Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H*3587 Concurrent Resolution, By J.D. Bradley, M.O. Alexander, Bailey, Harvin, R.A. Kohn, T.T. Mappus, J.W. McLeod and Neilson
A Concurrent Resolution to express the support of the State of South Carolina for the continuation of state regulation of insurance and to oppose the repeal or amendment of the McCarran-Ferguson Act which leaves the regulation of the insurance business to the states.
A Concurrent Resolution to express the support of the State of South Carolina for the continuation of state regulation of insurance and to oppose the repeal or amendment of the McCarran-Ferguson Act which leaves the regulation of the insurance business to the states.
01/20/88 | House | Introduced HJ-435 |
01/20/88 | House | Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-435 |
02/17/88 | House | Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-1215 |
03/02/88 | House | Debate adjourned until Thursday, March 3, 1988 HJ-163 |
03/03/88 | House | Adopted HJ-1727 |
03/03/88 | House | Sent to the Senate HJ-1728 |
03/03/88 | House | Reconsider vote whereby adopted & sent to Senate HJ-1731 |
03/03/88 | House | Amended HJ-1732 |
03/03/88 | House | Adopted HJ-1732 |
03/03/88 | House | Sent to the Senate HJ-1732 |
03/03/88 | Senate | Introduced SJ-23 |
03/03/88 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Banking and Insurance SJ-2 |
04/28/88 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable Banking and Insurance SJ-22 |
04/28/88 | Senate | Adopted SJ-23 |
04/28/88 | Senate | Returned to House with concurrence SJ-22 |