
Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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S*0640 (Rat #0012, Act #0177 of 1991) Joint Resolution, By M.B. Williams
A Joint Resolution to adopt revised Code Volumes 10 and 18 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, to the extent of their contents, as the only general permanent statutory law of the State as of January 1, 1991.
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A Joint Resolution to adopt revised Code Volumes 10 and 18 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, to the extent of their contents, as the only general permanent statutory law of the State as of January 1, 1991.
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02/12/91 | Senate | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference SJ-10 |
02/12/91 | Senate | Unanimous consent for second reading on next legislative day SJ-11 |
02/12/91 | Senate | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day SJ-11 |
02/13/91 | Senate | Read second time SJ-21 |
02/13/91 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-21 |
02/13/91 | Senate | Unanimous consent for third reading rescinded SJ-21 |
02/20/91 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-12 |
02/20/91 | House | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference HJ-19 |
02/21/91 | House | Read second time HJ-15 |
02/21/91 | House | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day HJ-15 |
02/22/91 | House | Read third time and enrolled HJ-2 |
03/12/91 | Ratified R 12 | |
03/13/91 | Signed By Governor | |
03/13/91 | Effective date 03/13/91 | |
03/13/91 | Act No. 177 | |
03/21/91 | Copies available |