H 5221 Session 125 (2023-2024) H 5221 Resolution, By A.M. Morgan, May, Magnuson, T.A. Morgan, Kilmartin, Cromer, Pace, S. Jones, Oremus, Long, Burns, Harris, Chumley, Beach, McCabe and White
to amend rule 7.2 of the rules of the house of representatives, relating to roll call voting requirements, so as to provide that in judicial elections, the ayes and nays must be entered in the house journal and the electronic roll system must be used regardless of if the election is contested.
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:
That Rule 7.2 of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended to read:
7.2 The House of Representatives shall take a roll call vote on second and on third reading when an amendment has been made on third reading for the following matters, whereupon the yeas and nays shall be ordered and shall be entered by name in the House Journal, the electronic roll call system shall be used, and the procedure provided for in Rule 7.3 shall be followed: (1) adoption of a Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of South Carolina; (2) adoption of legislation ratifying a proposed amendment to the Constitution of South Carolina; (3) adoption of a Bill or Joint Resolution establishing a fee or tax, raising an existing fee or tax, or reducing an existing fee or tax; (4) adoption of the Annual General Appropriations Bill and any individual section of it pursuant to Rule 5.3G; (5) adoption of a state or congressional reapportionment plan; (6) adoption of a Bill or Joint Resolution directly increasing or decreasing the salary, benefits, or retirement benefits of members of the General Assembly, elected officials of the Executive Branch, or members of the Judicial Branch; (7) adoption of a Bill or Joint Resolution amending the Ethics and Accountability Act or the Campaign Finance Act; and (8) adoption of a Conference or Free Conference Report pursuant to Rule 5.19c. Provided, the House of Representatives shall take a roll call vote and shall enter the yeas and nays in the House Journal for the following questions: (1) a question for which the Constitution of South Carolina requires the yeas and nays to be recorded; (2) an election by the General Assembly or the House of Representatives except where the election is declared by unanimous consent to be by declaration. However, if the election is a judicial election, the ayes and nays must be entered in the House journal and the electronic roll system must be used regardless of whether the election is contested; (3) adoption of an amendment to the Annual General Appropriations Bill where the amendment directly effects the raising or spending of revenue in the amount of ten thousand dollars or more; (4) a question of overriding or sustaining an Act returned by the Governor with objections; (5) a question for which ten members of the House request a roll call vote; and (6) a question of concurrence, nonconcurrence, or adoption of amendments to bills or joint resolutions returned to the House with amendments by the Senate. ----XX---- This web page was last updated on March 6, 2024 at 10:50 AM |