
Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H*4156 (Rat #0427, Act #0720 of 1990) Joint Resolution, By B.H. Harwell
A Joint Resolution to name the overpass bridge presently under construction and located at the intersection of U.S. 301 and S.C. 38 in Dillon County the "Norwood S. Gasque Bridge" and to direct the Department of Highways and Public Transportation to erect appropriate signs at both ends of the bridge on which the name is clearly indicated.
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A Joint Resolution to name the overpass bridge presently under construction and located at the intersection of U.S. 301 and S.C. 38 in Dillon County the "Norwood S. Gasque Bridge" and to direct the Department of Highways and Public Transportation to erect appropriate signs at both ends of the bridge on which the name is clearly indicated.
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06/19/89 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-21 |
06/19/89 | House | Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-22 |
01/24/90 | House | Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-11 |
02/01/90 | House | Read second time HJ-16 |
02/06/90 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-27 |
02/07/90 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-9 |
02/07/90 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Transportation SJ-9 |
02/27/90 | Senate | Recalled from Committee on Transportation SJ-15 |
02/28/90 | Senate | Read second time SJ-20 |
03/01/90 | Senate | Read third time and enrolled SJ-21 |
03/13/90 | Ratified R 427 | |
03/19/90 | Signed By Governor | |
03/19/90 | Effective date 03/19/90 | |
03/19/90 | Act No. 720 | |
03/27/90 | Copies available |