H*4356 Session 125 (2023-2024) H 4356 Resolution, By Rutherford, Alexander, Anderson, Atkinson, Bailey, Ballentine, Bamberg, Bannister, Bauer, Beach, Bernstein, Blackwell, Bradley, Brewer, Brittain, Burns, Bustos, Calhoon, Carter, Caskey, Chapman, Chumley, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Collins, Connell, B.J. Cox, B.L. Cox, Crawford, Cromer, Davis, Dillard, Elliott, Erickson, Felder, Forrest, Gagnon, Garvin, Gatch, Gibson, Gilliam, Gilliard, Guest, Guffey, Haddon, Hager, Hardee, Harris, Hart, Hartnett, Hayes, Henderson-Myers, Henegan, Herbkersman, Hewitt, Hiott, Hixon, Hosey, Howard, Hyde, Jefferson, J.E. Johnson, J.L. Johnson, S. Jones, W. Jones, Jordan, Kilmartin, King, Kirby, Landing, Lawson, Leber, Ligon, Long, Lowe, Magnuson, May, McCabe, McCravy, McDaniel, McGinnis, Mitchell, J. Moore, T. Moore, A.M. Morgan, T.A. Morgan, Moss, Murphy, Neese, B. Newton, W. Newton, Nutt, O'Neal, Oremus, Ott, Pace, Pedalino, Pendarvis, Pope, Rivers, Robbins, Rose, Sandifer, Schuessler, Sessions, G.M. Smith, M.M. Smith, Stavrinakis, Taylor, Tedder, Thayer, Thigpen, Trantham, Vaughan, Weeks, West, Wetmore, Wheeler, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis, Wooten and Yow
To congratulate Carolyn Sweeney Hall, upon the occasion of her retirement after forty-eight years of exemplary service with the Aiken County Department of Social Services and upon the celebration of her seventieth birthday, and to wish her a joyous birthday festivity and many years of continued success, health, and happiness.
Whereas, the South Carolina House of Representatives is pleased to learn that Carolyn Sweeney Hall celebrated her seventieth birthday and began a well-earned retirement. Even though these momentous events took place during the COVID-19 Pandemic, her many friends and loving family members want to celebrate them with her, so she will be feted at a celebration held in her honor on Saturday, April 22, 2023; and
Whereas, born on February 7, 1951, she is the daughter of Woodrow and Eloise Sweeney, and she grew up in a loving home with four siblings: Vincent, Woodrow, Gladys, and William; and
Whereas, in 1969, Ms. Hall graduated from Martha Schofield High School in Aiken, and she earned a bachelor's degree from Savannah State College in 1973; and
Whereas, she began her long career with Aiken County's Department of Social Services in 1973 and retired from there in 2021; and
Whereas, the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives fondly recall that Ms. Hall catered many events at the State House with her delicious fare for participants to feast upon; and
Whereas, together with her beloved husband Rudolph "Rudy" Hall, she reared a fine son, Bryan Renard Hall, and she hopes to spend many happy hours with them in her retirement; and
Whereas, grateful for her many years of distinguished service to the Aiken County Department of Social Services, the South Carolina House of Representatives takes great pleasure in extending best wishes to Carolyn Hall in the leisurely pace of her richly deserved retirement, and the members wish her many years of enjoyment and join with her family and friends in congratulating her on having reached the significant milestone of her seventieth birthday. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:
That the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives, by this resolution, congratulate Carolyn Sweeney Hall, upon the occasion of her retirement after forty-eight years of exemplary service with the Aiken County Department of Social Services and upon the celebration of her seventieth birthday, and wish her a joyous birthday festivity and many years of continued success, health, and happiness.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Carolyn Sweeney Hall. ----XX---- This web page was last updated on April 20, 2023 at 11:21 AM |