
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H 3775 General Bill, By Gamble, Alexander, Allison, B.O. Baker, Cato, H.H. Clyborne, Cooper, R.S. Corning, J.L.M. Cromer, Davenport, Fair, R.C. Fulmer, S.E. Gonzales, L.O. Graham, H.M. Hallman, Harrell, M.F. Jaskwhich, Keegan, Kelley, Koon, Lanford, Littlejohn, C.V. Marchbanks, Meacham, Phillips, Riser, Robinson, Sharpe, J.S. Shissias, Simrill, D. Smith, Spearman, Stuart, C.L. Sturkie, P.H. Thomas, Townsend, Trotter, Vaughn, C.Y. Waites, Walker, C.C. Wells, Wilder, Wilkes, Wilkins, Witherspoon, D.A. Wright, Young-Brickell and R.M. Young
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 2-7-77 so as to provide that the State Budget Division prior to third reading of the annual General Appropriation Bill in each House and prior to the adoption of any Conference or Free Conference report thereon shall attach to it a statement of its fiscal impact on counties, municipalities, and school districts.
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A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 2-7-77 so as to provide that the State Budget Division prior to third reading of the annual General Appropriation Bill in each House and prior to the adoption of any Conference or Free Conference report thereon shall attach to it a statement of its fiscal impact on counties, municipalities, and school districts.
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03/25/93 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-3 |
03/25/93 | House | Referred to Committee on Ways and Means HJ-3 |