of counsel and claims against the assets and estate of the accused, established fees and reimbursement, and the provisions for public defender offices by providing for circuit public defender boards and circuit public defenders and their duties and delete the reference to Supreme Court regulations.
02/16/89 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-22 |
02/16/89 | House | Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-23 |
04/27/89 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Judiciary HJ-2 |
05/11/89 | House | Objection by Rep. Neilson, Simpson, Davenport, McEachin, Cole & Hendricks HJ-30 |